GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Put on about 20 lbs, feeling fat and heavy, didn’t work with a coach, why I don’t look so good right now, just kept adding food when the scale stopped. Sitting 257 at 5,10.
Plan to hire Cardone for the summer strip, goal is to be 240 on the beach this summer, super attainable,


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Put on about 20 lbs, feeling fat and heavy, didn’t work with a coach, why I don’t look so good right now, just kept adding food when the scale stopped. Sitting 257 at 5,10.
Plan to hire Cardone for the summer strip, goal is to be 240 on the beach this summer, super attainable,
Do you really need to hire someone to lose 17lbs? That’s like 4 weeks of cardio and 2-3 solid dumps
Bloodwork while on cruise, 1 shot of test cyp every 8 days. Notice there are some markers that are not to pretty. Was off all gear for 5 months.
Whatever your dose is it puts you almost perfectly at the high end of normal. Good stuff! Shoot me and email for cred.
Last day of a 12 week blast about 5 days after last shot, cycle was 250 test eod, 200 deca eod, 200 eq eod. Notice how markers got MUCH better while on cycle. Don’t have a Fawkin clue why but at the point I’m chalking it to GL’s gear having healing properties!
Lmao. Wellll. I do put a lot of love into every vial.
Put on about 20 lbs, feeling fat and heavy, didn’t work with a coach, why I don’t look so good right now, just kept adding food when the scale stopped. Sitting 257 at 5,10.
Plan to hire Cardone for the summer strip, goal is to be 240 on the beach this summer, super attainable,
Big thick ass mofo, looking solid man!
Do you really need to hire someone to lose 17lbs? That’s like 4 weeks of cardio and 2-3 solid dumps
This is not the point my brother of iron.
I’m not sure what reason is for doing this. I wake up to an obsession to how I can make this better, how I can take it further, bodybuilding is not easy for the average guy, I’m not Keon Pearson, I didn’t trip on my shoe lace and end up with this muscle.
As the average guy, I know the damage I’m doing , the risk vs rewards when inching towards 300lbs. Passionate about it as I think I can be, the money going towards a mentor that has had experience working with 100s of guys in my position is irrelevant. My chance of progressing to my full potential is much higher when being watched over by a mentor.
P.s I don’t compete. Chasing a pro physique not a pro card. If the latter happens it’s because of my love for bodybuilding, not the industry.
Put on about 20 lbs, feeling fat and heavy, didn’t work with a coach, why I don’t look so good right now, just kept adding food when the scale stopped. Sitting 257 at 5,10.
Plan to hire Cardone for the summer strip, goal is to be 240 on the beach this summer, super attainable,
Has anyone ever told you look like Jason Genova? He extra freaky. Check him out!
Goodlyfe wasted no time making that women’s testosterone. Now I realize he wasn’t joking about his fondness for big clits lol
I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share their experiences with GLs Tren A or E.. why you personally use one over the other.

I’ve yet to travel down Tren Rd but I’m def sitting at the intersection of it - I have done a lot of research on Tren over the yrs (as much as I know how to find) but I like anecdotal stories of guys personal use.

I find Reddit and YouTube only have so much info that you can trust.


I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share their experiences with GLs Tren A or E.. why you personally use one over the other.

I’ve yet to travel down Tren Rd but I’m def sitting at the intersection of it - I have done a lot of research on Tren over the yrs (as much as I know how to find) but I like anecdotal stories of guys personal use.

I find Reddit and YouTube only have so much info that you can trust.


Also, anyone know why it says I’m a new member? I’ve been on here for 2 yrs. I also can’t “like” posts anymore.. weird. Did I get demoted lol