Hair Loss

Guys, can ru58841 be taken orally? Is there any seller in Europe that sell pre mixed like Anageninc’s K&B solution?
Guys, can ru58841 be taken orally? Is there any seller in Europe that sell pre mixed like Anageninc’s K&B solution?
NO U CAN´T take it orally. its a experimental topical anti androgenic, It is used topically to block local androgen receptors. Although we say that it works, imagine ingesting and blocking the body's androgen receptors, even the heart has androgen receptors. It's not a good idea.

Guys, can ru58841 be taken orally? Is there any seller in Europe that sell pre mixed like Anageninc’s K&B solution?
No absolutely not- I have no idea why the guy above said you can- it's a androgen receptor inhibitor, and the last thing you want is systemic androgen receptor blockage- it would lead to very serious issues. only use RU topically and generally I specifically make an effort to thoroughly wash my hands after applying.
No absolutely not- I have no idea why the guy above said you can- it's a androgen receptor inhibitor, and the last thing you want is systemic androgen receptor blockage- it would lead to very serious issues. only use RU topically and generally I specifically make an effort to thoroughly wash my hands after applying.

Did you literally only read the first word in my reply? I guess that means at least you can read but gotta work on attention span.
post-finasteride syndrome is completely overblown. You'll find a huge minority screaming online, this does not represent the millions of people that take it and have no-minimal side effects. The changes of you getting side effect while on exogenous testosterone is really low due to the high androgen load...

Started finasteride at 0.25 mg every other day and have zero side effects. Hair loss stopped and growing back.
post-finasteride syndrome is completely overblown. You'll find a huge minority screaming online, this does not represent the millions of people that take it and have no-minimal side effects. The changes of you getting side effect while on exogenous testosterone is really low due to the high androgen load...

Started finasteride at 0.25 mg every other day and have zero side effects. Hair loss stopped and growing back.
Just because it didn't happen to you doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
Even if happens to a small minority of people, when it does happen it can pretty much ruin your life. So I'd rather not take the risk personally.
Just because it didn't happen to you doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
Even if happens to a small minority of people, when it does happen it can pretty much ruin your life. So I'd rather not take the risk personally.
Were did I say it does not happen? I believe PFS does happen but is very, very rare.

Perfectly fine to not take this route. I guarantee you most people that think they have pfs have other underlying issues. Real PFS that persists for a long time after stopping finasteride is a very, very rare side effect. Having side effects while on finasteride does happen more regularly, but still not often. For people on "TRT", there's even less issues due to the higher androgens despite DHT.

But of course, totally fine for you not to take any Risk. Everything has its risks and rewards.