Hair Loss

Have you noticed any negative heart side effects while using the minox? And are you using topical or oral?

Adding my own data point. On 1mg fin daily and 5% topical minoxidil 2x per day for over 20yrs.

Added oral minox 2.5ng 4 years ago. zero sides since then BP unchanged ; i see a cardiologist 3x per year and he’s been fine w that protocol. (I got oral minox from the surgeon who did my hairline )
Adding my own data point. On 1mg fin daily and 5% topical minoxidil 2x per day for over 20yrs.

Added oral minox 2.5ng 4 years ago. zero sides since then BP unchanged ; i see a cardiologist 3x per year and he’s been fine w that protocol. (I got oral minox from the surgeon who did my hairline )
Is it working/staying/good?
Is it working/staying/good?
Haven’t noticed anything “improved” so to speak. Just status quo.

Im under six months into TRT. With some liberal doses here and there for mini blast. No changes w that. Probably due to fin doing its job

yet to do my first AAS cycle
Is anyone here using Fin+Min+derma pen? If so what is your routine like and how have the results been?

Also, anyone here experience any heart issues in Minoxidil? The one thing that scares me about taking it.
Is anyone here using Fin+Min+derma pen? If so what is your routine like and how have the results been?

Also, anyone here experience any heart issues in Minoxidil? The one thing that scares me about taking it.

No issues with minox. Been using topical 5% + fin for 20 years, since my early 20s. In my 40s I did start noticing more shedding. I ended up getting some grafts done to fill in the hairline but not much more.

Added oral 2.5 mg minox by hair doc four years ago No issues so far Heart is good; monitored by cardiologist

haven’t religiously rolled so can’t give feedback on that.
No issues with minox. Been using topical 5% + fin for 20 years, since my early 20s. In my 40s I did start noticing more shedding. I ended up getting some grafts done to fill in the hairline but not much more.

Added oral 2.5 mg minox by hair doc four years ago No issues so far Heart is good; monitored by cardiologist

haven’t religiously rolled so can’t give feedback on that.
Awesome thank you for your feedback. Since you had a hair transplant, do you have any knowledge about derma rolling having a negative effect on getting a hair transplant in the future?
Awesome thank you for your feedback. Since you had a hair transplant, do you have any knowledge about derma rolling having a negative effect on getting a hair transplant in the future?

I don’t know , tbh. I only started rolling last year

but if you think about it , when a transplant happens, they use a tool to punch a hole in the target area, and this clears the old tissue out of the way for the donor follicle+ root So I’d think it’s fine ?
Adding my own data point. On 1mg fin daily and 5% topical minoxidil 2x per day for over 20yrs.

Added oral minox 2.5ng 4 years ago. zero sides since then BP unchanged ; i see a cardiologist 3x per year and he’s been fine w that protocol. (I got oral minox from the surgeon who did my hairline )
From what I've read, that's a LONG time on either fin or min.

Are you regrowing hair?
Or, is it more of a maintenance thing?

Also, what compounds are you typically using?
Supposedly, FIN limits options; primarily to test.

Thank you
From what I've read, that's a LONG time on either fin or min.

Are you regrowing hair?
Or, is it more of a maintenance thing?

Also, what compounds are you typically using?
Supposedly, FIN limits options; primarily to test.

Thank you

just maintenance.

only experience w gear thus far is test -prop cycle 500/w and win 50mg/d. Two weeks into win. Hair is ok so far , knock on wood. I’ve been using RU since I started win

id like to add a small dose of NPP - for joints. Not sure how to finagle it with fin and test I am taking

- wait for NPP until I’m finishing up this test cycle and back down to TRT dose ?

- drop fin altogether (not sure how smart that would be if I’m running 500mg or tes—p). And roll the dice with RU58841, maybe get topical fin ? I Did read that topical fin can get systemic but maybe It’s dose dependent ?
just maintenance.

only experience w gear thus far is test -prop cycle 500/w and win 50mg/d. Two weeks into win. Hair is ok so far , knock on wood. I’ve been using RU since I started win

id like to add a small dose of NPP - for joints. Not sure how to finagle it with fin and test I am taking

- wait for NPP until I’m finishing up this test cycle and back down to TRT dose ?

- drop fin altogether (not sure how smart that would be if I’m running 500mg or tes—p). And roll the dice with RU58841, maybe get topical fin ? I Did read that topical fin can get systemic but maybe It’s dose dependent ?
Thanks bro.
just maintenance.

only experience w gear thus far is test -prop cycle 500/w and win 50mg/d. Two weeks into win. Hair is ok so far , knock on wood. I’ve been using RU since I started win

id like to add a small dose of NPP - for joints. Not sure how to finagle it with fin and test I am taking

- wait for NPP until I’m finishing up this test cycle and back down to TRT dose ?

