GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

How you like the kratom? For me three teaspoons most days; definitely during the week before work. If I miss a day I can tell something is missing and I feel off and sluggish. Definitely helps mood and energy/perkiness.
Ya kratom is awesome. I’m taking a break from it though for a bit. But its pretty sweet if you can keep your tolerance low and take about 3-4 grams of white vein kratom before the gym. Throw some caffeine or ephedrine in there it’s a little bit overkill but intense. I like just the kratom alone most days. But now I’m seeing if I can match the workload without it and when I’m ready I’ll get it going again. Kind of like cycling it. I don’t like it early in the day too much. It can help some mornings but theres a slight crash unless you keep taking more. The extract is a whole other animal but I still like white vein most if the time and red vein for sleep. Green maengda is a great consistent neutral feel as well.
I have had white once, I think the vendor called it white elephant, the particular strain I was unable to get it down. Too bitter or something just made have to vomit right away almost. Not sure how you take but I dump a scoopful in my mouth then swish and swallow with some grapefruit juice. Three scoops. Nasty everytime. Haven’t tried any extract I don't think. Mostly reds and some greens. Every weekday before work and maybe not any over the weekend, depends. I can definitely tell if I miss but nothing like withdraw symptoms or anything serious. Kinda like missing your morning coffee, just feel off and little less alert maybe but can tell it’s missing.
I have had white once, I think the vendor called it white elephant, the particular strain I was unable to get it down. Too bitter or something just made have to vomit right away almost. Not sure how you take but I dump a scoopful in my mouth then swish and swallow with some grapefruit juice. Three scoops. Nasty everytime. Haven’t tried any extract I don't think. Mostly reds and some greens. Every weekday before work and maybe not any over the weekend, depends. I can definitely tell if I miss but nothing like withdraw symptoms or anything serious. Kinda like missing your morning coffee, just feel off and little less alert maybe but can tell it’s missing.
To get it down, alot people do the toss and wash method of drinking a little bit of water first, then drop some kratom powder in your mouth on top of that water and drink it all down with water. I personally take capsules though. Just powder inside the capsules. But I actually got used to the taste and can now mix it with water and just drink it if I want to. I used to go to a kava/kratom bar and they would make strong drinks but sweetened but after a while I didn’t want any sugar and found I had gotten used to it. Just like coffee or alcohol or something. They had some sweet extract with a dropper on the inside and it was really easy to take along with you and use any time. Had a good taste too. And even though it is much stronger and I used it everyday at high doses for a while, I never really had any withdrawls. It was easier than quitting cannabis to be honest.
Hardcore drinking that with just water! Nasty!
I need something preferably grapefruit juice which is rumored to help absorption or something. Whatever juice the wife and/or kids have I’m using before I go straight with water.
The flashing KRATOM signs out front of the smoke and vape shops is enough to keep me away.

More anabolics for me please and if I need a pick me for serotonin a workout, coffee or some trim gets it done.
The flashing KRATOM signs out front of the smoke and vape shops is enough to keep me away.

More anabolics for me please and if I need a pick me for serotonin a workout, coffee or some trim gets it done.
Yo I’ve seen those and quite honestly it was a bit of a turn off, however at that point I had already discovered it and knew the benefits/effects. I wouldn’t buy from one of those shops…
Yo I’ve seen those and quite honestly it was a bit of a turn off, however at that point I had already discovered it and knew the benefits/effects. I wouldn’t buy from one of those shops…
What is the benefit exactly? Its a drug that makes you feel good. That's not a benefit. It's a drug, that's what drugs do.
What is the benefit exactly? Its a drug that makes you feel good. That's not a benefit. It's a drug, that's what drugs do.
By and large I think Kratom is overhyped garbage used by mostly opioid addicts who like to pretend they aren’t opioid addicts BUT it does stop a migraine headache in its tracks. I don’t get migraine often but when I do, I choose Kratom.
What is the benefit exactly? Its a drug that makes you feel good. That's not a benefit. It's a drug, that's what drugs do.
Helps with inflammation but that's not why I take it. I relate it to caffeine, which is also a drug, gives me a little pep to start the day like a cup of coffee would.

Steroids... also drugs.
Helps with inflammation but that's not why I take it. I relate it to caffeine, which is also a drug, gives me a little pep to start the day like a cup of coffee would.

Steroids... also drugs.
Maybe you should do a bit more research....You don't want to take anti-inflammatory medicine if your goal is bodybuilding.

I'm not sure how you compare a opioid to caffeine. Very different drugs.

Steriods are a tool. Not a recreational drug...

Sounds like you're just justifying your recreational drug use.
For what it’s worth, I’ve had an influx of clients in the last 8 months or so that have had horrible kratom withdrawals. If anyone tells you otherwise they’re either lying or haven’t gotten to that point yet. YMMV.

I think the stuff is playing with fire and it’s very odd that prominent figures in the bodybuilding/fitness industry are advocating for the stuff…then again there’s money to be made.

Be safe, friends.
For what it’s worth, I’ve had an influx of clients in the last 8 months or so that have had horrible kratom withdrawals. If anyone tells you otherwise they’re either lying or haven’t gotten to that point yet. YMMV.

