GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Google steriod death and Google kratom death and see which you see more of. Recreational drug use is just that. Not a tool like you suggest. But you do you, this is a steriod forum not a opioid forum.
I never got into opioids fortunately. Psychedelics and mdma were my go tos. Both with strong medicinal benefits. Both are tools. Both are recs also. Depends how/why you take them. Since you’re a Google guy, google it.
Bloods on @GoodLyfe
250mg week SUS mct
300mg week primo mct
50mg var daily
2iu GH daily


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For what it’s worth, I’ve had an influx of clients in the last 8 months or so that have had horrible kratom withdrawals. If anyone tells you otherwise they’re either lying or haven’t gotten to that point yet. YMMV.

I think the stuff is playing with fire and it’s very odd that prominent figures in the bodybuilding/fitness industry are advocating for the stuff…then again there’s money to be made.

Be safe, friends.
Kratom has varied opioid receptor effects, but it has a strong effect that is quite similar to prescription opioids, especially at higher doses. The side effects, physical addiction, and withdrawal seem to be identical to prescription opioids if people are taking high doses for a significant period of time. It can cause chronic high prolactin and significantly reduce testosterone levels in non TRT guys. I wish people promoting it were more honest about what it is, but just like SARMS there are people claiming it's all good and there's no downsides. I very occasionally use a low dose of it, maybe once every 2 or 3 months. I treat it like any other recreational drug.

Some days I forget to take it and don't notice much difference. And when I run out it's a few weeks off. Maybe there's a psychological component to the dependency. Or maybe my shit is bunk. Kinda just gives me a little relaxed focus/motivation (maybe placebo).

But yeah I've read that it can lower testosterone. No bueno for natties.
So I gotta say this guy's stuff is great. I used a different source over the holidays since this guy was closed. Got some 200mg Tren A was at over 1 ml and still didn't feel much. So I switched back to @GoodLyfe got some Tren A 100mg. I'm at only half a ml and I'm about jumping out of my skin. Feeling great thanks man.
Some days I forget to take it and don't notice much difference. And when I run out it's a few weeks off. Maybe there's a psychological component to the dependency. Or maybe my shit is bunk. Kinda just gives me a little relaxed focus/motivation (maybe placebo).

But yeah I've read that it can lower testosterone. No bueno for natties.
I have no hate or bad opinion towards drugs in general. I just like honest accurate information so people can make informed decisions. There are definitely people that kratom is wonderful for and they use responsibly. It's just a bummer when people take something thinking there's no downside and get caught up in it down the road. Kratom it's pretty light duty compared to the pharmaceutical opioids luckily. I've never heard of respiratory depression from it.
I have no hate or bad opinion towards drugs in general. I just like honest accurate information so people can make informed decisions. There are definitely people that kratom is wonderful for and they use responsibly. It's just a bummer when people take something thinking there's no downside and get caught up in it down the road. Kratom it's pretty light duty compared to the pharmaceutical opioids luckily. I've never heard of respiratory depression from it.

This is wild west speculation territory. I've taken kratom before cardio (7-8 mile run at a good pace).

So I have no comment on respiratory depression. It just didn't happen to me.
This is wild west speculation territory. I've taken kratom before cardio (7-8 mile run at a good pace).

So I have no comment on respiratory depression. It just didn't happen to me.
I'm talking about the kind of respiratory depression that kills people when they take pharmaceutical opioids. As far as I know, kratom doesn't have that lethal side effect.
IMG_3162.jpegHere’s a couple shots from Saturday morning check ins. 17 weeks out, 219lbs. Goodlyfe been my source for a while now. Always solid communication, products always good and the rest my gym has also switched to him.

Current cycle. 200 EQ EOD. SUS 125mg EOD. Aromasin 12.5 E3D. Test Prop 75mg EOD.


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I think the stuff is playing with fire and it’s very odd that prominent figures in the bodybuilding/fitness industry are advocating for the stuff…then again there’s money to be made.

Be safe, friends.
You don’t remember the Nubain craze of the 80’s/early 90’s. It was very popular in bodybuilding. Bodybuilders can fall into the trap where the gym becomes their nightclub. When you start to associate training with euphoria it can become a problem. Bostin Loyd got to a point where he couldn’t even lift without being hopped up on a cocktail of stims, peptides and anabolics.
Joking aside, you're looking great bro. You're way ahead of the curve, better early than late. Keep us updated on how it goes.

Curious, why the mix of sust and prop? I see a lot of pros doing this and I never bothered to ask why.
Thank you bro! I’m not quite sure actually. I call him Picasso tho‍ because he an artist with it really. His mentor is Phil Viz but my coaches name Dylan Blum he a wizard bro.
Mainly because it’s not an opioid like some a trying to say it is
No but it has an affinity for the opioid receptors and produces opioid like highs and feelings due to its interaction with serstonin and dopamine. Causes opioid like withdrawals which are dangerous. Also can be a gateway to someone abusing opiates trying to reach the same high.

Bad news all around.
Mainly because it’s not an opioid like some a trying to say it is
From Merriam-Webster. Opioid: a natural, semisynthetic, or synthetic substance that typically binds to the same cell receptors as opium and produces similar narcotic effects (such as sedation, pain relief, slowed breathing, and euphoria

I would say it fits that description pretty well. There are multiple chemicals in kratom that have effects in the user but the most abundant compounds and the ones that give the effects people are after definitely are Mu receptor agonists. Opioids display most of their effect through mu receptor agonism.
From Merriam-Webster. Opioid: a natural, semisynthetic, or synthetic substance that typically binds to the same cell receptors as opium and produces similar narcotic effects (such as sedation, pain relief, slowed breathing, and euphoria

I would say it fits that description pretty well. There are multiple chemicals in kratom that have effects in the user but the most abundant compounds and the ones that give the effects people are after definitely are Mu receptor agonists. Opioids display most of their effect through mu receptor agonism.
Not doubting you. I originally took it for the purpose of pain relief in my lower back. It didn't come close to the pain relief properties of a Vicodin or Percocet. Never had any of the other effects you listed with kratom; no sedation, no pain relief, no slowed breathing, gave me a little pep like a coffee would if you want to call that euphoria. I've taken it for months and months and stopped completely, no withdraw symptoms at all.
I'd be curious of the doses people take for them to get those effects and have withdraw if they stopped.
Not doubting you. I originally took it for the purpose of pain relief in my lower back. It didn't come close to the pain relief properties of a Vicodin or Percocet. Never had any of the other effects you listed with kratom; no sedation, no pain relief, no slowed breathing, gave me a little pep like a coffee would if you want to call that euphoria. I've taken it for months and months and stopped completely, no withdraw symptoms at all.
I'd be curious of the doses people take for them to get those effects and have withdraw if they stopped.
It's definitely not as potent as pharmaceutical painkillers, but some people get carried away and they're taking 20-30 G a day, sometimes more. I see it kind of like weed. Most people are going to use it responsibly and be fine but some people are going to get addicted to it and be taking it high dose all day everyday. I have no problem with weed but I've seen people who use way too much and it definitely has serious negative effects for them.

I'm also speaking from personal experience with both of these plants and getting carried away with them and then stepping back from them. Yeah, it's not fentanyl or crack, but natural drugs can be problematic depending on how people treat them. I still use weed and kratom but only occasionally and responsibly now.