GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Noticed you do that too. I haven't said anything.

Clearly posting random crap to go on rants to become well known.

Idk why you even tag Millard for your random posts.
posting random crap? Hmm OK. Maybe you could point me to that random crap? I did not know that I had been posting random crap.

I had started an inside joke with Millard about "gurus" and such. Sorry it was an arcane reference and could appear weird if you weren't in on it.

Keep me in check Brother. I will try to do better once I understand my sin.

For our alignment:

Shitposts are generally intentionally designed to derail discussions or cause the biggest reaction with the least effort. It may even sometimes be orchestrated as part of a co-ordinated flame war to render a website unusable by its regular visitors.[2]

Least effort? Either we are misaligned on the term or I am dissapointed. I don't usually get accused of having low quality posts. I honestly do the best I can possibly do for guys on these forums.

My comment on the post above was to daylight the typical nonlinear response between TT and E2.

@phenominal34 would have been on solid ground if he had not thrown out the "we can't throw math at gear use" comment. The rest of all this has been silly. Yeah I understand the Vets want to rib the "new guy" sometimes.

Appreciate your time in advance so we can all get alignment. Take care and thanks.
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posting random crap? Hmm OK. Maybe you could point me to that random crap? I did not know that I had been posting random crap.

I had started an inside joke with Millard about "gurus" and such. Sorry it was an arcane reference and could appear weird if you weren't in on it.

Keep me in check Brother. I will try to do better once I understand my sin.

For our alignment:

Shitposts are generally intentionally designed to derail discussions or cause the biggest reaction with the least effort. It may even sometimes be orchestrated as part of a co-ordinated flame war to render a website unusable by its regular visitors.[2]

Least effort? Either we are misaligned on the term or my feelings are hurt. I don't usually get accused of having low quality posts. Appreciate it advance your time and everyone else's so we can all get calibrated. Thanks and take care.
This length of this response proves our point.
This length of this response proves our point.
Gotcha. In that case there ain't much point in communicating further. Thanks for giving me a firm indication of what's up. I'll budget my time appropriately. Always good to start with benefit of the doubt.

Have a good one.
Hi all,

I’m still wondering if anyone has run GL baby hulk center stage for a cycle? Experiences of any kind is appreciated. Here is my concept:

12 week run
GL Baby hulk TPP/NPP. 200/200 week
GL mast E 300-400 mg week
Aromasin 12.5 E3D
Telmisartan 40mg day

Mast e for its Sarm and noted mood lift since I respond well to it. Also, to hopefully counteract any NPP mental effects. Telmisartan for BP and it’s supposedly heart protection against nandrolone.
Have you previously run nandrolone and testosterone in a 1:1 ratio?

For me (and many others) that is a recipe for sexual dysfunction.

The mast seems high to me, at 50% to 100% higher than the testosterone. Is that intentional?

Do you think you will need any aromasin on only 200mg of testosterone a week?

Is the telmisartan on standby as a just in case, or do you actually plan running it as a part of your cycle?
Hi all,

I’m still wondering if anyone has run GL baby hulk center stage for a cycle? Experiences of any kind is appreciated. Here is my concept:

12 week run
GL Baby hulk TPP/NPP. 200/200 week
GL mast E 300-400 mg week
Aromasin 12.5 E3D
Telmisartan 40mg day

Mast e for its Sarm and noted mood lift since I respond well to it. Also, to hopefully counteract any NPP mental effects. Telmisartan for BP and it’s supposedly heart protection against nandrolone.
We talked about the nandrolone and I know everyone responds differently.

My last 15 week "cycle" of 120 - 160 mg/week of TC along with with 160 mg/week of ND was a shitshow by week 12 (mental and downstairs sides).

With that being said here's what my "provider" just cleared me for running year round for old guys problems lol...

- 200 mg/week Test Cyp
- 100 mg/week ND
- 50 mg/day (350 mg/week) oxandrolone

Bless em. Nothing like 650 mg/week total androgens for "HRT". 50 mg/week OX year careful what you wish for.

The oxandrolone is 3x the price of ugl. But my trig/hdl-c ratio is so low (0.6) that something has to be done about it. Oxandrolone works wonders there.

You have low BF right? Do you really aromatize hard? Why the AI?
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We talked about the nandrolone and I know everyone responds differently.

