Harm reduction in the Steroid Underground subforum - this is NOT a source forum

It would be a lot easier to hold certain sources accountable if unresolved issues could simply be copy and pasted over and over until said issues are fixed. Undermining any efforts by the company to bury negative feedback.

But! This would open up the possibility of the same tactic being used against sources who don't have any unresolved issues.

Then again, certain sources on here are only on the font page daily because they spam discounts, prizes and graphics. Yet they still haven't been banned.
It would be a lot easier to hold certain sources accountable if unresolved issues could simply be copy and pasted over and over until said issues are fixed. Undermining any efforts by the company to bury negative feedback.

But! This would open up the possibility of the same tactic being used against sources who don't have any unresolved issues.

Then again, certain sources on here are only on the font page daily because they spam discounts, prizes and graphics. Yet they still haven't been banned.
I believe the current work around is to change up the spam enough that it isn't just a copy and paste repeat but I may be wrong on that. I know Cherokee was banned for spamming in the past.
Well, sharing 20 Instagram posts to bury anything negative has been a pretty straightforward and annoying tactic of particular suppliers for years and pretty much the only way to fight that is to keep bringing a particular point over and over again, which, on the other hand is explicitly verboten.

What is your opinion on that?

View attachment 173433
That guy is yoked. Shit I lost my train of thought, what were we talking about again?

--> In-thread promotional banners and marketing graphics are NOT permitted in the "Steroid Underground" subforum. (Examples include JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, WEBP, TIFF, and BMP file extensions. Note that this list is not inclusive.)

--> In-thread contests are NOT permitted in the "Steroid Underground" subforum.

If in doubt, avoid the use of all graphics and images.

The only explicit exceptions involve the posting of:

--> screen shots or scans of product lab testing reports

--> original products photos within reason

Please spread the word. There will be a short grace period to allow everyone to learn of the new guidelines. But once someone has been apprised of the changes, there will be zero tolerance for those who repeatedly violate the new guidelines.
I’ve been wondering how you-know-who managed to evade a ban. Selling psychoactive drugs—domestically no less—seemed like a major change and it just came and went without a lot of discussion.
If source has psychoactive substances of abuse on any listed published on MESO, other forums, or their website, they will be given a warning to REMOVE from all public lists on MESO or elsewhere. If they do not, they forfeit their right to participate in the MESO forum. There is no evading the ban if they refuse to cooperate.
If they do not, they forfeit their right to participate in the MESO forum.
Could you explain what you mean by 'participate'? You're not saying I can post my finest feline fentanyl to the same shop that customers & crackheads can find links to on Meso for all eternity as long as I stop participating in my thread, right?

PS: Could you add a filter to not show the Meso Sponsors as well please? This new sponsor split makes it rather irritating to quickly check organic forums discussion without having to scroll past potentially unread threads everytime. Otherwise you may as well force all labs to pay up so the forum is comfortably readable again (which I wouldn't mind, nothing wrong with you getting paid).
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Could you explain what you mean by 'participate'? You're not saying I can post my finest feline fentanyl to the same shop that customers & crackheads can find links to on Meso for all eternity as long as I stop participating in my thread, right?
You will be banned permanently from participating in the forum if your refuse to stop selling and listing fentanyl on your website.

Your thread will remain because obviously many AAS users from your large customer base will probably continue to buy AAS from you in spite of your insistence on selling fentanyl, etc. to crackheads. They will ignore the contribution to harm by supporting your business as long as they get their AAS.

Regardless, you will still be held accountable, and MESO will do its best to hold you accountable, for the quality of the AAS products you sell even without your participation.

Members should strongly discourage everyone from using your services because of your decision to sell fentanyl.

(However, I realize this is a double-edge sword. The more you tell people NOT to use your services because you sell fentanyl, the great the chances it might have the streisand effect.)
(However, I realize this is a double-edge sword. The more you tell people NOT to use your services because you sell fentanyl, the great the chances it might have the streisand effect.)
That's pretty much the unfortunate reality. One of the most prominent scamming sources on Meso once told me that even negative controversy/drama that draws more views to their thread results in increased sales, so from a UGL business perspective it's surprisingly optimal to not give a shit about the "harm reduction Karens".
PS: Could you add a filter to not show the Meso Sponsors as well please? This new sponsor split makes it rather irritating to quickly check organic forums discussion without having to scroll past potentially unread threads everytime. Otherwise you may as well force all labs to pay up so the forum is comfortably readable again (which I wouldn't mind, nothing wrong with you getting paid).
I would recommend just checking the New Posts section for the latest posts.

Financially supporting MESO has always been voluntary and there are no plans to change that. And many, many vendors have done very well over the years without financially supporting the website. It is not essential or required.

Having said that, of course MESO has always and will continue to recognize those who sponsor the costs of maintaining the MESO platform.
I would recommend just checking the New Posts section for the latest posts.
Please believe me that I'm not a boomer but I can't figure out how to set a New Posts filter to show only new/unread posts in the UG subforum instead of the entirety of Meso.
Perhaps it was more about posting the exact same post, not about the same thing.

Maybe spamming relevant information should be acceptable behavior for members but not sources?

It would be a lot easier to hold certain sources accountable if unresolved issues could simply be copy and pasted over and over until said issues are fixed

I believe the current work around is to change up the spam enough that it isn't just a copy and paste repeat but I may be wrong on that. I know Cherokee was banned for spamming in the past.
No one will be banned for anything they say about a source to hold them accountable.

However, there are certain behaviors that are less about holding a source accountable and more about sabotaging a thread.

Example 1:

Flooding a thread with pornography, offensive images, or other off-topic material with the goal of cluttering the thread, burying the thread and/or otherwise making the thread "unreadable".

