GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Depends what my gear is dosed at. Right now both test and Deca dosed at 300mg/ml. Mast is 200mg so 2ml a week of each compound. I did want to try 600 of mast but I’m a bit paranoid as my bald spot is getting more pronounced
Read back 20 pages you’ll find out quickly he is known for 3 things, customer service, Amazon prime shipping, and maybe most importantly cute ducks with your order.
Shit, I received an order Friday and didn’t have any ducks in it lol. My order was 14 total vials so I would think I purchased enough to get at least 1 duck haha
Running 60mg EOD of Test E 300mg MCT batch 4 for the last 12 weeks on cruise. 6iu/day of generics that are not from GoodLyfe.


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Odd blood work result from last week.

Using GL Test U 200mg e10d.

Prior peaks with test c 200/e7d have been in the 1,100-1,200 range. Troughs are usually 400-500. This is over the course of many years, mind you.

Three days post injection…

Total testosterone: 1,754

That’s the highest I’ve ever recorded while on trt. Unusual result. Not complaining, but still, I didn’t expect that.
Last year I was doing 200mg every 12 days of Pfizer and my test was 1,387 so I am not surprised