My last 15 week "cycle" of 120 - 160 mg/week of TC along with with 160 mg/week of ND was a shitshow by week 12 (mental and downstairs sides).

With that being said here's what my "provider" just cleared me for running year round for old guys problems lol...

- 200 mg/week Test Cyp
- 100 mg/week ND
- 50 mg/day (350 mg/week) oxandrolone

Bless em. Nothing like 650 mg/week total androgens for "HRT". 50 mg/week OX year careful what you wish for.

The oxandrolone is 3x the price of ugl. But my trig/hdl-c ratio is so low (0.6) that something has to be done about it. Oxandrolone works wonders there.

You have low BF right? Do you really aromatize hard? Why the AI?
Wow! That TRT clinic is a bit crazy. Year round orals is not something I ever thought a doctor would put out let alone 650mg year round. Basically permablast. I have Anavar stashed that I still won’t touch for fear of crashing my HDL.

My ND experience has never been over 100mg a week just because I fear the sides. I was hoping 200 mg might fly but I’ve read countless others who experience sides also around the 150 mark, mostly it seems like more cautious older folks. Then I see one post after another with 400-700mg nandrolone love so it seems like everything else with drastically different responses.

I guess the only way to find out is to run it and see what manafests. I can always drop it down to 100/100 and make up the difference with test p to save the run.

And the AI is because with 350mg week of test e I’m at 135E2. I tend to stay around 10%-15% starting low and slowly fattening up during a bulk before cutting down.
Wow! That TRT clinic is a bit crazy. Year round orals is not something I ever thought a doctor would put out let alone 650mg year round. Basically permablast. I have Anavar stashed that I still won’t touch for fear of crashing my HDL.

My ND experience has never been over 100mg a week just because I fear the sides. I was hoping 200 mg might fly but I’ve read countless others who experience sides also around the 150 mark, mostly it seems like more cautious older folks. Then I see one post after another with 400-700mg nandrolone love so it seems like everything else with drastically different responses.

I guess the only way to find out is to run it and see what manafests. I can always drop it down to 100/100 and make up the difference with test p to save the run.

And the AI is because with 350mg week of test e I’m at 135E2. I tend to stay around 10%-15% starting low and slowly fattening up during a bulk before cutting down.
Gotcha. Thanks for clarifying.


Please remind me what your TT/FT trough values are on 350 mg/week TE.

Injection frequency?
Have you previously run nandrolone and testosterone in a 1:1 ratio?

For me (and many others) that is a recipe for sexual dysfunction.

The mast seems high to me, at 50% to 100% higher than the testosterone. Is that intentional?

Do you think you will need any aromasin on only 200mg of testosterone a week?

Is the telmisartan on standby as a just in case, or do you actually plan running it as a part of your cycle?
I’ve never run test/nandrolone 1/1 I have only ever run it at 100mg when test was at 300mg 3/1 so maybe my plan is faulty from the start and I can instead just have 100/100 of the tpp/NPP with some test prop at 200.

The mast is high as I respond really well to it with no sides and I was kinda counting on it to lessen any mental effects of the nand, I have no idea if that will actually work by the way!

Aromasin yes definitely needed if I was running test/NPP at 200/200 since they both aromatize and at 300 test my E2 is at 135. I know NPP has a different rate but the likelihood seems high.

Telmisartan, probably is needed. I seem to have BP increases every time I cycle and with it I can maintain 125/75. Without it just climes.

Overall it’s sounding more like a Test P—-tpp/npp—-mast kinda concept is a better overall pick. In that case my couple of vials are going to last a long while!
so it seems like everything else with drastically different responses.
Funny or unfunny story ...

numbers in (***) denote mg/week

TC plus ND (up to 160/160 for 15 weeks)...nothing i could not deal with.

TC (100) + oxandrolone (350) ... feeling awesome (bailed because of lipid particle counts)

TC solo (325) ...ran into AFIB two weeks in, ouch.

Generic warning:

If you got

Thyroid disease / heart abnormalities / autoimmune issues / old AF

then tread carefully with the escalating dosages. Extra credit if you have them all and still in the game.

