Harm reduction in the Steroid Underground subforum - this is NOT a source forum

ok inspector gadget.. And what is your reason for being here? You also offer ZERO to this forum. You hang out in the sponsor section, thats it..
And just what exactly is it that you contribute?
what is your carrier oil ? Cat piss?

Im sure you would love to give this guy a throat fucking, but it would be impossible with your toothpick of a dick. Now get lost punk

You're clearly an idiot

You stupid fuck.

Are you a fucking idiot too? Sounds like it.
And just what exactly is it that you contribute?

You want me to go back and re-quote your worthless contributions?
Try me bitch.. I don't have the fucking time to waste going through your posts. Once again, you can't keep your big mouth shut. Have to respond every time I make a post.. You troll me more than anyone on here.. Glad Im stuck in your head.. :)
You want me to go back and re-quote your worthless contributions?
Try me bitch.. I don't have the fucking time to waste going through your posts. Once again, you can't keep your big mouth shut. Have to respond every time I make a post.. You troll me more than anyone on here.. Glad Im stuck in your head.. :)
You don't have the time??? You're the one who finds and trolls him and Liska in your own DAMN free time.
Sorry to hear that youre going through that but If you truly really do need pain meds just get them off the darknet. You can literally find any pain killer aside from fentanyl.
I have ONLY found fentanyl. Everything i bought on the darknet turned out to becountrrfeit bullshit. Meth in fake addertal pills, fentanyl in fake oxys
I have ONLY found fentanyl. Everything i bought on the darknet turned out to becountrrfeit bullshit. Meth in fake addertal pills, fentanyl in fake oxys
Not sure if youre in the US but Canada has legit pharm addys and oxys. I dont use them personally but ive ordered them for friends that are too lazy to learn how to use crypto.

I primarily dabble with changa and dmt when I order from the deep web

Also, always test your shit before you consume just incase it is fent
Not sure if youre in the US but Canada has legit pharm addys and oxys. I dont use them personally but ive ordered them for friends that are too lazy to learn how to use crypto.

I primarily dabble with changa and dmt when I order from the deep web

Also, always test your shit before you consume just incase it is fent
Im in the US. I ordered from several of the biggest DNMs, guys with highest feedback, and i am convinced its a scam/honeypot of sorts. No way so many people could be so drug naive to give all that positive feedback.Even my 'mdma' and 'ketamine' which came from amsterdam was counterfeit. Fluorinated amphetamines suck compared to mdma.

I never ordered from canada tho,but i dont see myself going on the darknet again.

Definitely wise to always test everything
Millard is probably laughing his ass off at the direction this thread has went in the last few days.
Also regarding Example #1 and #2 could you do a little post history on member kp300 and tell me if his constant attacks on reviews where EVERYONE is a shill warrants repercussions? (Not just my thread)

I'm not advocating for the protection of sources, but how trolls like that don't get booted just puzzles me.

Thank you :)
The problem is that either MESO doesn't censor anything people say about sources (and their defenders) or it does.

The exact same behavior that you described occurs regularly in source threads.

If the source is popular or approved by certain members, such behavior is unwelcomed and there are multiple calls for these "trolls" to be banned. The reasons for this trolling behavior are deemed invalid.

If the source is unpopular or unapproved by certain members, such behavior is welcomed and lauded as actions of solid members tirelessly fighting scammers and looking out for others. The reasons for this trolling behavior are deemed valid.

So should trolls be banned in the Steroid Underground? Or should trolling some sources be allowed but prohibited for other sources?

Should we create a list of which members are allowed to troll sources and which are not allowed to troll sources?

Which sources are beyond reproach? Which members are beyond reproach when trolling sources?

Who do you want to make this decision? Sources themselves? Their customers? Admiinistrators? Moderators?

Or how about letting individual members make their own decisions?

There are plenty of source forums that censor what is said about sources. It's a slippery slope to being like all the other source forums that claim to tell you who are the "approved sources".
The problem is that either MESO doesn't censor anything people say about sources (and their defenders) or it does.

The exact same behavior that you described occurs regularly in source threads.

If the source is popular or approved by certain members, such behavior is unwelcomed and there are multiple calls for these "trolls" to be banned. The reasons for this trolling behavior are deemed invalid.

If the source is unpopular or unapproved by certain members, such behavior is welcomed and lauded as actions of solid members tirelessly fighting scammers and looking out for others. The reasons for this trolling behavior are deemed valid.

So should trolls be banned in the Steroid Underground? Or should trolling some sources be allowed but prohibited for other sources?

Who do you want to make this decision? Sources themselves? Their customers? Admiinistrators? Moderators?

