GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Umm...please tell me you didn't vote for biden?

Please y’all don’t bring politics into this thread. It’s already hard enough to find shit in here. No need to add 83738 pages of people trying to change someone else’s opinion (which will NEVER happen).

Now. Let’s hope when he comes back the ducks continue. My wife collects them and even has a few guarding our toothbrushes in the bathroom haha
Please y’all don’t bring politics into this thread. It’s already hard enough to find shit in here. No need to add 83738 pages of people trying to change someone else’s opinion (which will NEVER happen).

Now. Let’s hope when he comes back the ducks continue. My wife collects them and even has a few guarding our toothbrushes in the bathroom haha
Your reply should be for the guy that actually brought politics into it. @AlexDavis43
Thank you all for being patient while I was on break! I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays. I am getting thru emails over the next couple days.

I am going to start limiting the amount of packs I send out daily. This shouldn’t have too much of an effect on ship times unless I am swamped (which I am currently) so please allow up to 72hrs, minus weekends, for me to pack and ship your order.

Primo is available now. I have some reports to upload as I move into new batches.