If the purpose of a thread is to hold the source accountable, then you WANT EVERYONE to read the thread and learn about the problems and complaints associated with the source.

Example 2:

Posting the same message over and over again. Spamming the message 'you are an asshole' ten times a day (with or without slight variations) doesn't really add much information to the thread aside from cluttering and otherwise making the thread unreadable. There is no workaround such as 'you are an asshole 1', you are an asshole 2', etc. that makes it any less spammy.

Similarly, posting the message 'you are a spammer' ten times a day may be more on-topic and to-the-point. But posting it 10 times doesn't really add any more information.

(I'd much rather see you add specific information about why you consider them a scammer. See this and this. )

If you are concerned that your complaints and warnings will be buried, then create an authoritative thread that can stand on its on and refer back to it periodically in the source thread. See this .

The bottom line is don't worry too much about what you say about source or if you post too frequently. You have a lot of leeway.

If there is an issue, you will receive a warning (either in the form of a very short ban or a PM).

The only way you will be permanently banned is if you purposefully, intentionally, blatantly and repeatedly ignore the warning.

So are in thread auctions still ok or they banned as well?

Also regarding Example #1 and #2 could you do a little post history on member kp300 and tell me if his constant attacks on reviews where EVERYONE is a shill warrants repercussions? (Not just my thread)

I'm not advocating for the protection of sources, but how trolls like that don't get booted just puzzles me.

Thank you :)

So are in thread auctions still ok or they banned as well?

Also regarding Example #1 and #2 could you do a little post history on member kp300 and tell me if his constant attacks on reviews where EVERYONE is a shill warrants repercussions? (Not just my thread)

I'm not advocating for the protection of sources, but how trolls like that don't get booted just puzzles me.

Thank you :)
Kp300 sounds like @AllAmericanRoughNeck who does the same thing. While promoting a few sources in other threads. I agree, I don't see how they aren't banned when they are only spamming the threads with zero real reason.
Kp300 sounds like @AllAmericanRoughNeck who does the same thing. While promoting a few sources in other threads. I agree, I don't see how they aren't banned when they are only spamming the threads with zero real reason.
He does this shit to Stan too. Just offers nothing else in this forum and has hinted he was a former member here. I haven't gone into Stan's thread in a while too
I am not complaining, and I completely understand the issue and refusal to let sources provide specific medications such as painkillers. But I'm the guy who has to say BUT...

I dare say I'm one of the extreme few that yes, actual assholes going that route, benefits from those meds yet I am denied because of the prick addicts that ruined it for us...by us, I mean those who genuinely benefit from them.

I have chronic pancreatitis. Perforated ulcers. Perpetual spleen ruptures. Extreme inflammation of scar tissue due to over a dozen stomach surgeries. Eternal drop foot due to blood clot procedures. On and on and on...

I've been cut off from the only thing that keeps me out of the hospital because, again, fucking addicts. I've been reduced to low dose Tramadol which does nothing to help. So what are my choices?

Suicide comes to mind way too frequently. Searching the streets for ANYTHING that may provide relief. Heroin? Fent? I'll desperately take anything to ease the pain. Even if it may kill me. Fuck it - death is much more alluring than this maddening pain.

So yeah, wherever I started and ended, sorry. But it is a gargantuan heap of agony
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I am not complaining, and I completely understand the issue and refusal to let sources provide specific medications such as painkillers. But I'm the guy who has to say BUT...

I dare say I'm one of the extreme few that yes, actual assholes going that route, benefits from those meds yet I am denied because of the prick addicts that ruined it for us...by us, I mean those who genuinely benefit from them.

I have chronic pancreatitis. Perforated ulcers. Perpetual spleen ruptures. Extreme inflammation of scar tissue due to over a dozen stomach surgeries. Eternal drop foot due to blood clot procedures. On and on and on...

I've been cut off from the only thing that keeps me out of the hospital because, again, fucking addicts. I've been reduced to low dose Tramadol which does nothing to help. So what are my choices?

Suicide comes to mind way too frequently. Searching the streets for ANYTHING that may provide relief. Heroin? Fent? I'll desperately take anything to ease the pain. Even if it may kill me. Fuck it - death is much more alluring than this maddening pain.

So yeah, wherever I started and ended, sorry. But it is a gargantuan heap of agony
Sorry to hear that youre going through that but If you truly really do need pain meds just get them off the darknet. You can literally find any pain killer aside from fentanyl.
I am not complaining, and I completely understand the issue and refusal to let sources provide specific medications such as painkillers. But I'm the guy who has to say BUT...

I dare say I'm one of the extreme few that yes, actual assholes going that route, benefits from those meds yet I am denied because of the prick addicts that ruined it for us...by us, I mean those who genuinely benefit from them.

I have chronic pancreatitis. Perforated ulcers. Perpetual spleen ruptures. Extreme inflammation of scar tissue due to over a dozen stomach surgeries. Eternal drop foot due to blood clot procedures. On and on and on...

I've been cut off from the only thing that keeps me out of the hospital because, again, fucking addicts. I've been reduced to low dose Tramadol which does nothing to help. So what are my choices?

Suicide comes to mind way too frequently. Searching the streets for ANYTHING that may provide relief. Heroin? Fent? I'll desperately take anything to ease the pain. Even if it may kill me. Fuck it - death is much more alluring than this maddening pain.

So yeah, wherever I started and ended, sorry. But it is a gargantuan heap of agony
There are forums for that
He does this shit to Stan too. Just offers nothing else in this forum and has hinted he was a former member here. I haven't gone into Stan's thread in a while too

Pretty sure his other account is runtrenfuktens or however it's spelled.