GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

How am I? I'm just repeating what others have posted. No need to be defensive. Be concerned instead
Be concerned about what? That fact that this is the busiest time of year for shipping packs and GL has said multiple times shipping times are longer than normal?
What is all this noise about tracking packs from this source?

Guys - I’ve ordered many times and not once received a tracking number but I ALWAYS receive my pack.

It’s literally stated in the very first post on this thread.

“I do not send tracking unless there is an issue with your order. ”

Merry Christmas
Yo y’all need to chill tf out, I can’t even count how many orders I’ve had with GL. Every single one has been a touchdown, everyone I’ve ever ordered for has received a touchdown. If you want to bitch go find somewhere else to get your gear from, But @GoodLyfe is the most consistent person on here and he cares about his people and making quality gear. So shut the fuck up with the crying, enjoy your vacation Goodlyfe much love
Would you all settle down in here. We go through this every single year....

Much love goodlyfe and Merry Christmas.

I recently had a successful TD from @GoodLyfe ,
Top notch service, all the way around.
I thought I'd share my recent labs. These are not for credz, as he has been very good to me already this year.
This is cruising on GL test c. 175mg/week plus 100mg/week GL primo 200. EOD administration. 54hr trough.


Couldn't be happier. Thank you, sir!
God damn im so glad i don’t live on this site. I come when it is almost time to order to check on updates from threads i follow. These new guys are everywhere and inpatient as hell on multiple threads.