Hair Loss

Pyrilutamide is cope... KINTOR anounced there is not a significant difference between Pyrilutamide and placebo group
Statistical significance does not mean it doesn't work (and there was also a trend of effectiveness with dose, so that is a good sign). Also, population matters, it may be a viable option for people maintaining or preventing hair loss, especially with DHT derivatives. No real answer yet, but yes not necessarily cope.

Anecdotal evidence of RU is quite decent, even with regrowth, who knows what exactly is in all the products. No answers, all we can go off is anecdotal atm imo.
Statistical significance does not mean it doesn't work (and there was also a trend of effectiveness with dose, so that is a good sign). Also, population matters, it may be a viable option for people maintaining or preventing hair loss, especially with DHT derivatives. No real answer yet, but yes not necessarily cope.

Anecdotal evidence of RU is quite decent, even with regrowth, who knows what exactly is in all the products. No answers, all we can go off is anecdotal atm imo.

Statistical significance does not mean it doesn't work (and there was also a trend of effectiveness with dose, so that is a good sign). Also, population matters, it may be a viable option for people maintaining or preventing hair loss, especially with DHT derivatives. No real answer yet, but yes not necessarily cope.

Anecdotal evidence of RU is quite decent, even with regrowth, who knows what exactly is in all the products. No answers, all we can go off is anecdotal atm imo.
Thats why RU should be better for hair , anecdotaly seems almost no one have results with pyri and the trials from that company that made show the same thing.

RU is cheaper, anecdotal evidence that work and it had a study done in macaques with good results
Thats why RU should be better for hair , anecdotaly seems almost no one have results with pyri and the trials from that company that made show the same thing.

RU is cheaper, anecdotal evidence that work and it had a study done in macaques with good results
Again, some good results with pyri are found. Anagenic was the source that I saw good results from someone running tren... other brands are hard to judge as pyri was not easy to source 1 year ago.
If you're not letting your kids messing with your hair about an hour after appying the topical, i can't think any potential harm. It's not like a testogel for example..
Are you able to run npp with using topical fin?
Also do you know what's better topical fin or dut?

You mean nandrolone only?

If you mean test and nandrolone, DON'T! Buddy do your research on this because you clearly haven't done yet. I'm not planning to use fina or duta i'm just using minoxidil and RU but i've seen some coaches saying that if you put nandrolone in the mix with test while running finasteride, u speed up the hair loss through a mechanism.. I didn't pay that much attention because i don't care, but i'm sure i've listened to this from more than 1 so called "experts" in the field. If you want to run finasteride or dutasteride better stick to test only.

I've seen guys running finasteride and RU while running test and DHT's but haven't seen anyone running nandrolone as far as i remember.
You mean nandrolone only?

If you mean test and nandrolone, DON'T! Buddy do your research on this because you clearly haven't done yet. I'm not planning to use fina or duta i'm just using minoxidil and RU but i've seen some coaches saying that if you put nandrolone in the mix with test while running finasteride, u speed up the hair loss through a mechanism.. I didn't pay that much attention because i don't care, but i'm sure i've listened to this from more than 1 so called "experts" in the field. If you want to run finasteride or dutasteride better stick to test only.

I've seen guys running finasteride and RU while running test and DHT's but haven't seen anyone running nandrolone as far as i remember.
I did my research buddy. I know fin and nandrolone don't mix. Didn't know because it's topical it's the same. Heard very little gets absorbed so wasn't sure. . Get off the ru by the way
I did my research buddy. I know fin and nandrolone don't mix. Didn't know because it's topical it's the same. Heard very little gets absorbed so wasn't sure. . Get off the ru by the way

With topical you just have more chances to not experience the side effects in the same degree as oral, as far as i know that's the difference. It still goes systemic once it's absorbed but in a lesser degree.

Why so negative about RU? I haven't seen any actual side effects from anecdotal reports. Some potential, yeah..but finasteride has worse sides of RU and it still got approved.
With topical you just have more chances to not experience the side effects in the same degree as oral, as far as i know that's the difference. It still goes systemic once it's absorbed but in a lesser degree.

Why so negative about RU? I haven't seen any actual side effects from anecdotal reports. Some potential, yeah..but finasteride has worse sides of RU and it still got approved.
Idk I'm just a little iffy on it. The whole unknown of why they stopped pursuing it. A lot of guys claiming that had side effects and blocking receptors to the heart. Just seems worrisome to me.
Idk I'm just a little iffy on it. The whole unknown of why they stopped pursuing it. A lot of guys claiming that had side effects and blocking receptors to the heart. Just seems worrisome to me.
some guy on tressless subreddit spoke to the guy who was in charge of research of ru58841 and he apparently said that there was no recorded side effects and significant effect on hair regrowth. apparently it was dropped due to a company swap and the people didnt think it was profitable.
some guy on tressless subreddit spoke to the guy who was in charge of research of ru58841 and he apparently said that there was no recorded side effects and significant effect on hair regrowth. apparently it was dropped due to a company swap and the people didnt think it was profitable.
I don't know if I buy that. Seems like itd be a pretty profitable thing. If I was single and living on my own I'd prob try it but with my wife and baby in the house it makes me worried about transferring. Same as fin. Not sure if it's dangerous having it around them so I'm hesitant of trying it. I do use minoxidil. I'm not sure if that's something I need to worry about.
I don't know if I buy that. Seems like itd be a pretty profitable thing. If I was single and living on my own I'd prob try it but with my wife and baby in the house it makes me worried about transferring. Same as fin. Not sure if it's dangerous having it around them so I'm hesitant of trying it. I do use minoxidil. I'm not sure if that's something I need to worry about.
If you're just using minox you're fighting a losing battle so might as well not waste your time.