GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Brother… you have photos of yourself posted on this forum while you were running 1.5g test and 700mg of tren ace and getting ready to cruise on 600mg of test. We can all see that you are not 260lbs at 5% bodyfat but whatever makes you feel better.
Was waiting for him to claim some Mr Olympia physique even tho his natty looking physique is on his profile lmaoo. Unfortunate he’s gonna put himself in an early grave running the type of blasts he runs for very poor results
@Basedout looks better than most people I see every day.

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Dude this is a steroid forum not a Walmart. Of course he looks better than your average person, that’s not saying much. Most people you see on a regular basis are overweight and don’t even train. This should not be the standard one is held to when blasting 2.5 - 3 grams of gear and 10-15 iu of hgh

This physique is easily achieved natty by a teenager.
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Anyone got feedback on GL semaglutide? Asking for my wife, so even better......any women with feedback on GL sema? And even better better.....anyone with mild-medium anxiety (perferably women) that have experience? Also know my wife is not diabetic. Her goal is to lose weight.
Oh I've had acid reflux since I was in my 20s I'm 42 now. I go through tums like it's candy. But yea I'm at 1500 test C a week 50mg of tren ace a day 100mg of anadrol a day and 15 ius of growth per day. I feel great eating like crazy but the Sulphur burps are annoying. Nothing painful though just disgusting lol. Thanks for your input.
Jesus. Have you gotten your bloods done? Reckless af, completely unneeded.
Gotta love how everyone tries to make what's not their business their business on here its pretty funny.
You made it everyone’s business when you talked about it openly on a Google indexed forum that does not restrict its users. Maybe quit whining about the very predictable results of your own actions?
Dude this is a steroid forum not a Walmart. Of course he looks better than your average person, that’s not saying much. Most people you see on a regular basis are overweight and don’t even train. This should not be the standard one is held to when blasting 2.5 - 3 grams of gear and 10-15 iu of hgh

This physique is easily achieved natty by a teenager.
Omg, I was literally thinking the same thing. This is the body of an athletic teenaged boy without drugs.
That's it...let's have the Meso harm reduction games:

Track 1
200 mg/week Test ester (indefinite time limit) plus your oral of choice for up to 6 weeks (harm reduction limit) at up to 50 mg/day.

Track 2
200 mg/week Test ester only for last 6 months only (disclose prior androgen use/abuse)

How do those moderate to lower dose physiques match up?

Prizes for 1st/2nd/3rd place?
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