GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

I know this could be asked under other forum categories but kind of want GLs opinion on it since it is his product. Other than ensuring a clean and sterile transfer and vial. Is there any conflict or issues that may arise with making own blend? Both being oil based and GSO I take 75mg Test C+30 mg Mast P twice a week and would like to combine them so I’m loading from one bottle instead of two. Worried about unequal distribution, degraded quality, etc.

Edit: Just for a reference as to why the “low dose” Just a great happy medium. Haven’t tried fucking with E2 numbers since I have no noticeable sides from it. Cholesterol is whacked but not too bad and mitigated with general supplements


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I know this could be asked under other forum categories but kind of want GLs opinion on it since it is his product. Other than ensuring a clean and sterile transfer and vial. Is there any conflict or issues that may arise with making own blend? Both being oil based and GSO I take 75mg Test C+30 mg Mast P twice a week and would like to combine them so I’m loading from one bottle instead of two. Worried about unequal distribution, degraded quality, etc.
Could simply get a sterile vial and transfer in the appropriate amounts of the compounds you'd like to "blend" in order to get the concentration you're looking for. Example- 10mL vial and add in 5mL of 250mg/mL test cyp and 5mL of 100mg/mL mast prop. So that would mean .6mL would give you 75mg test cyp and 30mg mast prop.
Could simply get a sterile vial and transfer in the appropriate amounts of the compounds you'd like to "blend" in order to get the concentration you're looking for. Example- 10mL vial and add in 5mL of 250mg/mL test cyp and 5mL of 100mg/mL mast prop. So that would mean .6mL would give you 75mg test cyp and 30mg mast prop.
Exactly what I was hoping. Didn’t know if gay shit like molecular mass or anything would affect the mix of the main compound.
Is the baby hulk blend tpp/npp something that could be used to cruise?

If so how much?

Just finished a show this weekend coming off mast and primo. I’ve never used any 19 nors yet. Last labs showed psa at 2 from baseline which is normally .8. Think I need to lay low on DHTs for a bit.
Is the baby hulk blend tpp/npp something that could be used to cruise?

If so how much?

Just finished a show this weekend coming off mast and primo. I’ve never used any 19 nors yet. Last labs showed psa at 2 from baseline which is normally .8. Think I need to lay low on DHTs for a bit.

My recommendation without answering your question: cruise on 150-200mg of test.

To answer your question: yes, you can cruise on test/NPP. I would recommend no more than 140mg of each (280mg total). However, you’ve never messed with 19nors before so you have no idea how you’re going to react (physically or mentally). Cruise is a time to chill, not deal with side effects.
Is the baby hulk blend tpp/npp something that could be used to cruise?

If so how much?

Just finished a show this weekend coming off mast and primo. I’ve never used any 19 nors yet. Last labs showed psa at 2 from baseline which is normally .8. Think I need to lay low on DHTs for a bit.
good advice above, just cruise on 200mg of test and your psa should come down. What sucks is as we get older the prostrate becomes more sensitive to peds and the smallest amounts can raise it. Mine jumped from .5 to a 2 on 300Test and 300 Primo. Went back on a cruise dose and it dropped back down.

I'm sure someone is going to chime in and say, "take some cialis". Cialis will do nothing to lower your psa. It only helps if you have issues with pissing, starting and stopping. It relaxes the muscles around the prostrate. The only thing that will reduce you PSA is dropping your migs, or taking dutasteride or proscar, however they come with their own host of sides.
Is the baby hulk blend tpp/npp something that could be used to cruise?

If so how much?

Just finished a show this weekend coming off mast and primo. I’ve never used any 19 nors yet. Last labs showed psa at 2 from baseline which is normally .8. Think I need to lay low on DHTs for a bit.
What was your cycle for your show?

This is interesting….
good advice above, just cruise on 200mg of test and your psa should come down. What sucks is as we get older the prostrate becomes more sensitive to peds and the smallest amounts can raise it. Mine jumped from .5 to a 2 on 300Test and 300 Primo. Went back on a cruise dose and it dropped back down.

I'm sure someone is going to chime in and say, "take some cialis". Cialis will do nothing to lower your psa. It only helps if you have issues with pissing, starting and stopping. It relaxes the muscles around the prostrate. The only thing that will reduce you PSA is dropping your migs, or taking dutasteride or proscar, however they come with their own host of sides.
Very helpful advice and I appreciate it.
I can make 200 test stretch a long way so no problem.
Below is the link to how to order with GL.


I didn't test sbhg up until recently.

Injection frequency is 2x a week Test C or E and always 40 to 48 hours post pin. I have stuck with that since the beginning so I have a concrete way to compare over time.
Is that list that pops up via link old? I see a date of 2022 at the top. If it is, must one create an account there to get login credentials?
400 test 400 primo weeks 1-4
300test 700 primo 350 mast weeks 5-12
Anavar 25mgs last 21 days.

How “interesting” does it look
So you did a 12 week cycle and stepped on stage ? And prob crashed your E2 for 7 weeks ?

Yet you have to ask random ppl if you can cruise on certain compounds ….

Yes it’s interesting!!
So you did a 12 week cycle and stepped on stage ? And prob crashed your E2 for 7 weeks ?

Yet you have to ask random ppl if you can cruise on certain compounds ….

Yes it’s
So you did a 12 week cycle and stepped on stage ? And prob crashed your E2 for 7 weeks ?

Yet you have to ask random ppl if you can cruise on certain compounds ….

Yes it’s interesting!!
Glad your entertained, im happy if your happy.

I checked my E2 three times on cycle. I was under 20 but never crashed hard under single digits. And also, I don’t remember coming on the forum to complain about joint pains, and other low e2 symptoms.

I don’t mind asking “random “ people on this board and using that to form a greater opinion on how these things work. After all this is GL thread and a lot of knowledgeable people are in here.

So are you going to continue to bash me or show us how awesome you look?
I don’t mind asking “random “ people on this board and using that to form a greater opinion on how these things work. After all this is GL thread and a lot of knowledgeable people are in here.

So are you going to continue to bash me or show us how awesome you look?
Wasnt bashing at all, Questioning …. Yes, because I’ve seen your pics before and cant believe you had to ask about that cruise … because you seem to have knowledge. That’s why I said Interesting, i thought you were trolling for some reason. I don’t look awesome, I’m a trt and mast guy nobody needs to see this dad bod.