HCG degradation testing after 30, 45, 60 days

Was this tested on your/ or different HCG? Or Pregnyl? I am wondering why the Jano results show only around 7,000iu if the Pregnyl are supposed to have 10,000iu?
Mine, chinese generic. Improper chinese testing method puts it at 10.000iu, which translates to 7000iu via Janoshik's testing. Chinese generics aimed at 5000iu tend to test at 2600-3000iu accordingly, whereas chinese pharma HCG Livzon tested at about 5000iu consistently.
Thanks so much for sharing the results. I was looking into HCG degradation and came across this study from 1998:

Looks like various types of HcG were used (seven glycoforms of hCG") originating from pregnant women. What's interesting, though, is that the degradation after 19 days at 4°C appears to be close enough to your findings here.

However, if you look at the results when it was stored at 20°C and 37°C, the degradation is not all that different:
I guess my question is whether anyone has test reconstituted rHCG at higher tempetures or knows of any similar studies?
Czy mogę założyć, że HCG po rozpuszczeniu w wodzie bakteriostatycznej i przechowywaniu w temperaturze 2-8 stopni Celsjusza nie ulegnie degradacji w ogóle przez pierwsze 5-7 dni? Albo w niewielkim stopniu.
Thanks for posting this thread. I’ve always been curious and currently on 250iu EOD. Good to know when degradation starts to begin.
We use 2 ml of HPLC grade water, so pretty much nothing written in the post applies.

Yes but end users don't use ultrapure water for reconstitution, generally use bacteriostatic water or bac saline.
Open question; does the Benzyl alcohol and/or saline change degradation up/down of larger peptides, like HCG or Semaglutide, over time?
Yeah, but that doesn't influence my tests much then, does it?
Not in your standard analysis of what is sent to you, no.

The question here, it seems, is how these peptides could degrade in time "in real world use". And in that use, bacteriostatic saline or water is commonly used.

A good protocol might be, 5mg Semaglutide reconstituted with 2ml 0.9% Benzyl Alcohol in water, tested. Refrigerate (2-8c), test again at 7 days, 14, 30, 60.Compare. (And for control half the sample with ultrapure).

Have a spare sample you could run this for the community and your curiosity? I know some members that would donate a vial for the testing.
Not in your standard analysis of what is sent to you, no.

The question here, it seems, is how these peptides could degrade in time "in real world use". And in that use, bacteriostatic saline or water is commonly used.

A good protocol might be, 5mg Semaglutide reconstituted with 2ml 0.9% Benzyl Alcohol in water, tested. Refrigerate (2-8c), test again at 7 days, 14, 30, 60.Compare. (And for control half the sample with ultrapure).

Have a spare sample you could run this for the community and your curiosity? I know some members that would donate a vial for the testing.
I don't think it affects it much at all. I would not worry.
I don't think it affects it much at all. I would not worry.
I agree, I don't think it would affect it much either. The pH would matter more but either should be between 5-6. But hard data is always nice. Maybe a single aging of 30-60 days with control to see if there is anything worth pursuing.

Have you done any refrigerated aged samples of Semaglutide or Tirzepatide?
I agree, I don't think it would affect it much either. The pH would matter more but either should be between 5-6. But hard data is always nice. Maybe a single aging of 30-60 days with control to see if there is anything worth pursuing.

Have you done any refrigerated aged samples of Semaglutide or Tirzepatide?
I believe we have one in fridge right now.
Makes me wonder how much HCG is left in my vial when I'm getting 2-3 minths in. My clinic prescribes 500iu a week and sends out a 6kiu bottle so it lasts 12 weeks. Never noticed any loss of efficacy towards the end though tbh
Not in your standard analysis of what is sent to you, no.

The question here, it seems, is how these peptides could degrade in time "in real world use". And in that use, bacteriostatic saline or water is commonly used.

A good protocol might be, 5mg Semaglutide reconstituted with 2ml 0.9% Benzyl Alcohol in water, tested. Refrigerate (2-8c), test again at 7 days, 14, 30, 60.Compare. (And for control half the sample with ultrapure).

Have a spare sample you could run this for the community and your curiosity? I know some members that would donate a vial for the testing.

As far as I know, there’s one YouTuber who suggested the idea that HCG degrades quicker in different mediums. However, he links to Indian HCG as an affiliate, and from other tests Janoshik has done it can be concluded that variable in particular is not the cause of the HCG issues, but instead, a set of acrobatics to excuse the quality of the product itself encouraging you to buy more.
Thanks for doing this testing. I do notice that past 3 weeks of using a reconstituted vial of HCG, there is more of an injection site reaction (redness, slight tenderness).

It would be very interesting to see whether the same degradation happens in pharmaceutical HCG (Ovitrelle, etc.). Potentially, those preparations would contain more or better excipients to stabilize the HCG.

For example, this study found almost no degradation of reconstituted HCG after 6 weeks at room temperature: The influence of different excipients and storage procedures on hCG (human Corionic Gonadotropin) as evidenced by spectrophotometry - Nature Precedings

@janoshik, any idea what could explain the discrepancy with your findings?


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