GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

500 mg test weekly + 0.5 mg adex EOD = estrogen @ 40

What were you on previously when estrogen was 17?
175test/420nandrolone/210 mast I think, that was the first time I was running nandrolone so I was working up the dose to assess sides, but something like that. I try and practice sane e2 management so I probably had .25-.5 adex in there at least 2x a week my total t than was in the 900’s.

Sorry I don’t have exacts. Imma probably start adding notes of what I was on at the time in my blood work files, so I can better reference.

Edit- all good life products BTW so it’s still slightly relevant to the thread.
GL owns a jeep
I never knew all about the jeep duck stuff until I dated a chick with a jeep. Its probably the most annoying shit on planet earth. If you drive a jeep that's remotely modded or lifted you constantly have to pick rubber ducks and notes off your car. I remember my ex girlfriend screaming at some stranger who drove up her driveway to put a duck on her truck
My man is gonna be slammed with orders after the 1st
He may want to consider an extended vacation. Joe Biden is watching.

If we cared we know we should do the right thing.


Who's up for a letter writing campaign to repeal that horrible legislation from 1990? Do the right thing Joe.
Who's up for a letter writing campaign to repeal that horrible legislation from 1990? Do the right thing Joe.

This comes up all the time on BB forums.

At the end of the day, we're a bunch of "lazy fuckers" (not my words).

It'll never happen, at least by meatheads.

Edit: wait I bet there are a bunch of MAGA people who would absolutely do this