Hair Loss

To update you a few weeks on, I saw immediate and much better improvement from adding the topical minox and finasteride and have since stopped the pyrilutamide for the time being. The minox is what is making the biggest impact i think, because I can see regrowth on the areas I'm rubbing it. I stopped pyril probably 3/4 weeks ago and the improvements have continued.

Perhaps it was a lag and the pyril took some time to work, but the difference has been drastic with minox/fina and instant - so from now on I'll be sticking with those two and not pyril. Also, I use ketaconazole 3x per week and a Piroctone olamine shampoo as well.

If the effect drops off over the next few months, I'll assume the pyril was actually working but it was delayed impact and come back to update here.
Are you using topical fin and if so what concentration and amount? Just started topical min 5%, and topical fin at 0.01% concentration for 1ml and dermarolling. The dermaroller I got was crap so ordered Dr Pen M6 and waiting for that to come in. Hoping I can get some regrowth, havent used anything before but starting to getting more noticable thining at the crown and hairliine so figure I better do something before it gets much worse.
That looks really amazing! How many plugs was it, around 2000?
They're not called plugs anymore. That's very old tech.

They are called grafts. Each graft includes 1-4 individual hair follicles. There were 4,261 in this procedure. That's what each of those little red dots/scabs are. My second procedure was about 1,500 grafts, almost exclusively in the crown area.
They're not called plugs anymore. That's very old tech.

They are called grafts. Each graft includes 1-4 individual hair follicles. There were 4,261 in this procedure. That's what each of those little red dots/scabs are. My second procedure was about 1,500 grafts, almost exclusively in the crown area.
Yeah grafts was the term I was looking for just went blank at that moment and couldn't remember.
Been using this brand RU58741,for about 1 year and a half with excellent results. ( Also, with Ketoconazole shampoo 2% 3x weekly MWF, Hims shampoo and Minoxidil foam morning and Minoxidil solution at night. RU 50mgs at night. E20D67C1-3C53-4D0A-A8E3-E816E963487B.jpeg
Gonna continue the same protocol as above but I found this on ALI Express for a fraction of the cost and would last years if legit. Paid a little over $15 for 100g from a seller claiming to be a factory in China. It just landed so I’ll report on how quality is. I have a full head of hair and only use for protection. Good reviews so far so hoping for the best. Beats paying $120 for 10g through Anagenic. 3E39457F-EC25-441B-ADAB-FAB96BCBF82D.jpeg
Gonna continue the same protocol as above but I found this on ALI Express for a fraction of the cost and would last years if legit. Paid a little over $15 for 100g from a seller claiming to be a factory in China. It just landed so I’ll report on how quality is. I have a full head of hair and only use for protection. Good reviews so far so hoping for the best. Beats paying $120 for 10g through Anagenic. View attachment 257709That's a great price. I might look at getting some from AE also. How are you going to mix it?
I make small 7 day batches at a time. 4.9 ml Everclear with 2.1 ml Propylene Glycol. 350mg RU mixed together makes 7ml @50 mg/ml.

I always let the RU dissolve in the 4.9 ml EC before adding the 2.1 PG.

This way batches stay fresh and potent making one weeks worth at a time.
Looks like I got fucked on the too good to be true one. Can’t get it to dissolve in 190 Everclear without staying cloudy with sediment. Figured no easy way out of paying $79 per 5g or $120 for 10g. How the hell does Anagenic find it so cheap to make a profit.
Are you using topical fin and if so what concentration and amount? Just started topical min 5%, and topical fin at 0.01% concentration for 1ml and dermarolling. The dermaroller I got was crap so ordered Dr Pen M6 and waiting for that to come in. Hoping I can get some regrowth, havent used anything before but starting to getting more noticable thining at the crown and hairliine so figure I better do something before it gets much worse.
Hi there. Yes it's topical fin and the amount is 0.1% (1mg per 1ml).

It's 1ml per day so 1mg per day.
I started using 0.8mg / day oral fin along with 0.1mg topical fin / day a couple weeks ago and haven't noticed any side effects yet.

I’m still side-effect free also. Haven’t added anything since - just as described above and going well. Definitely some regrowth at temples.
Re: The big 4 (now 5) for preventing hair loss.

Very good article bro! Thanks for posting this! :)
I seen on YouTube putting pure onion juice on scalp a couple times a week can aid in growing new hair, apparently the sulfur content is so fucking high it can jolt up with other hair products, could it be ?
Awesome results? Where did you have it done and cost?

Aren't you worried that you may bald again in a few years? Won't you have bald patches from where the hair was taken (back of your head, I would guess)?
Starting to get some at temples not really liking that. Yet will start with ketozonale shampoo. I guess fin is the next step.

What would allow tor regrowth fin?
Fin can cause some regrowth but adding in minoxidil will do most of the actual regrowing when used together. Think of it as fin for prevention of more loss and minoxidil for regrowth of what was lost.
Starting to get some at temples not really liking that. Yet will start with ketozonale shampoo. I guess fin is the next step.

What would allow tor regrowth fin?
Fin can cause some regrowth but adding in minoxidil will do most of the actual regrowing when used together. Think of it as fin for prevention of more loss and minoxidil for regrowth of what was lost.
Will reasses in 6 months