GoodLyfe Anabolics/GH

Was about to place another order today and then saw the news . Is it really true ? Man we finally got someone good at what they do and poof they are gone . Probably for the best since if I’m not mistaken he just got married . Good luck with life GL thanks for the run
lol how tf do you all get this kind of tea about sources’ personal life
Not the best lighting, but it’s thick af (MCT). When I went to push the air out of the syringe it looked like I shot iodine in the sink. Pinned yesterday and no pip or anything, just haven’t ran tren like this and I’ve ran it quite a bit over the years.
He did say this from the latest jano testing he had… I’ve never seen it that dark but says it’s from darker raws?

He did say this from the latest jano testing he had… I’ve never seen it that dark but says it’s from darker raws?

View attachment 279575
I’ve seen darker tren online and due to various reasons, I was more so curious of the viscosity and the color. I’m still gonna run it unless I run into an issue or input from guys on here states I should do otherwise.
Not the best lighting, but it’s thick af (MCT). When I went to push the air out of the syringe it looked like I shot iodine in the sink. Pinned yesterday and no pip or anything, just haven’t ran tren like this and I’ve ran it quite a bit over the years.
That looks very over burned. The thickness makes me think it was burned instead of dark raws. Even tren a 200 isn't thick at all
Honestly it's a tough call for me. Yea it's inconvenient to buy more, but more is cheap. But on the other hand I'd be concerned if burned mct is safe to inject. If it’s thick and that color, it was definitely burned.
Can’t see GL selling burnt MCT that’s unsafe to inject… The backlash wouldn’t be worth it for business…
If he’s had no pip i don’t see the issue but i guess we are all playing a gamble no matter what at the end of the day.
I made a thread sometime back about this…

The tren Goodlyfe was selling he stated was already darker than usual and tren in mct will darken over time even in a dark place at room temp. Not saying this is the case for this instance but just putting out what I’ve observed. I was actually told by Liska to keep tren in the fridge when storing. He told me he kept his in the fridge so it didn’t darken while he had it sitting waiting on it to be bought.
I made a thread sometime back about this…

The tren Goodlyfe was selling he stated was already darker than usual and tren in mct will darken over time even in a dark place at room temp. Not saying this is the case for this instance but just putting out what I’ve observed. I was actually told by Liska to keep tren in the fridge when storing. He told me he kept his in the fridge so it didn’t darken while he had it sitting waiting on it to be bought.
Don’t know how long it sat before I got it, but it’s only been sitting at my house for about a month. I’m still gonna run it as I haven’t had any pip and that’s putting 1ml tren and 1 ml mast in my delt. Been running gear several years and it’s my first time with tren like this so I figured I’d ask.
Think that's because they get busted.

Not sure why you think that I should or would take your guys money. Bad karma will catch up with you.
Damn came to this thread super sad. Havent been on the forums in a while but my friend sent me the screenshot that ur leaving. Best of luck! Also really sucks :(
Damn came to this thread super sad. Havent been on the forums in a while but my friend sent me the screenshot that ur leaving. Best of luck! Also really sucks :(
Whos the go to now that Goodlyfe is living his best life?

Welcome back man.

I'll catch you up: people don't usually get answers to questions like this any more (for example: who is the best source/GTG? et cetera).

Read the last couple pages of a source's thread. Look for red flags, customer complaints, etc. If it looks good to you, go for it and send in anything you order for testing (mostly Jano).

Bonus points for vendors who reimburse blind customer testing.
Welcome back man.

I'll catch you up: people don't usually get answers to questions like this any more (for example: who is the best source/GTG? et cetera).

Read the last couple pages of a source's thread. Look for red flags, customer complaints, etc. If it looks good to you, go for it and send in anything you order for testing (mostly Jano).

Bonus points for vendors who reimburse blind customer testing.
You do see this guys Join date right ? 2014 …. And he’s asking this question.
There's the answer you want vs the answer you need to hear.

Many love the former.
Hes been around a while. Personally never used him as GL had the best stuff and MCT oil which I love as Grapeseed oil is an inflammatory oil in general. Might as well be using a healthy oil when injecting in my opinion. Also GL’s hgh gave me same results as pharma (Serostim). Damn I wish I came back sooner and stocked up
Hes been around a while. Personally never used him as GL had the best stuff and MCT oil which I love as Grapeseed oil is an inflammatory oil in general. Might as well be using a healthy oil when injecting in my opinion. Also GL’s hgh gave me same results as pharma (Serostim). Damn I wish I came back sooner and stocked up
Okay, paul saladino. You should have your gear brewed in beef tallow