GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

I think those are the dosages for the vials he ordered. Not what he’s actually using per week. Could be wrong though.
This is correct lol. Sorry for confusion.

My starting dosages will be 500 test, 400 mast, 300 tren.
If anyone is interested, I have just started my cut for this show season and will be updating my log in the bodybuilding forum section when things get rolling. Usually I am a short ester only person in prep but I’m trialing long esters for shits and gigs. Currently running the following GL products:

Test C 250
Mast E 200
Tren E 200

Proviron and Anavar and/or winny will be added later on.
Why do so many people use short esters on cuts if it’s not a tested comp? I always wondered this but never asked anyone. I’m excited to see your cut though, the guy you posted in GLs thread who you were coaching looked sick as fuck during his recomp
Why do so many people use short esters on cuts if it’s not a tested comp? I always wondered this but never asked anyone. I’m excited to see your cut though, the guy you posted in GLs thread who you were coaching looked sick as fuck during his recomp
That’s a good question and the answer could vary person to person. I think the #1 reason is that’s simply how it’s been done and as a community we sometimes blindly follow what the top people/coaches advise. I know for my past 5 shows, every coach has had short esters on the plan and I just put my head down and follow the plan.

I think the big question will be how do blood markers look on a long ester approach vs a short ester approach. Is tren ace for 8-10 weeks more or less detrimental than tren e for say 14-16 weeks? That’s what I’m hoping to find out as well.
Ugh I love DHB, but for some reason this year I haven’t been able to tolerate ANY attempt of the GL MCT oil DHB.

Hey GL, if there was enough of us to warrant a whole batch, would you possibly contemplate a blend with DHB? I was thinking something like

50mg NPP+ 50mg DHB per ml

Or like a spicy EQ….100mg/50mg EQ/DHB

If you did 4ml a week of either…that would be 200npp/200DHB…..or 400/200 EQ/DHB

Just thinking out loud…might be less PIPy at 50mg/ml and at least your getting another anabolic instead of cutting with filtered GSO
I don’t think a blend would do anything that cutting it with plain oil couldn’t do for cheaper. Try GSO, and pin small amounts.
Why do so many people use short esters on cuts if it’s not a tested comp? I always wondered this but never asked anyone. I’m excited to see your cut though, the guy you posted in GLs thread who you were coaching looked sick as fuck during his recomp
The theory is that short esters retain less water. Some people suggest to cut out all injectables 2 weeks out and just run orals and suspensions. AAS make you retain water in general so I’m not sure how orals and suspensions are supposed to be an exception to that. And isn’t that what diuretics are for.

All types of theories come and go - 2:1 test to deca ratio to avoid deca dick. Run tren higher than test because they compete for the same receptions. The short esters during contest prep thing stood the test of time so perhaps there’s something to that theory - I dunno.

At the crux of it, we’re all just a bunch of meat heads running experiments. It’s not like there is science to the doses and combinations of drugs we take.
Sure, I would do an npp/DHB blend if you can guarantee 80 vials sold. I’m very leery on doing EQ/DHB because EQ raws are horrendously impure these days.

I’m lucky to get close to 300mg/ml brewing EQ on its own. Last 3 batches of raws I got were 80% pure or less.
What’s in the other ~20%? Can we only speculate?
In an effort to deplete my remaining CSO stash I am offering 30% off my CSO stock.

This is what I have left:

Test P CSO = $14
Tren E CSO = $38
Mast P CSO = $27
First order with GL. 3.5 day TA. Superb presentation and packaging. Love the added trinket lol.

Will pull bloods here in the next few months on a TRT dose. Assuming all is going to look good given the countless labs pulled by others. Thanks GL!
Bloodwork while on cruise, 1 shot of test cyp every 8 days. Notice there are some markers that are not to pretty. Was off all gear for 5 months.


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Last day of a 12 week blast about 5 days after last shot, cycle was 250 test eod, 200 deca eod, 200 eq eod. Notice how markers got MUCH better while on cycle. Don’t have a Fawkin clue why but at the point I’m chalking it to GL’s gear having healing properties!


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