GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH


Super quick delivery! First time reconstituting anything so wish me luck lol.

Thank you Goodlyfe looking forward to buying your primo someday.
Goodlyfe products:

105 mg Test C GSO pinned 30 mg EOD
154 mg Mast E GSO pinned 44mg EOD

Non Goodlyfe:

1250 units HCG weekly
6.25 mg Esemastane E3.5D

This is just some Mast E on top of my TRT protocol. #'s match up with my pharma prescribed TRT only labs dead on. Bloods drawn 36hr after pin which I always do.

Screenshot 2023-10-26 FInished.pngScreenshot 2023-10-26 Finished #2.png
Goodlyfe products:

105 mg Test C GSO pinned 30 mg EOD
154 mg Mast E GSO pinned 44mg EOD

Non Goodlyfe:

1250 units HCG weekly
6.25 mg Esemastane E3.5D

This is just some Mast E on top of my TRT protocol. #'s match up with my pharma prescribed TRT only labs dead on. Bloods drawn 36hr after pin which I always do.

View attachment 268809View attachment 268810
Thank you for posting as well! Feel free to email for your credz
The results of 600 Test C and 600 EQ, Never gonna let E2 get that low again. I now know EQ hits my E2 just as hard as Primo. I have labs in this thread going back to last year and everyone has been consistent thru 3 different batches.
Not looking for any credit but rather a big thank you to GL for keeping quality as it is and also those damn little ducks.Test 1.pngTest 2(1).png
The results of 600 Test C and 600 EQ, Never gonna let E2 get that low again. I now know EQ hits my E2 just as hard as Primo. I have labs in this thread going back to last year and everyone has been consistent thru 3 different batches.
Not looking for any credit but rather a big thank you to GL for keeping quality as it is and also those damn little ducks.View attachment 268813View attachment 268814
Thank you for the continued bloodwork, it is certainly appreciated!
Credit is good man, send me an email when you are ready.
The results of 600 Test C and 600 EQ, Never gonna let E2 get that low again. I now know EQ hits my E2 just as hard as Primo. I have labs in this thread going back to last year and everyone has been consistent thru 3 different batches.
Not looking for any credit but rather a big thank you to GL for keeping quality as it is and also those damn little ducks.View attachment 268813View attachment 268814
Dam bud crushed that E2.
Dam bud crushed that E2.
Only way to find out how you respond is to just get after it and test. Lol

Now that I know I can utilize this data to move forward and progress plus I have a bad ass coach and this helps him learn my body to dial things in.
What gauge is required for Goodlyfe cyp mct? I’m use to 25 for pharma trt and it’s a bit of a struggle. Wondering if I need to go larger
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25g is fine for MCT. I use 27g for MCT as well and it’s still very fast and easy.

It's all relative. If you're used to 27 and try 25, and it's so much more convenient and fast, and you get used to it, the same thing will happen when you go from 25 to 23.
And so on.


Eventually you might start to prefer higher mg/mL gear.
Just a heads up fam, shop will be closed from 11/11-11/16
For your pastebin link - do you change the URL each time, or do you use the same URL and just update the list? Was going to bookmark the link so I didn't have to search the thread each time, but wanted to make sure first.
For your pastebin link - do you change the URL each time, or do you use the same URL and just update the list? Was going to bookmark the link so I didn't have to search the thread each time, but wanted to make sure first.
Bookmark it bud. It automatically updates as I make changes to it. Just be sure to refresh the page.