GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Interesting bloodwork on 500mg/week on GL Test C GSO. Pinning M/W/F, bloods were done through Marek Health and were taken Monday morning before injection to see trough levels.

For reference, 200mg/week at my clinic gets me to a 1700 TT level and 150mg/week gets me at a 1300 TT. Total and free tests are shown on screenshot 2+3.
Not using for credit. Just as research.

Retested on the 16th to see if it was a lab error or not. It looks like it wasn't, so that's good. Went through Quest this time. Does anyone know why there is so much variance between these labs? It's the same vial. Mimicked exactly how I took my first set of bloods.


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Interesting bloodwork on 500mg/week on GL Test C GSO. Not seeing the batch # on the vial, else I'd supply. Pinning M/W/F, bloods were done through Marek Health and were taken Monday morning before injection to see trough levels.

For reference, 200mg/week at my clinic gets me to a 1700 TT level and 150mg/week gets me at a 1300 TT. Total and free tests are shown on screenshot 2+3.

Not using for credit. Just as research.

Retested on the 16th to see if it was a lab error or not. It looks like it wasn't, so that's good. Went through Quest this time. Does anyone know why there is so much variance between these labs? It's the same vial. Mimicked exactly how I took my first set of bloods.

Started TRT about 5ish months ago due to low levels. Started at 150mg weekly which put me at a 1300TT trough and my E2 was low 50s (no AI). My libido still wasn't there all the way so my doc bumped me up to 200mg to see what it would do. That put me at a 1700TT trough and low 80s for E2 (still no AI). I felt great and it was clear I was a hyper responder... My energy was good and my libido was fantastic. I've been on 200mg weekly for about 2.5 months now. My blood markers had never looked better TBH. Lipids were perfect, CMP great, and CBC was fantastic (besides my RBC. It's always been elevated slightly even before TRT). The only thing that was elevated was my Prolactin which was 18.6 ng/mL. Doc suggested taking P5P to lower it and I said why not. Fast forward to a month of taking it and my levels are totally out of line. I've noticed my fatigue is crazy high along with my sex drive is down the drain. The only thing I have done differently during this timeframe of taking P5P is:

1. Take P5P
2. Started injecting into my ventro-glutes instead of strictly my delts
3. Started cutting for events/summer around the corner

I assume it's the P5P increasing these levels. I will say the E2 test I got before and this most recent one aren't sensitive so I assume the numbers are a bit out of line. I'm going to lower my TRT dose to 160mg (or lower?) weekly and discontinue P5P. I ordered some Grapefruit Seed Extract in hopes to lower my HCT and RBC. I usually drink a decent amount of water but this week in particular I drank extra because I didn't want to be dehydrated for the blood test. And yes, I do cardio for 30-45min daily. BP currently states 118/80.

Posted below is my bloodwork (200mg weekly) pre and post-P5P: *I didn't get TT or SHBG tested on the most recent test due to me testing it last month*

Pre P5P:

View attachment 254558View attachment 254559View attachment 254560
View attachment 254554

POST P5P (Most Recent Bloodwork):

View attachment 254555View attachment 254556
View attachment 254557

I meet with my doctor next week but any knowledge/advice/suggestions are appreciated...
Interesting for sure. Your Testosterone levels are all over the place.

In you TRT bloods it looks like you have about a 6x multiplier.

Your first draw on my Cyp gave you a 4x multiplier

This new set of bloods looks like a 3x multiplier.

I can’t explain what’s going on here but I can say with confidence my test is dosed correctly. I also know that test dose and test levels are not a linear progression. Meaning, just because 200mg gives you a 5x multiplier does not mean 700mg will give you a test level of 3500.

TLDR….I have no explanation for you bud.

Either way, thanks for posting your bloodwork man.
Not using for credit. Just as research.

Retested on the 16th to see if it was a lab error or not. It looks like it wasn't, so that's good. Went through Quest this time. Does anyone know why there is so much variance between these labs? It's the same vial. Mimicked exactly how I took my first set of bloods.
Fuck Quest.
I can’t explain what’s going on here but I can say with confidence my test is dosed correctly. I also know that test dose and test levels are not a linear progression. Meaning, just because 200mg gives you a 5x multiplier does not mean 700mg will give you a test level of 3500.

TLDR….I have no explanation for you bud.
Oh yeah, I don’t doubt that it’s dosed correctly. Not trying to discredit/bash you by any means. Especially with all the testing done by you/other members. More to find answers in regards to the level of variance it had with the same methods/dosage. Appreciate your response.
For sure. Took me almost 3 weeks to get these results…

I tend to stay away from them. Only reason I used them is because I thought it would be smart to get a different labs input.

That makes sense, scientifically, if you're sending samples from the same blood draw to two different labs for analysis.

Otherwise, who knows what other confounding variables?
Hope y’all making the right decision and grabbin some of this Nectar while it’s in. 4 weeks and 1 day out y’all. Just started his Winnie and ordered some more plus Halo, will post check ins here in about 2 weeks. Y’all stay juicy. N shoutout @GoodLyfe for keeping me set on this prep with a sane mind that I’m getting the good shit much love man❤️
Not using for credit. Just as research.

Retested on the 16th to see if it was a lab error or not. It looks like it wasn't, so that's good. Went through Quest this time. Does anyone know why there is so much variance between these labs? It's the same vial. Mimicked exactly how I took my first set of bloods.
When I first went on trt, my first blood work on 200 mg/wk put me at 1600’s. A year later, same compound pharmacy, same dose, same timing of blood draw put me at 1000 something and it’s been between 1000 - 1300 on every blood draw since. My doctor at the time said that I was likely not fully suppressed during my first blood draw meaning endogenous production was contributing to that number. Changes in body composition can impact how you metabolize testosterone as well.
Is labcorp under Merek the way to go? I’ve always used quest under Ulta Labs.
I just used ulta for the first time yesterday (the lady at quest recommended Ulta instead of quest direct) to get E2 since my dumbass doc doesn’t request e2 on lab tests - quest drew blood got both quests and ulta same day results. Found my e2 at 60 on 200mg trt, but prob had to do with the 2000iu Hcgx2 weeks blasted 2 weeks prior the labs.

Anyway Can you link me the tests you use from Ulta they have so many to choose. I plan on taking another one in a couple weeks on 500mg Goodlyfe cyp, 50mg var, and Aromasin. If anyway else knows a cheaper way too link me please
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Anyway Can you link me the tests you use from Ulta they have so many to choose. I plan on taking another one in a couple weeks on 500mg Goodlyfe cyp, 50mg var, and Aromasin. If anyway else knows a cheaper way too link me please
At Ulta I get the testosterone (the one with the MS) and ultra sensitive estradiol. Along with the typical other markers.

I’ll see if I can find a receipt with the actual test numbers.