GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Boys, I got off my test npp cycle on 5/19. My dosages for each were 650mg test cyp and 550 npp. I was on cloud 9 the whole 12 week cycle, blood work was solid the whole cycle. How long of a pct should I do. I was going to do 6/8 weeks, feedback welcomed. 12 weeks May have been short but I wasn’t sure how my body would respond. So I chose 12 and stayed with it. Thanks boiz
Blast 4 weeks longer than saturation then Pct off a 19nor for 6 weeks lmfao. You should not use steriods at all
More Blood for the blood gods. Test taken 1.5 days after injection end of week 4. Currently running Test P (600mg), Mast P (400mg), Winstrol (60mg), and Proviron (50mg). EOD injections. Also running HCG 500 IU EOD. Lastly Aromasin (12.5mg) and Finasteride (1mg) EOD


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Odd blood work result from last week.

Using GL Test U 200mg e10d.

Prior peaks with test c 200/e7d have been in the 1,100-1,200 range. Troughs are usually 400-500. This is over the course of many years, mind you.

Three days post injection…

Total testosterone: 1,754

That’s the highest I’ve ever recorded while on trt. Unusual result. Not complaining, but still, I didn’t expect that.
Odd blood work result from last week.

Using GL Test U 200mg e10d.

Prior peaks with test c 200/e7d have been in the 1,100-1,200 range. Troughs are usually 400-500. This is over the course of many years, mind you.

Three days post injection…

Total testosterone: 1,754

That’s the highest I’ve ever recorded while on trt. Unusual result. Not complaining, but still, I didn’t expect that.
That's interesting, how long have you been running test u? Some of the ester probably built up in your system.
Boys, I got off my test npp cycle on 5/19. My dosages for each were 650mg test cyp and 550 npp. I was on cloud 9 the whole 12 week cycle, blood work was solid the whole cycle. How long of a pct should I do. I was going to do 6/8 weeks, feedback welcomed. 12 weeks May have been short but I wasn’t sure how my body would respond. So I chose 12 and stayed with it. Thanks boiz
Dude, you should post this in the other forum and get straightened out because you fucked this one up.

Need to place an order for some test and NPP but wanted to see if you’d be willing to brew some test at 50mg/ml. Tired of laying defy for my wife.
he is on break right now unfortunately. he does have 100mg/ml

Damn. Of course he’d be on a break when I log back on. Wonder if our boy trip has come back lol

Idk if I could get the dose small enough with 100mg/ml. She’s doing 7.5mg injections. She’s already using a slin pin but that’s like .07ml or something stupid small
Damn. Of course he’d be on a break when I log back on. Wonder if our boy trip has come back lol

Idk if I could get the dose small enough with 100mg/ml. She’s doing 7.5mg injections. She’s already using a slin pin but that’s like .07ml or something stupid small
Grab a 0.3 ML slin pin. Makes measuring small doses a lot easier.
Had no idea this was a thing.
Yeah, Goodlyfe tested this batch so using a small insulin syringe, you can get extremely close to accurate dosing. Pretty sure I've seen the 0.3ML syringes on Amazon, Easytouch brand.