GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH


I am tempted to ask for your provider's contact information via PM just so I can run a small cycle without any legal worries.
Yeah until something more drastic happens with fda/dea the risk/reward for staying legal makes sense for me. All that may change quickly in the next 36 months if the trends continue. Legal oxandrolone's time is probably quickly coming to an end in US.

All that is left is compounders who will get pounded soon enough I guess. For now they will keep going till they get that letter.

strong attention to detail and desire to help those who want help and I learn as well.

And just think some guys can't wait to post in the underground. I am getting just the opposite feeling after a very short time. Alas dudes like @Dang-1 and others make this all worthwhile.

Be well.
You ask for someone to spoon feed you the pastebin because you don’t want to sift through so many pages to find it…..but then create 4 additional pages of irrelevant posts and bury all of goodlyfes posts with the pastebin link :rolleyes:
For those looking for the source's product details....

Least I can do after all my "spam".
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Looks like someone was doing pretty good job before I arrived. What was it on page 300 something plus?
It was literally on the page before your ask you dumb fuck. You must have a sad life to go from forum to forum to constantly be unliked because of your arrogance. I could see if one person was riding you but look back, it’s everyone… and no, it’s not because your new either.
Yeah. Thanks for the guidance and reaching out.

Amen on the more to life comment.

Hero? Hardly. But I get your point to try and keep it more y=mx or simpler for some members.

Shitposting? Nah. That appears more up @phenominal34 's alley. Helping someone with their math and logic is spam? You say so.

I aspire to be an unguru. Guru is so common these days.
I take it reddit doesn't want you back either. What an elitist dipshit attitude.
You must have a sad life to go from forum to forum to constantly be unliked because of your arrogance. I could see if one person was riding you but look back, it’s everyone… and no, it’s not because your new either.

You don't do too well at counting do you?

Sad life? Nah. It's ok.

However, you must enjoy being able to run your f'n mouth on here with impunity and say stuff you'd never say to someone face to face unless you are in fact terminally stupid.

nobody cares about your dorky ass vocabulary, search bar or read dum dum.

And keep thinking math works with gear you fucking idiot.

It was literally on the page before your ask you dumb fuck.

I even changed my offending language in that "spoonfeed" post that you mentioned. But no you gotta just keep going. I show you how "math" works with gear and you just keep doubling down.

How 'bout (1) we just start over, or (2) you can go fuck's that? Is all that understandable in clear plain wholesome unpretentious english?

I'm fine with (1)... How about you?
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You don't do too well at counting do you?

Sad life? Nah.

However, you must enjoy being able run your f'm mouth on here and say stuff you'd never say to people face to face unless you are in fact terminally stupid.

I even changed my offending language in that "spoonfeed" post that you mentioned. But no you gotta just keep going. I show you how "math" works with gear and you just keep doubling down.

How 'bout we just start over or you can go fuck's that?

Stop…. Go start a thread titled readalot’s rants. You are starting to get called out by everyone for your nonstop word vomits. You are displaying troll like behavior. What’s comical is you are so desperate to obtain a higher status but I’ve never actually seen a “new member” with as many post as you. Which means admin is taking note of your behavior as well. Calm down and fuck off somewhere else. Hell, go kick it in QSC’s thread.
You don't do too well at counting do you?

Sad life? Nah. It's ok.

However, you must enjoy being able to run your f'n mouth on here with impunity and say stuff you'd never say to someone face to face unless you are in fact terminally stupid.

I even changed my offending language in that "spoonfeed" post that you mentioned. But no you gotta just keep going. I show you how "math" works with gear and you just keep doubling down.

How 'bout (1) we just start over, or (2) you can go fuck's that? Is all that understandable in clear plain wholesome unpretentious english?

I'm fine with (1)... How about you?
I’ll stop after this like beware says, it’s nonsense in a good thread but here you go asking for price list … when it was literally the page before and again you saying it was way back on page 300 lol it was like I said one page before.

I would say exactly what I said face to face pal zero hesitation …

And by math I meant it doesn’t just double and triple test to e2 like 5scoops said …

Now I’ll never respond to you again. Hopefully you’re banned soon.


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I’ll stop after this like beware says, it’s nonsense in a good thread but here you go asking for price list … when it was literally the page before and again you saying it was way back on page 300 lol it was like I said one page before.

I would say exactly what I said face to face pal zero hesitation …

And by math I meant it doesn’t just double and triple test to e2 like 5scoops said …

Now I’ll never respond to you again. Hopefully you’re banned soon.
Ok so you do have zero reading comprehension and are terminally stupid. Understood.

Compare with @T&H 's response to my simple question.

I'll leave it be.
Good thing I came here then.

I hear you. Although interacting with another interested party in this particular example, I hear you.

I will try to minimize my posts in this subforum.

Thanks for the feedback. I have already transcended "guru" status Brother as I don't desire the mantle. You're taking this guru thing way too serious. It was supposed to be a joke. I know I will never be a Danny Bossa or Keith Nichols.

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Transcended from guru to ignored.
T/A 4 days total.

Dropped to much in my lab max originally went green but u can see on corner. Green fluorescence for var and no color without light. Legit.


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T/A 4 days total.

Dropped to much in my lab max originally went green but u can see on corner. Green fluorescence for var and no color without light. Legit.
Well for your sake, I'm glad it tested positive. Because had it not, no one would have cared about that result and rightfully so.

Labmax is not a replacement for HPLC testing, period.
Labmax is not a replacement for HPLC testing, period.

Still don't have the like buttons in here.
Bill Murray Applause GIF by MOODMAN
Well for your sake, I'm glad it tested positive. Because had it not, no one would have cared about that result and rightfully so.

Labmax is not a replacement for HPLC testing, period.
No shit you don’t say, but it’s a nice peace of mind if it does test positive.
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No shit you don’t say, but it’s a nice peace of mind if it does test positive.
Well had you extensively researched this guy before buying, you would have saw he tests more than every single source here. And is about dead on target with testing. Oh and has numerous blind tests by customers this year, which also were the compounds on the label at the label dose.

I mean, he could try and pull a fast one like some sources selling some bunk product like anavar to save a buck. But I think Goodlyfe values his rep and customers he built to throw it all away on that.

I could be wrong, as sources come and go but he's been consistent and on top for a while now and hope he stays true for the long haul.
Well had you extensively researched this guy before buying, you would have saw he tests more than every single source here. And is about dead on target with testing. Oh and has numerous blind tests by customers this year, which also were the compounds on the label at the label dose.

I mean, he could try and pull a fast one like some sources selling some bunk product like anavar to save a buck. But I think Goodlyfe values his rep and customers he built to throw it all away on that.

I could be wrong, as sources come and go but he's been consistent and on top for a while now and hope he stays true for the long haul.
I saw your tests and thank you for them but you’re assuming I just blindly ordered or don’t know what I’m doing. It’s a tool if used right and understand its limitations. Just an extra step in validation. Instead of 99% of ppl just taking shit without question or just believing randos on the internet isn’t the best idea either. Now is the dosing as claimed who knows but l can be at a little more at ease that I’m putting var in my body and if it’s not as effective then I can go get an a HPLC test to check. If it was negative I wouldn’t have posted since I know they can easily provide a false negative, but a false positive on var is a little harder. Plus we have reviews to back it up so again it’s nice reassurance.

Either way I’m not trying to spam this guys thread was just here to say good things. When I run it I can come back and provide more feedback.
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