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Anyone have experience with this compound.

[ame=]GW 501516 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
No experience, but sounds interesting. I need to read up.

Narkar VA, Downes M, Yu RT, et al. AMPK and PPARdelta agonists are exercise mimetics. Cell 2008;134(3):405-15. AMPK and PPAR? agonists are exercise mimetics

The benefits of endurance exercise on general health make it desirable to identify orally active agents that would mimic or potentiate the effects of exercise to treat metabolic diseases. Although certain natural compounds, such as reseveratrol, have endurance-enhancing activities, their exact metabolic targets remain elusive. We therefore tested the effect of pathway-specific drugs on endurance capacities of mice in a treadmill running test. We found that PPARbeta/delta agonist and exercise training synergistically increase oxidative myofibers and running endurance in adult mice. Because training activates AMPK and PGC1alpha, we then tested whether the orally active AMPK agonist AICAR might be sufficient to overcome the exercise requirement. Unexpectedly, even in sedentary mice, 4 weeks of AICAR treatment alone induced metabolic genes and enhanced running endurance by 44%. These results demonstrate that AMPK-PPARdelta pathway can be targeted by orally active drugs to enhance training adaptation or even to increase endurance without exercise.

Is Cited by the Following 116 Articles in this Archive: Cited by ...
Goodyear LJ. The Exercise Pill - Too Good to Be True? New England Journal of Medicine 2008;359(17):1842-4. MMS: Error

Exercise and Elicitation of Endurance

A recent study by Narkar et al. suggests that two agents, GW1516 and AICAR (5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-beta-4-ribofuranoside), agonists of peroxisome-proliferator–activated receptor ? (PPAR-?) and AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), respectively, can mimic some of the beneficial effects of exercise in skeletal muscle.

The authors show that the signaling of AMPK and that of PPAR-? interact, resulting in many adaptations in skeletal muscle. Previous studies have shown that aerobic exercise activates AMPK and a host of other signaling pathways in skeletal muscle, leading to a more oxidative and insulin-sensitive phenotype, and exercise also has numerous beneficial effects on organs throughout the body. Data are from the study by Narkar et al. and several previous studies.



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So far i have been running this and aicar since monday.

GW1516 at 20mg per day (oral) and aicar at 10 mg per day (subq).

The first 2 days i noticed no change in my cardio endurance... 60 min at 160-170bpm interval running and swimming.

The last 2 days I have noticed a perceived ease in exertion. The intervals seem less stressful and the recuperation time between high intensity is very fast. For example... two minute ON @ 5min mile pace and then a one minute OFF at a 8 min mile pace... my HR drops to low 140... prior to the 2 compounds... it would be in the 150's.

These HR's were better when i was 30... and 180lbs. but now Im 205 and 10 years older.... still around 8 % BF.

The caveat is... after running Tren for so long and its affects on my cardiovascular. It seems these compounds are reversing Tren's affects.

I dont notice much on the weight training side; but for cardio.... this stuff is for real!

Keep you guys posted. i have enough to run 2 mos.
I would love to Millard but Im not running it personally. Im following a log of someone I know pretty well.
I am running a TB500 log here though. ( )


if you start running 1516 please post your results.

So far... i have noticed a slight decrease in BPM at higher exertion cardiovascular exercise. as well as, an ease of perceived exertion and faster recuperation times between intervals. However, I am running both Aicar and 1516.

I am still unsure if it is worth it for the cost. However, any edge i can gain to get my cardiovascular back after Tren use i will gladly partake.

if you start running 1516 please post your results.

So far... i have noticed a slight decrease in BPM at higher exertion cardiovascular exercise. as well as, an ease of perceived exertion and faster recuperation times between intervals. However, I am running both Aicar and 1516.

I am still unsure if it is worth it for the cost. However, any edge i can gain to get my cardiovascular back after Tren use i will gladly partake.

How about with regards to loss of body fat?
Nothing noticeable yet; and I'm into week 2. I would have seen changes. However I am pretty lean as it is and keep my caloric intake managed to keep LBM maximized.
Nothing noticeable yet; and I'm into week 2. I would have seen changes. However I am pretty lean as it is and keep my caloric intake managed to keep LBM maximized.

Based on you cardio activity I thought that may be the case. I will be following..thanks for updating.
I used e-mailed OstaGain and he said he would be willing to sell seven 30ml bottles(10mg/ml) @ $50/bottle, an insanely cheap price.

I just ordered 1 to test it out, if all goes well I will be doing a high dose log. I'll try to titrate up to 50mg/day, a bit of a jump from the 5mg/day that many people do. Wish me luck!