- drop fin altogether (not sure how smart that would be if I’m running 500mg or tes—p). And roll the dice with RU58841, maybe get topical fin ? I Did read that topical fin can get systemic but maybe It’s dose dependent ?
Topical fin does go systematic, there is a graph that shows optimal dose, its still 70% effective as oral but is topical. Its like .01 mg something so small, there is a chart somewhere
Topical fin does go systematic, there is a graph that shows optimal dose, its still 70% effective as oral but is topical. Its like .01 mg something so small, there is a chart somewhere
yeah, there's tons of groups on Reddit and everyone seems to respond completely differently to Fin, Min and Dut; on gear and off.

The hair thing is so fucked up
Anyone using RU or topical Dust on the scalp?
I just started RU58841 about 3-4 weeks ago. Seemed like a massive shed at first then I’m coming into stabilization now. I’ll do my best to keep updates coming here. Also on .5mg/ED finasteride, minoxidil, ketoconazole shampoo, and microneedle once per week.
Gonna continue the same protocol as above but I found this on ALI Express for a fraction of the cost and would last years if legit. Paid a little over $15 for 100g from a seller claiming to be a factory in China. It just landed so I’ll report on how quality is. I have a full head of hair and only use for protection. Good reviews so far so hoping for the best. Beats paying $120 for 10g through Anagenic. View attachment 257709
Hello you have any new informations. I want buy this too.

Some of you bros dont care about hair loss, but it can be a big concern for most of us other bros. I'm 35 and I still have a thick and full head of hair. I am not one of those guys who would look good bald or balding. In some of my cycles years ago, I noticed large volumes of hair falling out in the shower during a cycle. This brought me to the point where I would look in the mirror and say, "What good is there in having huge muscles if my hair looks like crap?" So my search began to find the best possible hair solution, which involves stopping hair loss and even reversing it!

Let me just show you the final results (IN ORDER OF IMPORTANCE), and I will comment on each:

  1. AVODART® (Dutasteride) - Dutasteride was developed to help shrink the prostate and was found to have an even more profound effect on regrowing hair than Finasteride! Not only that, it can take care of more of your DHT, it starts working faster, and stays in your system for much longer. 1 to 5 mg ED is all you need, and it also keeps that prostate down during your cycles. In my book, this is a win/win situation.
  2. PROPECIA® (Finasteride) - Next to Viagra, this drug may have had one of the all time record advertising budgets. Finasteride is a hair loss prevention / regrowth drug. Recommended dose is 1 mg ED and after 6 to 12 months the user may achieve positive results. The reason I write "big 4" in the title of this thread is that it may not be necessary to use both Dutasteride and Finasteride, although there are no known drug interactions. I say roll with Dutasteride if you can and if not then use Finasteride.
  3. ROGAINE® (Minoxidil) - Cheap to buy generic at target in three month supply, Minoxidil blocks DHT on the scalp. After handling DHT within the body via Dutasteride or Finasteride, you can also stop the damage of DHT on the scalp. Use twice a day. I use it after my morning shower and after my workout shower.
  4. NIOXIN® (Cleanser, Conditioner, and Treatment) - Use these Nioxin products as your daily shampoo and conditioner. They work on the scalp to ensure that your skin is healthy. Shampoo removes impurities that clog follicles, including DHT. The conditioner keeps the scalp moisturized. The treatment adds botanicals and nutrients to the scalp skin.
  5. NIZORAL® (A-D Shampoo) - Ketoconazole, the main ingredient in Nizoral, acts as a relatively mild anti-androgen. (Androgen binds to hair follicles and over time shrinks them down, causing thinner and thinner hair.) Use this shampoo once a week for help with DHT.

This hair regiment is not difficult to maintain, and can provide great results. I went from losing my hair to growing it back! It takes a few months to start working, so for the first 6 months have patience. Passing the 1 to 2 year markers using the "Big 4" regiment should yield significant hair gains, or at the very least put an end to your loss.

This article assumes appropriate nutrition, hydration, and sleep.


I dont know how people can stomach fina. It gives me so many side effects. I rather get a hair transplant than having to endure so many side effects.
I dont know how people can stomach fina. It gives me so many side effects. I rather get a hair transplant than having to endure so many side effects.

if your hair loss is bad enough you may still need some kind of 5ar blocking action cuz typical transplant doesn’t plug that many spots Ie you’d strip your donor area quite a bit if you had to populate a complete cue ball scalp

perhaps RU is promising for long term use? I know that fin topically still ends up systemic. Have you tried it tho? Perhaps you can get away w lower dosing ?
I just started RU58841 about 3-4 weeks ago. Seemed like a massive shed at first then I’m coming into stabilization now. I’ll do my best to keep updates coming here. Also on .5mg/ED finasteride, minoxidil, ketoconazole shampoo, and microneedle once per week.
Was the RU from Chemyo?