Harm reduction in the Steroid Underground subforum - this is NOT a source forum

Sad thing is he probably is a customer. One that Dingdoxx begged to come here and defend the thread for him. Free gear can turn your normal every day steroid buyer into a blithering idiot.

i can't wrap my head around how lonely and desperate someone must be to sell their dignity, self respect and devotion to a source.

@SkorpiusLabs you're nothing more than a means to an end. You are the text book definition of a tool.
As are you bud, as are you
Long story short, none of you fucks who are actively attacking any happy custy have ever bought, which discredits everything you say as I truly believe you are being paid by competitors
If all of you were speaking from experience then that would make sence but your comments are all onesided third party events , and coincidentally the third party has no interest in joining your fight which again stems back to your toxic narcissism

Again this has nothing to do with Q, buy don’t buy idgaf
But when I say my opinion from experience and you fucks think it’s ok to jump on me and start calling me a shill or whatever along with countless others then yes I’m going to take it personal. You can’t sit there and insult someone over anything and then get butt hurt when they fight back

You say that but then deny and pushoit any and all negative reviews. Hmmm maybe you ate a few too many mushrooms
You say that but then deny and pushoit any and all negative reviews. Hmmm maybe you ate a few too many mushrooms
What have I denied? Please elaborate

I never once said any of those things didn’t happen..
I never once said any of those things were ok

The only thing I have said is I understand the sources situation and weighed the pros and cons of choosing to do business with them

So fact check urself bud
My only issue with the negative in Qs thread is the fact that all the haters discredit anyone who had a good experience as a shill or alt, that is just as toxic as anything else.
The sole vibe I get from that is competition/sponsor supporters trying to burn them at the stake.

I have no skin in the game other than a cpl good purchases but as I’ve stated I’ve been on that side of the biz and I see merit on both sides

The way some of you act towards random ppl talking about their good experience just cause they don’t fit in your toxic agenda is not harm reduction or source control

I’ve been around this bird for years as a guest but I finally make a account and me and plenty of others are labeled as shills cause we had a good experience

I’m all for keeping sources honest and upstanding but that’s not the motive that’s presented here.

Avoiding the facts to spin the narrative in your direction is about as narssisstic as it gets. Gaslighting normal customers is bs

Personally idgaf if I get banned for this post as I’m happy to go back to being a guest but @Millard you have to agree that the attackers are just as bad if not worse for the community as the supporters

Anyways this is not directed at everyone but those who it is k ow who you are

I have never been attacked/bullied for posting my experiences on buying from QSC. I have spent well over 4k on products from him. More than any other source. Next one up was 3k from a domestic brewer. And maybe 1k from an hgh dealer. But I also do purchase from many sources that participate in this forum.

I only have one nasty issue with a source here.

I do participate with many other threads/discussions here as well though..
I dont care what you have to say about Q, but what does get me going is how I post my understanding from a source perspective and get called a shill or whatever

I’m very easy going but I do not tolerate belittling or berating , I have enuf toxicity with my ex I don’t need it in the forums

Should I have let it go long ago , yea
But as soon as I was called a shill/alt it was personal

I’ve spent close to 6k with them and had no issue so I must be wrong

Anyways back to the normal boards , I’m done with this nonsence

I have never been attacked/bullied for posting my experiences on buying from QSC. I have spent well over 4k on products from him. More than any other source. Next one up was 3k from a domestic brewer. And maybe 1k from an hgh dealer. But I also do purchase from many sources that participate in this forum.

I only have one nasty issue with a source here.

I do participate with many other threads/discussions here as well though..
My problem is I spend more time reading than posting, I try to be active but when I posted in qsc I didn’t realize the toxicity that would unfold.

If I could take it back and be a silent happy customer I would, but after these idiots talked to me the way they have I now keep feeling the need to be the light to their darkness

Sounds stupid cause qsc gone is actually great for my biz, but it’s just the shit that comes out of their mouths that makes me react when I should just keep reading
Long story short, none of you fucks who are actively attacking any happy custy have ever bought, which discredits everything you say as I truly believe you are being paid by competitors
If all of you were speaking from experience then that would make sence but your comments are all onesided third party events , and coincidentally the third party has no interest in joining your fight which again stems back to your toxic narcissism

Again this has nothing to do with Q, buy don’t buy idgaf
But when I say my opinion from experience and you fucks think it’s ok to jump on me and start calling me a shill or whatever along with countless others then yes I’m going to take it personal. You can’t sit there and insult someone over anything and then get butt hurt when they fight back

There's a difference between a customer posting a positive experience with the source, and a customer taking critics personally and discrediting other members complaints. You chose the latter, that's why you caught heat.

