GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Just placed my first order before the break. Going to run a starter test c only cycle. Glad to get in before the break. Thanks again for all the help so far from the community.
I posted this blood work a few pages back, but when I was reading through GL’s pastebin I realized I blacked out the date on the previous post… Just wanted to repost this with the date to do it properly.


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Hope I'm not too late. Damn exchange has my shit on pending for the last hour and a half. Just need my masteron and winny
Ordered again with GL thur late night as I was flying on a weekend trip Fri morning. Landed back home Monday afternoon to find my large order in my mailbox. The man is too notch in every way
Just got my first order in! Goodlyfe ur the man! I’ll be watching for the update when your back up and running. Hope this holds me over!!!! Ducky for life.


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Finally decided to switch over to MCT, and MAN!! It’s like injecting nothing at all. So smooth in the slin syringe, leaves no pip or lump. I shot some older GL NPP that was still GSO and felt almost like…ghetto lol. Such a thick carrier oil compared to MCT. For anyone thinking about making the switch, give it a shot! No pun intended.
Just placed my first order before the break. Going to run a starter test c only cycle. Glad to get in before the break. Thanks again for all the help so far from the community.
Oh man. Have fun. I miss the good old days when you could just hit a little test and get absolutely tremendous results from it. Enjoy it while you’ve got it. Those gains gets harder to come by as the years and the cycles go by.
Oh man. Have fun. I miss the good old days when you could just hit a little test and get absolutely tremendous results from it. Enjoy it while you’ve got it. Those gains gets harder to come by as the years and the cycles go by.
Yea buddy. Low and steady, still doing my research. Would rather pace myself but those gains….. lol thanks man! Have a good one!
Boys, I got off my test npp cycle on 5/19. My dosages for each were 650mg test cyp and 550 npp. I was on cloud 9 the whole 12 week cycle, blood work was solid the whole cycle. How long of a pct should I do. I was going to do 6/8 weeks, feedback welcomed. 12 weeks May have been short but I wasn’t sure how my body would respond. So I chose 12 and stayed with it. Thanks boiz