I think the stuff is playing with fire and it’s very odd that prominent figures in the bodybuilding/fitness industry are advocating for the stuff…then again there’s money to be made.

Be safe, friends.
Kratom has varied opioid receptor effects, but it has a strong effect that is quite similar to prescription opioids, especially at higher doses. The side effects, physical addiction, and withdrawal seem to be identical to prescription opioids if people are taking high doses for a significant period of time. It can cause chronic high prolactin and significantly reduce testosterone levels in non TRT guys. I wish people promoting it were more honest about what it is, but just like SARMS there are people claiming it's all good and there's no downsides. I very occasionally use a low dose of it, maybe once every 2 or 3 months. I treat it like any other recreational drug.
For what it’s worth, I’ve had an influx of clients in the last 8 months or so that have had horrible kratom withdrawals. If anyone tells you otherwise they’re either lying or haven’t gotten to that point yet. YMMV.

I think the stuff is playing with fire and it’s very odd that prominent figures in the bodybuilding/fitness industry are advocating for the stuff…then again there’s money to be made.

Be safe, friends.
For sure some people have had bad withdrawls. I spoke to one person who said she couldn't go past 12 noon without having kratom. But that has not been my experience nor the experience of countless other people. I'd say for most people it isn't going to be that addictive. The problem is just wanting to do it and finding out that its effective, cheap, natural and safe and much easier to quit than any other recreational drug including coffee (for most people).
Maybe you should do a bit more research....You don't want to take anti-inflammatory medicine if your goal is bodybuilding.

I'm not sure how you compare a opioid to caffeine. Very different drugs.

Steriods are a tool. Not a recreational drug...

Sounds like you're just justifying your recreational drug use.
It's an opioid in that it stimulates the opioid receptors. But has nothing to do with the poppy plant which is where most opioids come from. It is its own plant. Its own thing. It stimulates a lot of the same receptors but not in the same way. And it doesn't cause respiratory issues which is how most people die of overdose from opioids. Their breathing slows down and they become unconscious and die. I've taken extremely high doses of extract kratom and the worst that happened was I threw up the next day and had a headache. Wasn't even as bad as alcohol. That being said, I wouldn't mix alcohol with anything else, especially alcohol. That could lead to trouble. It's okay with other stimulants at lower doses but you have to be careful. Mostly because you could faint or something. If you took caffeine, ephedrine, kratom and a preworkout or something and worked out really hard. You could get light headed and need to lay down or drink water.
What is the benefit exactly? Its a drug that makes you feel good. That's not a benefit. It's a drug, that's what drugs do.
The benefit of opioids and stimulants in the gym? Hmmm...I wonder. Not feeling as much pain, stronger CNS signal, possibly more mind muscle connection and endurance. Have you ever gone to the gym on weed and found you had more mind/muscle connection? It is a little bit like that but not as good and without causing a decrease in performance and munchies. At least that's what it was like for me "on weed"

If you try kratom for the first time you workout will be so intense its not even funny. I mean. I'm not trying to push drugs on people but just exposing the truth about them. People use Clenbuterol and stuff like that. Ephedrine. I find kratom to be just about as effective and much less hard on your heart. It still has some appetite suppressive properties and can help you burn more calories. Kratom > Ephedrine (and maybe Clen. Haven't tried. gonna try soon. I'll let you know. Probably safer though for sure.)
Yo I’ve seen those and quite honestly it was a bit of a turn off, however at that point I had already discovered it and knew the benefits/effects. I wouldn’t buy from one of those shops…
I've managed to find some good stuff from those shops. It sucks haven't go into those shops to get them though because most people aren't really looking to use them to work out or anything probably. You can get it online but I don't know if its much better. There are some good brands and once you find one that works it's pretty easy to get. It lasts me a long time. I think people just take too much of it is the problem. It is better at low doses. OPMS is a good brand. Anything with just a vegetable capsule is good, or just get the herbal powder. I don't know what extract to get anymore because the place I got it from is gone now. But anything with a dropper where you can measure out your dose would be the best way to go.
Maybe you should do a bit more research....You don't want to take anti-inflammatory medicine if your goal is bodybuilding.

I'm not sure how you compare a opioid to caffeine. Very different drugs.

Steriods are a tool. Not a recreational drug...

Sounds like you're just justifying your recreational drug use.
Why would I need to justify recreational drug use on an anonymous board? Thats silly. Drugs can be tools, but they still drugs; each tool has a different purpose. There’s not just one tool in a tool box.
Used incorrectly they can be unsafe. I’d say steroids cause a lot more damage than kratom tho.
Why would I need to justify recreational drug use on an anonymous board? Thats silly. Drugs can be tools, but they still drugs; each tool has a different purpose. There’s not just one tool in a tool box.
Used incorrectly they can be unsafe. I’d say steroids cause a lot more damage than kratom tho.
Google steriod death and Google kratom death and see which you see more of. Recreational drug use is just that. Not a tool like you suggest. But you do you, this is a steriod forum not a opioid forum.