No one should EVER defend a source, especially QSC who has gotten away with too much. Discouraging negative feedback via page 502 is a slap in the face to harm reduction. QSC has refused to fix mistakes, all because someone went public. How can you support someone who uses threats to keep you in line?
It can ou turn weak ass brain dead, bats both ways kind of people into blitering idiots, and there are alot of those in this and QSDs thread

Which makes me question the claim that tens of thousands of vials have been sold. If they're moving a ridiculous amount of product, in turn making a ridiculous amount of money then why would a small group of meanies panic a source so badly that they employ an army of shills and fake accounts to fight them off and bolster their business?

Seems kinda desperate. Then again this is the only free to source site they have left after burning their bridges on UGBB. It's all pay to play source forums beyond this point.
Which makes me question the claim that tens of thousands of vials have been sold. If they're moving a ridiculous amount of product, in turn making a ridiculous amount of money then why would a small group of meanies panic a source so badly that they employ an army of shills and fake accounts to fight them off and bolster their business?

Seems kinda desperate. Then again this is the only free to source site they have left after burning their bridges on UGBB. It's all pay to play source forums beyond this point.
100% agree, I often thought of him as an exit scam waiting to happen. Doesnt appear to be that wau, but he does put fear of shortages in everyones minds so they mass order....
Seems kinda desperate. Then again this is the only free to source site they have left after burning their bridges on UGBB. It's all pay to play source forums beyond this point.
The pay to play is where he and his shills need to be. Honestly it will be so much better for them there. They can have a shill orgy there with QDS in the middle and all the shills getting their turn
Which makes me question the claim that tens of thousands of vials have been sold. If they're moving a ridiculous amount of product, in turn making a ridiculous amount of money then why would a small group of meanies panic a source so badly that they employ an army of shills and fake accounts to fight them off and bolster their business?

Seems kinda desperate. Then again this is the only free to source site they have left after burning their bridges on UGBB. It's all pay to play source forums beyond this point.
Well here we go again,
Not employed or even in communication with q other than my order emails…

No panic here, just heavy distaste for your tactics
I dont care what you have to say about Q, but what does get me going is how I post my understanding from a source perspective and get called a shill or whatever

I’ve spent close to 6k with them and had no issue so I must be wrong
Yes, it’s quite hard to believe that a reseller who has a vested interest in the operation of their supplier would be called a shill. Huge fucking mystery why that sort of unexpected outcome has befallen you.
Yes, it’s quite hard to believe that a reseller who has a vested interest in the operation of their supplier would be called a shill. Huge fucking mystery why that sort of unexpected outcome has befallen you.
Reseller? Vested interest?

Yes I’m a brewer, but I don’t resell for them as you make it sound??
Where is my vested interest? I have them as a source, I’d prefer as few ppl as possible had them as it means I have less competition…

But parrot away bud , not like I was talking to you anyway
It does tho... fill me in because I'm lacking here. thought boomers were baby boomers, then gen X, then the faggy millennials, and now gen Z/zoomers
In the vein of “OK, boomer” its more like “OK, gramps” or “you’re out of touch.“ This is not too say that I agree with the statement made earlier in the thread, just that it shouldn’t be taken literally.
Essentially you face consequences for leaving a bad review. How does a source get away with source board tactic on an uncensored forum?
(I know that many people will have comments regarding specific sources but please note that my musings here - while applicable individually - apply broadly to all participants.)

The goal of MESO is to help consumers evaluate the risks associated with all aspects of AAS use including interactions with vendors. A business policy that penalizes customers for leaving bad reviews is something that will inevitably be exposed on MESO.

In addition, I know that there is a widespread sentiment by individuals on many forums that consumers should always try to resolve issues with a vendor in private before making the complaint public. (This sentiment doesn't necessarily support vendor policies that penalize consumers for violating this process.)

I don't agree with this sentiment.

MESO has accordingly always encouraged members to immediately share their customer service issues, complaints, and reviews publicly even before contacting the source.

Trying to resolve issues in private (rather than make it public) only benefits the vendor. It is a great marketing policy to hide potential problems and risks associated with the vendors' products and services.

Furthermore, a business policy that aggressively discourages the public disclosure of issues with products and services strongly suggests that any negative complaints and issues are underrepresented. This is not good for obvious reasons.