GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Is there still an above $1000 deal and if so how does it work, for example if you get 15 test e and 6 primo = $1125. would it be $1125 x 0.10 = -$112.5 off the order?
There is a new pastebin link. The old one is no longer valid just fyi
You have TPP blended with NPP, any chance you’d ever make it as a standalone?

Also, will be posting most recent blood work using your test u. Been 11 months using it and could not be happier with the product.
Can we possibly speak to your supervisor?
I'd like to file a grievance.
Lmao let me run this by my union rep.
Any plans on ever brewing Stenbolone Acetate? Asking for a friend.
I need to look into this more.
You have TPP blended with NPP, any chance you’d ever make it as a standalone?

Also, will be posting most recent blood work using your test u. Been 11 months using it and could not be happier with the product.
This is actually a possibility. Mct or GS?

Excellent man, I’m glad it’s working well for you.
I need to look into this more.
Appreciate it. So far the only place around here that carried it was PSL, but it turned out to be Methylstenbolone and not Stenbolone Acetate. There's very little reports of people using it, but all seem to be extremely favorable. That being said, I would assume it'd be hard to source, not sure though.
This guy really seems to love stenbolone acetate.
Honestly, that's the first person I saw who used it and said it was great, aside from small talk of old school guys using it. Since then I've seen a few people pop up here and there with similar opinions. Just seems like it'd be great to try, or depending on bloodwork, use as a TRT add-on depending on safety, etc.