GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Thank you all for being patient while I was on break! I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays. I am getting thru emails over the next couple days.

I am going to start limiting the amount of packs I send out daily. This shouldn’t have too much of an effect on ship times unless I am swamped (which I am currently) so please allow up to 72hrs, minus weekends, for me to pack and ship your order.

Primo is available now. I have some reports to upload as I move into new batches.
Will the new primo batch have an HPLC test?
I think you are right if you only figure cost of raws.

How much is your time worth weighing, filling and closing 50 caps tho?
He’s making 50 caps of anavar and 50 caps of dbol. It’s the same amount of work isn’t it? I’m just curious why the dbol, which is usually very cheap comparatively, is more expensive than the anavar, which is usually one of the most expensive if not the most expensive orals.
He’s making 50 caps of anavar and 50 caps of dbol. It’s the same amount of work isn’t it? I’m just curious why the dbol, which is usually very cheap comparatively, is more expensive than the anavar, which is usually one of the most expensive if not the most expensive orals.
I see your point too. I know dbol raws are cheap just that I’d have to make some amount of money to take my time accurately filling them things.

I was messing with some winstrol caps to get to lower doses for my wife’s last prep. It was a pita for me I’d happily pay GL for a lower dose winny for her next show prep.
Hey GoodLyfe... Did you used to do 10% discount over $1000? Or am i just imagining things?
You are correct. I do

Is your Sema $100 per 4mg vial? Or is there multiple vials in a kit for $100? Thank you.
Per vial
Am I tripping or does the dbol seem alittle expensive per mg? More expensive than the anavar per mg
@Soundtown is spot on. Time involved is definitely a deciding factor. Caps are an absolute pain in the ass to support the volume needed here and elsewhere. And the reason they are lower dosed is because that’s what the majority of guys here said they wanted, so I obliged. You aren’t wrong tho, they are a little pricey.