GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Only reason to order was because of lower min?
Not the fact he's easily the best source on here? Quality, T/A, customer service...oh...and...testing!
Thanks man!
is $250 minimum a bummer? Yes it is. Will it stop me from ordering from GL? Hell no. Honestly, the only thing it changes is I have to be more diligent about planning my future cycles. So next order I’ll get everything I need for my next 2 cycles to make sure I don’t forget anything and I’ll add my plan B compounds in case some stuff doesn’t respond the way I want it to I can pívot.
Love it!
I better get at least 2 ducks with my next order since you raised the minimum...or else... @GoodLyfe
Noted sir :)
Why am I the only one who doesn’t get ducks? Not even once !
For real?? Dang. Not Intentional dude! My bad, my bad

Bloodwork on 490 test cyp and dhb. Reason for the lower total is I pin smaller amounts daily to spread out the dhb.

Was expecting a very high CRP but looks completely normal.
Is $100 bucks really a deal breaker with the service and testing I bring to the community?
I thought I could get by for less than $1000 an order but now that my wife has decided that she likes 2iu’s of your GH per day I guess I’ll apply for a second job at McDonald’s to support our GoodLyfe habit. Be careful what you wish for with your significant others.
I thought I could get by for less than $1000 an order but now that my wife has decided that she likes 2iu’s of your GH per day I guess I’ll apply for a second job at McDonald’s to support our GoodLyfe habit. Be careful what you wish for with your significant others.
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Bloodwork on 490 test cyp and dhb. Reason for the lower total is I pin smaller amounts daily to spread out the dhb.

Was expecting a very high CRP but looks completely normal.
Has HCT moved at all on DHB? I’ve heard mixed reviews on that aspect of it. I’m using a low dose currently but blood work isn’t scheduled until a few weeks from now so I was curious as to your experience so far.
Has HCT moved at all on DHB? I’ve heard mixed reviews on that aspect of it. I’m using a low dose currently but blood work isn’t scheduled until a few weeks from now so I was curious as to your experience so far.
Normally around 49-50 HCT. 5.6-5.7 RBC. 16.5 Hemo
Had better numbers on a gram of bold

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Tough to say. Usually most will tell you it takes 4-6 months minimum for GH to start working.
I have been on almost a year. I mostly did 2iu’s but didnt see much anti aging. Recovery was good and hair on my body grew much faster.

For the last 4 weeks I have been on 4iu’s (2 in the morning and 2 at night) and with strict diet I have been leaving out very rapidly while looking fuller.

Overall in my personal experience GH is a waste of money. But again thats my personal experience.
kinda what it seems like. i think ill pass on it for now until maybe really needing it. im only 29 so the anti aging isnt really needed. more for growth factor. But i know there are better options for that.