Hair Loss

So I started fin 1 mg March of 2023. Ran it until August where I lowered the dose to .5 mg a day. Didn't seem like it was helping so I dropped it late October. After a month of being off it I decided to try it again. So I started 1 mg again in December 2023 and currently have been on it until now. I am on trt 150 mgs test a week
dont know what you re doing between march and august, but if you have more androgens than natural, fin could not be enough... even with natty status fin take a lot of time to stop or slow hair loss, and cant even work, thats why people hop in high dose Dutasteride.
If you really concerned with hair loss, my advice is use fin/or duta and others things. even more with trt.
if you do HT you may hold the results for 1 or 3years who knows, but probably going to lose a lot of density, and going for a second HT or even a third HT and by that time your donor area is cooked, and trust if you are even hair loss now with the HT will acelerate that fall, meaning you will loose a lot of native hair , that give density and natural look ...
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dont know what you re doing between march and august, but if you have more androgens than natural, fin could not be enough... even with natty status fin take a lot of time to stop or slow hair loss, and cant even work, thats why people hop in high dose Dutasteride
Thanks. I just don't get why my hair looks worse on fin though. If it's lowering dht it should at least be somewhat better or at least the same not a worst?
Thanks. I just don't get why my hair looks worse on fin though. If it's lowering dht it should at least be somewhat better or at least the same not a worst?
test your DHT without FIN and 2 months ON FIN 1mg,
Bro if you really want to slow down or stop hair loss, sadly you need to be on FIN or DUTASTERIDE and even that can´t be enough. sometimes we need high DUT dosage and other shits even more on TRT / Steroids
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Without fin it was 117. Normal values are between 12 and 65. I gotta check it while on fin
my values DHT come in Pg/ml

my normal is 500 pg/ml
one time i stopped fin but done blood a few weeks after and my DHT was like 250 pg/ml

For example with 300mg testosterone my total test was 1300ng/dl, DHT :841pg/ml without fin , first few weeks i noticed my hair getting worst , not shedding but thiner, well i start fin and ru58841 and it hold my hair.

you can have low normal DHT values and have hair loss, is about how sensitive is your hair do DHT.
my values DHT come in Pg/ml

my normal is 500 pg/ml
one time i stopped fin but done blood a few weeks after and my DHT was like 250 pg/ml

For example with 300mg testosterone my total test was 1300ng/dl, DHT :841pg/ml without fin , first few weeks i noticed my hair getting worst , not shedding but thiner, well i start fin and ru58841 and it hold my hair.

you can have low normal DHT values and have hair loss, is about how sensitive is your hair do DHT.
Thanks I'm also on Lisinopril and metoprolol for bp. Not sure if that could have an effect on hair
Thanks I'm also on Lisinopril and metoprolol for bp. Not sure if that could have an effect on hair

stick to it longer. even with treatments that are working very well, you will go through shedding phases where your hair will look worse. 6 months is the bare minimum length of time you should be on a treatment, 1 year is ideal to really see results

I've been on a pretty strong stack for about 4 months now, and my hair is a little better, and I see small hairs popping up I believe. I'm sure once I drop my dose to 150mg test/week it will get get even better even faster. That being said I'm really not expecting to see any really noticeable differences in my hair until 6-8 months from now tbh. until then I "think" it's working, and I trust that it'll work, but hair recovery/maintenance is definitely a waiting game, be patient.

if I were you I would just get one of those services that does a combined topical or combined oral formulation of finasteride and minoxidil and just take it for a year and then compare where you are then to where you are now.
Just putting my own hair stack for an update:

Oral dutasteride (I had been taking oral fin to maintain hair for 20y but last year when I started TRT the extra DHT did some damage to hair and thinned it out a bit. Hairline is fine because I had a few grafts planted few years ago.

Oral minox 2.5 mg daily. On advice of hair surgeon not sure if it does anything. Just been taking it.

Topical minox 5% for 20 yrs. But since getting raws last year I’ve home brewed 8% blend for myself. Sprinkle some dut raw in there also.

RU 5%

I had good exp w pyralutamide but feel it’s too expensive and haven’t found a Chinese supplier. I cringe buying anything from USA based scalpers , whether gear or peptides or hair stuff. RU I just brew the 5%

Daily keto 2% shampoo.

Gear I’ve been running

Test 200-300 per week
Primo 500-900
Mast 700
Couple of cycles of tren at 500-700 as part of the above stack.

Oh and winstrol. Basically the worst hair gear lol.

No issues.

The ONLY time I got shedding was when I was rh bing 800 primo and I added 100ng daily injectable winny. With 50 mg I’ve had no issues.