A little of my bias why I find giving out advice on cycles online to be kinda nuts. We have no idea the medical history of the "patient". Great posts @Dang-1 !
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Funny or unfunny story ...

numbers in (***) denote mg/week

TC plus ND (up to 160/160 for 15 weeks)...nothing i could not deal with.

TC (100) + oxandrolone (350) ... feeling awesome (bailed because of lipid particle counts)

TC solo (325) ...ran into AFIB two weeks in, ouch.

Generic warning:

If you got

Thyroid disease / heart abnormalities / autoimmune issues / old AF

then tread carefully with the escalating dosages. Extra credit if you have them all and still in the game.

A little of my bias why I find giving out advice on cycles online to be kinda nuts. We have no idea the medical history of the "patient". Great posts @Dang-1 !
Again now I see why you were banned from every forum. You can keep these conversations in PMs or in different parts of the forum. You don’t need to go into a full analysis of everyone’s cycle that comments here. This is a source thread. It’s for feedback about said source.

There’s literally 24 other sub forums where you can make a new forum topic every 10 minutes if you want. Maybe then you’ll finally make it to guru.
Again now I see why you were banned from every forum.
Good thing I came here then.

I hear you. Although interacting with another interested party in this particular example, I hear you.

I will try to minimize my posts in this subforum.

Thanks for the feedback. I have already transcended "guru" status Brother as I don't desire the mantle. You're taking this guru thing way too serious. It was supposed to be a joke. I know I will never be a Danny Bossa or Keith Nichols.

here's what my "provider" just cleared me for running year round for old guys problems lol...

- 200 mg/week Test Cyp
- 100 mg/week ND
- 50 mg/day (350 mg/week) oxandrolone

Bless em. Nothing like 650 mg/week total androgens for "HRT". 50 mg/week OX year careful what you wish for.

The oxandrolone is 3x the price of ugl. But my trig/hdl-c ratio is so low (0.6) that something has to be done about it. Oxandrolone works wonders there.

I am tempted to ask for your provider's contact information via PM just so I can run a small cycle without any legal worries.
Good thing I came here then.

I hear you. Although interacting with another interested party in this particular example, I hear you.

I will try to minimize my posts in this subforum.

Thanks for the feedback. I have already transcended "guru" status Brother as I don't desire the mantle. You're taking this guru thing way too serious. It was supposed to be a joke. I know I will never be a Danny Bossa or Keith Nichols.

View attachment 268226
I’m not the one taking it too serious, I believe you are. You don’t need to copy and paste every article you wrote on T-Nation and post it over here to boost your reaction score.

at some point do user privileges include ability to edit / delete posts? Given the details I get into on posts it is handy to be able to go back and correct typos/details/etc.

My reaction score is now 70 lol.

Sweet Jesus. This post alone has to be worth 100 points on the reaction score haha. Sorry just amusing myself.

My reaction score is 74 with 184 messages. Is the harm reduction/value creation in each post somehow assessed via the information content and scientific validity in that post? Or is each post scored solely on reactions received?

At this rate I will need to live to 697 (+/- 156) years old to attain guru status (lol) if my extrapolation model is accurate. But there is always a risk with extrapolation without the appropriate constitutive framework to help inform outside the existing data domain.

My reaction score is now 76 lol. Wow. This is brutal.

By the way your avatar is a great "guru" pic.

Well @Millard I believe I have cracked the code to become an esteemed member here in no time. I will have to up my game to see if I can muster up some of these high quality posts LMAO. That >3 like to 1 post ratio is so critical.
You guys can blame me. I started the whole cycle questions looking for someone to hand me their experience with the GL baby hulk blend. A person with better impulse control would have had a plan before buying a bunch of something that sounds cool!
Nobody clearly likes your satire. That's why you were banned on the other sites
Not quite. I was banned on TNation for details you don't care to hear. I asked to be banned from EM.

Get your facts straight (or don't).

Thanks for the feedback.
Not quite. I was banned on TNation for details you don't care to hear. I asked to be banned from EM.

Get your facts straight (or don't).

Thanks for the feedback.
You asked to be banned? Couldn't just "never post again?" Strong attention whore.
Strong attention whore.
strong attention to detail and desire to help those who want help and I learn as well.

And just think some guys can't wait to post in the underground. I am getting just the opposite feeling after a very short time. Alas dudes like @Dang-1 and others make this all worthwhile.

Be well.