GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Man some of u people are gay as fuck. And weird too
Once upon a time and long before politically correct snowflakes fucked everything up, there used to be this thing called a sense of humor. People would say things for the sole purpose of getting people to laugh. True it was often offensive, sometimes weird and maybe even gay but it was understood that it was not to be taken seriously. These little displays of facetious behavior was often enough to uplift one’s mood, even if only for a second.

Those were to good old days!
Once upon a time and long before politically correct snowflakes fucked everything up, there used to be this thing called a sense of humor. People would say things for the sole purpose of getting people to laugh. True it was often offensive, sometimes weird and maybe even gay but it was understood that it was not to be taken seriously. These little displays of facetious behavior was often enough to uplift one’s mood, even if only for a second.

Those were to good old days!
Could someone kindly fill me in on when GL is getting back and shipping again? I cannot seem to find out searching the forum. I’m on my phone in the mountains and am a fat thumb dum dum. Thanks guys.

I hope everyone has a great holiday season!
Could someone kindly fill me in on when GL is getting back and shipping again? I cannot seem to find out searching the forum. I’m on my phone in the mountains and am a fat thumb dum dum. Thanks guys.

I hope everyone has a great holiday season!
I believe he said after the first of the year.
I have never used any Ai products from here, although I do like his gear. Does anyone know how the arimedex/Aromasin/tamox is and is it Pharma or ugl.
I have never used any Ai products from here, although I do like his gear. Does anyone know how the arimedex/Aromasin/tamox is and is it Pharma or ugl.

Read his product list. He’s posted it/the link recently. Might have to scroll back a few pages. He has both.
I have never used any Ai products from here, although I do like his gear. Does anyone know how the arimedex/Aromasin/tamox is and is it Pharma or ugl.
I use his Aromasin that he makes.

Took labs before and after - 500mg front load and then an additional 250 shot 3 days later - lab was on the 4th day. My E2 was more than halved from baseline lab that was taken the morning of front load(lab done before shot).

Took 3 times 12.5mg prior the second test. Ran trt 200mg and Hcg blast prior when first lab was done.

It’s legit.


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