It could also be because the dut nukes my natty DHT so there’s less overall load. If I weren’t systemically nuking it I’d pay attn to the overall load. Even if using topical anti androgens like RU
wow crazy 1 mL 5% RU is enough to block a 2g+ DHT derivatives cylce for u?
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stick to it longer. even with treatments that are working very well, you will go through shedding phases where your hair will look worse. 6 months is the bare minimum length of time you should be on a treatment, 1 year is ideal to really see results

I've been on a pretty strong stack for about 4 months now, and my hair is a little better, and I see small hairs popping up I believe. I'm sure once I drop my dose to 150mg test/week it will get get even better even faster. That being said I'm really not expecting to see any really noticeable differences in my hair until 6-8 months from now tbh. until then I "think" it's working, and I trust that it'll work, but hair recovery/maintenance is definitely a waiting game, be patient.

if I were you I would just get one of those services that does a combined topical or combined oral formulation of finasteride and minoxidil and just take it for a year and then compare where you are then to where you are now.
Thanks man thing is it's been a year of being on. Granted I used 1 mg for 6 months then lowered dose to .5 mgs for two months. Took a month off and now been back on 1 mg for 4 months
The subject of ED and dutaseride/ fin is well known. Anyone have any real world observations or ways they circumvented this issue? I need to be on a hair loss med for sure. But I'm barely getting by now with Ed. Worsening the situation is a real dilemma. thks
The subject of ED and dutaseride/ fin is well known. Anyone have any real world observations or ways they circumvented this issue? I need to be on a hair loss med for sure. But I'm barely getting by now with Ed. Worsening the situation is a real dilemma. thks
NO ED on 1mg fin daily since november 2023 and zero steroids .
bro try start with 0.25mg 3x week and maybe from than 0.25mg daily
0.25mg and 1mg is almost the same but less dosage perhaps less sides, and its more progressive this way, slowy introduce fin low dose 3xweek

..maybe some cialis when you really need it
The subject of ED and dutaseride/ fin is well known. Anyone have any real world observations or ways they circumvented this issue? I need to be on a hair loss med for sure. But I'm barely getting by now with Ed. Worsening the situation is a real dilemma. thks

This is person dependent, you may be affected and you may not. It's like rolling the dice..i ain't do it because time doesn't come back. In my opinion if you afraid of hair loss more than the potential side effects, at least start with topical fin. It will still go systemic but if you come across side effects they probably be in a lesser degree. Just my POV.
NO ED on 1mg fin daily since november 2023 and zero steroids .
bro try start with 0.25mg 3x week and maybe from than 0.25mg daily
0.25mg and 1mg is almost the same but less dosage perhaps less sides, and its more progressive this way, slowy introduce fin low dose 3xweek

..maybe some cialis when you really need it
appreciate your advice! will follow this protocol thks
So decided to stop finasteride. Been on for a year. Tried 1 mg ed, .5 mg ed, took a month break and resumed 1 mg ed. I just kept shedding hair and don't think it's going to work for me. I got my dht tested while off it and just got my dht tested again while still on so I'll be curious to see how my levels are.

I know they said there is a she's with finasteride but I feel like I never stopped shedding and hair def looks worse now. For now gonna stick with microneedling, minox, and rosemary oil. Should I expect my hair to go to complete poo once stopping. I know it didn't help but I'm wondering what's going to happen.

I never had any sides on it. I do feel like I was less assertive and aggressive on it but could be placebo. Anyone who got off fin how was it? Did your hair go bye bye or was it not too bad?
So decided to stop finasteride. Been on for a year. Tried 1 mg ed, .5 mg ed, took a month break and resumed 1 mg ed. I just kept shedding hair and don't think it's going to work for me. I got my dht tested while off it and just got my dht tested again while still on so I'll be curious to see how my levels are.

I know they said there is a she's with finasteride but I feel like I never stopped shedding and hair def looks worse now. For now gonna stick with microneedling, minox, and rosemary oil. Should I expect my hair to go to complete poo once stopping. I know it didn't help but I'm wondering what's going to happen.

I never had any sides on it. I do feel like I was less assertive and aggressive on it but could be placebo. Anyone who got off fin how was it? Did your hair go bye bye or was it not too bad?
FIN for me drops my dht by +/- 50%
maybe your DHT levels doesn´t drop so much.... or maybe FIN is working but is not enough, its about how much sensitive is your hair to DHT. lets see .

since you dont have sides on FIN you can think to start dutasteride.

I think you shed more you drop minox, with fin not so much ,
FIN for me drops my dht by +/- 50%
maybe your DHT levels doesn´t drop so much.... or maybe FIN is working but is not enough, its about how much sensitive is your hair to DHT. lets see .

since you dont have sides on FIN you can think to start dutasteride.

I think you shed more you drop minox, with fin not so much ,
Yea I'll let you guys know when I get my blood work. But yea thinking about dut but I really like my dht. I do feel like it makes a difference but again prob placebo
For now gonna stick with microneedling, minox, and rosemary oil. Should I expect my hair to go to complete poo once stopping. I know it didn't help but I'm wondering what's going to happen.

I never had any sides on it. I do feel like I was less assertive and aggressive on it but could be placebo. Anyone who got off fin how was it? Did your hair go bye bye or was it not too bad?

I didn't have a bad experience with dutasteride but a year after discontinuing, with daily topical RU & minox, microneedling once a week, no difference in shedding/thinning.
I didn't have a bad experience with dutasteride but a year after discontinuing, with daily topical RU & minox, microneedling once a week, no difference in shedding/thinning.
Seems like topical ru works pretty good. I'm just iffy with the unknown long term sides and have a baby at home so worried about possible interaction with her