There are plenty of source forums that censor what is said about sources. It's a slippery slope to being like all the other source forums that claim to tell you who are the "approved sources".
The intent of trolling is to piss people off, and that's best achieved by opposing the (albeit losely defined) principles of harm reduction Meso values so dearly. 'You reap what you sow' - calling out sources or members for misinformation, manipulation, obfuscation, scamming, lying, fake labtests/reviews/products etc. in an insulting/hyperbolic manner has always been part of Meso but I wouldn't define that as trolling as long as there's reason/evidence for these callouts, and this burden of proof separates the vets (or whatever you want to call them) from the trolls in my opinion.

I think trolls should be banned by the admin's decision if they've amassed a post history fitting the above definition. Reports of trolling should be used as a note for the admin to pay attention to/review the offenders account but no amount of reports should by itself be the reason for a ban to avoid the popularity problem you mentioned.

Realistically speaking, any nuanced approach to this issue might consume more time than you have to spare.
The intent of trolling is to piss people off, and that's best achieved by opposing the (albeit losely defined) principles of harm reduction Meso values so dearly. 'You reap what you sow' - calling out sources or members for misinformation, manipulation, obfuscation, scamming, lying, fake labtests/reviews/products etc. in an insulting/hyperbolic manner has always been part of Meso but I wouldn't define that as trolling as long as there's reason/evidence for these callouts, and this burden of proof separates the vets (or whatever you want to call them) from the trolls in my opinion.

I think trolls should be banned by the admin's decision if they've amassed a post history fitting the above definition. Reports of trolling should be used as a note for the admin to pay attention to/review the offenders account but no amount of reports should by itself be the reason for a ban to avoid the popularity problem you mentioned.

Realistically speaking, any nuanced approach to this issue might consume more time than you have to spare.
I'd just add that some trolling without a tangible reason (which is oft quite hard to acquire right away with new sources in the anonymity of an internet) has often proved to be a good deterrent for the mentally unstable etc., thus dangerous to the community.
I'd just add that some trolling without a tangible reason (which is oft quite hard to acquire right away with new sources in the anonymity of an internet) has often proved to be a good deterrent for the mentally unstable etc., thus dangerous to the community.
ok boomer
You troll me more than anyone on here
I’ve trolled 2 people on Meso in the 10 years I’ve been here. Both of them joined Meso and came directly to my thread to talk shit. You do know posts don’t get deleted on Meso right? So anyone can see that you joined here, made 5 posts and then spent the next 30 posts in my thread alone. You have 152 posts here, I’d say 145 of them are you insulting members and calling them idiots and the rest are trolling sources. Millard can easily verify this. So stop playing the victim card that I’m trolling you. You joined the forum and stated in your posts “you’re here to take out these fly by night brewers”. You’ve contributed nothing besides going into the brewing section where newbies are asking for help and you reply by asking if they’re all fucking retarded or idiots.
Now that you can’t peddle your drugs here thru PM, you have nothing going for you.

How about I shut the fuck up, you shut the fuck up and we stop ruining half the threads here? Or you can continue to follow me around until you get your 3rd ban. I’m done replying to you.
So should trolls be banned in the Steroid Underground? Or should trolling some sources be allowed but prohibited for other sources?
I would say when 90%+ of the posts are bashing the same sources. lets say Jet labs and Stan... this should raise a red flag... What other purpose do they serve here?
I’ve trolled 2 people on Meso in the 10 years I’ve been here. Both of them joined Meso and came directly to my thread to talk shit. You do know posts don’t get deleted on Meso right? So anyone can see that you joined here, made 5 posts and then spent the next 30 posts in my thread alone. You have 152 posts here, I’d say 145 of them are you insulting members and calling them idiots and the rest are trolling sources. Millard can easily verify this. So stop playing the victim card that I’m trolling you. You joined the forum and stated in your posts “you’re here to take out these fly by night brewers”. You’ve contributed nothing besides going into the brewing section where newbies are asking for help and you reply by asking if they’re all fucking retarded or idiots.
Now that you can’t peddle your drugs here thru PM, you have nothing going for you.

How about I shut the fuck up, you shut the fuck up and we stop ruining half the threads here? Or you can continue to follow me around until you get your 3rd ban. I’m done replying to you.

And what the fuck do you contribute to this forum? Please enlighten me..

What do you and a group of others do, every time a new source pops up in the underground and they don't follow the SCOC? You pretty much rip him a new asshole, etc. Ok for you guys to do it, but when I do it in another section, I am the bad guy..

You think I give a shit about sourcing here? lol..

Nothing going for me? If you only knew.. :)

You're done replying to me? I doubt it..