GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

^ not going to quote your novel of a reply to not spam the thread, but placebo is a hell of a thing old head. Having used Fina I’ve made, component t-h, and plenty of UGL tren… Color doesn’t mean much other than oxidation. I’ve had times I get a cough (again from a shitty pin) and times I have not. Cough and color are not an indicator of quality. Just like side effects aren’t either.
Different results for different people. Because someone else has a different experience as you doesn’t mean they are wrong. People can get so myopic at times.
My apologies for flying in here like a seagull and shitting all over your thread with this silly Tren debate, GL.

I like your shit.

It works well for me.

‘Nuff said.
My apologies for flying in here like a seagull and shitting all over your thread with this silly Tren debate, GL.

I like your shit.

It works well for me.

‘Nuff said.
It was a good talk. At the very least, we all agree GL has quality product up to this point.
Too little time, regardless of ester imo.

Go with Halo if that’s the case.
I may give it a go.

Better order tomorrow if i want to try.
What do you all recommend with dosing halo last few weeks?

Also any changes to compounds below?

400 test and 700 primo + 4iu Gh split am/pm

Was planning to drop Gh out next week and leave the test primo.

Last e2 Check was19, another coming back Monday.
I keep thinking about homebrewing lol.
I might just do a few vials and send it in to see how I did.

Might be good to have an end of the world stash too.

12 gauge shotgun, ak47. Loads of ammos/ shells

MCT oils, BA, BB, test C, and Twinkies.

Come at me bro.
You had me at gear and twinkies everything else is just icing on the cake.
What’s everyone’s opinion on my first test tren cycle, or test tren npp. Don’t want to do crazy high dose of tren looking to keep it around 2/250, I’ve had experience with test and npp so I’m not going in blind with those two. Estrogen seems to stay in check from previous cycles checking bloods consistently. Open to advice or calling me a retard, I know asking for a cycle isn’t exactly applauded but thought I’d give it a shot. Thanks boys. Keep the Dinos coming GL :)
What’s everyone’s opinion on my first test tren cycle, or test tren npp. Don’t want to do crazy high dose of tren looking to keep it around 2/250, I’ve had experience with test and npp so I’m not going in blind with those two. Estrogen seems to stay in check from previous cycles checking bloods consistently. Open to advice or calling me a retard, I know asking for a cycle isn’t exactly applauded but thought I’d give it a shot. Thanks boys. Keep the Dinos coming GL :)

It's not really a good idea to stack 2 19nors, lots of potential for e2 and prolactin elevation.

Maybe try a dht derivative instead of npp or tren depending on your goals. If your trying to get leaner go with tren if your okay with water weight go with NPP.
It's not really a good idea to stack 2 19nors, lots of potential for e2 and prolactin elevation.

Maybe try a dht derivative instead of npp or tren depending on your goals. If your trying to get leaner go with tren if your okay with water weight go with NPP.
I’ve run npp and held some water. I’ve done some digging and some have reported good things with running npp and tren, I was kind of thinking the same thing 2 19 nors is probably terrible but I read other wise. May just end up being a test tren cycle to see how I respond. Thanks for the input playa