GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH


Please be specific.
read my post a couple days before he mentioned retiring... He's been around for years. Always on top of everything or giving a notice when he isn't going to be. The sudden character shift should be a massive que to stay away from the source, at least temporarily
read my post a couple days before he mentioned retiring... He's been around for years. Always on top of everything or giving a notice when he isn't going to be. The sudden character shift should be a massive que to stay away from the source, at least temporarily
meh, some people are being cautious right now after liska.
One top source on another forum claimed they do 800 orders every month. That’s a big number.
if youre talking about a particular UGBB source, that guy is a know bullshitter and theres no way he was clearing anywhere near that many orders.
read my post a couple days before he mentioned retiring... He's been around for years. Always on top of everything or giving a notice when he isn't going to be. The sudden character shift should be a massive que to stay away from the source, at least temporarily
Someone’s salty that goodlyfe didn’t answer that “you up?” Text message. Next time man
if youre talking about a particular UGBB source, that guy is a know bullshitter and theres no way he was clearing anywhere near that many orders.
I’m not on UGBB but he is on all the forums. Not on here though. He could be but those numbers are definitely do able. I would say for a top source it is.
I’m not on UGBB but he is on all the forums. Not on here though. He could be but those numbers are definitely do able. I would say for a top source it is.
i dont believe we are talking about the same individual, as i havent seen him on any other forums, unless he goes by a different name
Arent you that guy that did 1.5g of test on cycle 2 or some stupid shit?

Stick to making your chicken breast protein shakes.

It's the same Valdosta.

Goofy kid, questionable judgement, spotty reception to advice at best.

But credit where credits due hes made good progress.

I just tend to roll my eyes.