GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Damn. Of course he’d be on a break when I log back on. Wonder if our boy trip has come back lol

Idk if I could get the dose small enough with 100mg/ml. She’s doing 7.5mg injections. She’s already using a slin pin but that’s like .07ml or something stupid small
Very doable. Female prescription testosterone cyp from an hrt clinic generally comes in 100mg/ml and they typically do 3mg 2x per week or 5mg 2x per week.

I imagine that's why GL made the female test at 100mg/ml since that's what a script would be. It's easy to measure on a slin pin
Damn. Of course he’d be on a break when I log back on. Wonder if our boy trip has come back lol

Idk if I could get the dose small enough with 100mg/ml. She’s doing 7.5mg injections. She’s already using a slin pin but that’s like .07ml or something stupid small
I’m actually on my last bottle of primo I had stashed away from trip haha!
Damn. Of course he’d be on a break when I log back on. Wonder if our boy trip has come back lol

Idk if I could get the dose small enough with 100mg/ml. She’s doing 7.5mg injections. She’s already using a slin pin but that’s like .07ml or something stupid small
Insulin syringes are quite literally made for small, precise doses. I used MENT at trt doses for nine months and took .04ml every day. It is not in the slightest bit difficult to measure .07ml.
Insulin syringes are quite literally made for small, precise doses. I used MENT at trt doses for nine months and took .04ml every day. It is not in the slightest bit difficult to measure .07ml.

It was not only the size of the pin (already using slin pins) but also the accuracy of the dose and potential to be off. I’m wrapping up a hard 24 hour shift so my train of thought may be off, but if gear is 5% (random number) either way, something brewed at 50mg/ml would be less off than 100mg/ml at the desired dose (7.5mg).

I also didn’t know they made 1/3ml pins. We’ve been using 1ml, (I think that’s the standard size, maybe these are 1/2 I’d have to look) and although they are meant for small dosages, when injecting such a physically small volume of liquid, it becomes easy to get off.

We’re talking female hormone replacement. Not billy who it doesn’t really matter if he takes 150 or 200mg/wk
It was not only the size of the pin (already using slin pins) but also the accuracy of the dose and potential to be off. I’m wrapping up a hard 24 hour shift so my train of thought may be off, but if gear is 5% (random number) either way, something brewed at 50mg/ml would be less off than 100mg/ml at the desired dose (7.5mg).

I also didn’t know they made 1/3ml pins. We’ve been using 1ml, (I think that’s the standard size, maybe these are 1/2 I’d have to look) and although they are meant for small dosages, when injecting such a physically small volume of liquid, it becomes easy to get off.

We’re talking female hormone replacement. Not billy who it doesn’t really matter if he takes 150 or 200mg/wk
GPZ has 3/10cc insulin syringes which are nice for precise dosages.
although they are meant for small dosages, when injecting such a physically small volume of liquid, it becomes easy to get off.
It really doesn’t. Each .01ml is marked irrespective of the size of the barrel. The volume is the same, the markings are the same. Perhaps it’s easier to visualize with a smaller barrel, but I’ve used both 1ml and .5ml for small doses and the measurement process is exactly the same for each.

Your point about it being incorrectly dosed, however, is a good one. Fortunately we have lab testing for each batch, so you can see what is actually in there and then make adjustments as necessary.

I don’t blame you for being paranoid about dosing with a female, I’m just trying to reassure you that what is currently on the market can be used safely and with a high degree of precision.
It was not only the size of the pin (already using slin pins) but also the accuracy of the dose and potential to be off. I’m wrapping up a hard 24 hour shift so my train of thought may be off, but if gear is 5% (random number) either way, something brewed at 50mg/ml would be less off than 100mg/ml at the desired dose (7.5mg).

I also didn’t know they made 1/3ml pins. We’ve been using 1ml, (I think that’s the standard size, maybe these are 1/2 I’d have to look) and although they are meant for small dosages, when injecting such a physically small volume of liquid, it becomes easy to get off.

We’re talking female hormone replacement. Not billy who it doesn’t really matter if he takes 150 or 200mg/wk
Billy matters too!
Hah but see my post above, you're good man! Hrt clinic gives 100mg/ml with 1cc insulin syringes as a script for women
Odd blood work result from last week.

Using GL Test U 200mg e10d.

Prior peaks with test c 200/e7d have been in the 1,100-1,200 range. Troughs are usually 400-500. This is over the course of many years, mind you.

Three days post injection…

Total testosterone: 1,754

That’s the highest I’ve ever recorded while on trt. Unusual result. Not complaining, but still, I didn’t expect that.
I'm on TRT from my PCP @200mg/ml e7d. I'd say that is pretty generous of him. Idk why but he on tests for TT. No Traugh, no Free and no estrogen levels. So 200mg/ml puts you @ 1,100-1,200ng/dl? I've technically only been on TRT from my PCP just a few months, but I've blasted and cruised for the better part of 10 years. I finally stayed completely off for about 10-12 months and got a hormone panel to find my TT. @ a whopping 102ng/dl. 3 weeks in @ 200mg/ml I tested and TT came back @352 TT.
He claims that is a good number. I strongly disagree that 352 TT is "good" for a in shape 44 yr old male who's been training for 20 years. Does your doctor approve of 1,100-1,200ng/dl?

Does your doctor approve of 1,100-1,200ng/dl?
My old doctor through his clinic was fine with that. My new doctor knows nothing about trt, is aware she knows nothing about trt, and lets me manage things however I see fit. She’s merely there to make sure blood work is in order and monitor any other health issues, of which there are thankfully none at this time.
Forgot to mention, I ordered from GL before he went on break, and the package arrived quick af and everything was there. Always great experience with GL.
Forgot to mention, I ordered from GL before he went on break, and the package arrived quick af and everything was there. Always great experience with GL.
Thanks Bataille!
Results on 500 Test C and then 600 Test C 66 days later, very consistent results.
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Good stuff !
Welcome back brother! Hope you had a solid break!
Much appreciated! It was fantastic but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss you guys.