GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Finally back from vaca. It was extremely exhausting splitting time between my wife and all the ladyboys, but I got the job done.

Expect an order from me soon @GoodLyfe, I pray for extra ducks this time, as my duck stock is running low.
I’m also wondering how your duck stock is depleting? My daughter has my entire collection spread out in her room and the art room so she’s probably lost some ducks but talk of a Black Friday sale makes me think a resupply may happen.
here is a question if you got a package from a source a couple times in a row then all of a sudden they switch labeling would you be concerned about this? im asking because i hope @GoodLyfe chimes in as well.
here is a question if you got a package from a source a couple times in a row then all of a sudden they switch labeling would you be concerned about this? im asking because i hope @GoodLyfe chimes in as well.

I’ve seen sources change labels.. it’s just a label. Trip (RIP) swapped up labels a couple times and his gear was great.
here is a question if you got a package from a source a couple times in a row then all of a sudden they switch labeling would you be concerned about this? im asking because i hope @GoodLyfe chimes in as well.
Some thoughts

-Labels got seized from China, so they switched sources .

-Got a printer at home

-Just got bored and wanted to change things up.
Another year another easy and quick shipment from GoodLyfe, not to mention the addition of the small ducks to my order which now guard my gear cabinet haha.

I just want to add there was a very minor mixup regarding the order and the reason why I bring this up is to show just how reliable GL is. The response was extremely fast and offered to correct it beyond what I would expect especially from certain big names on this site. Mistakes happen all the time with even billion dollar companies, its how you respond to it that matters and again I appreciate the response I received from GL and will definitely be ordering again when the time comes.