HCG required for a Test E/Tbol Cycle?


New Member
Weeks 1 - 10(/12) - Test E 600mg
Weeks 1 - 6 - Tbol 60mg Every day

2 Weeks after last pin
Nolva - 40/40/20/20
Clomid - 100 First day 50/50/50/25

Would you guys recommend I add HCG to the cycle to help with recovery and maintenance of mass? If so, what dose and where should it be incorporated ?
I've never actually ran HCG, and I honestly do not know too much about it besides that I believe he helps your body return back to normal a lot faster. Hopefully, someone can chim in to help you out more bro
Ran a similar cycle and after doing pct this run I'll definitely be using hcg from now on to recover faster. Some guys do it after last test pin and before pct and some do it 500iu a week throughout cycle
Weeks 1 - 10(/12) - Test E 600mg
Weeks 1 - 6 - Tbol 60mg Every day

2 Weeks after last pin
Nolva - 40/40/20/20
Clomid - 100 First day 50/50/50/25

Would you guys recommend I add HCG to the cycle to help with recovery and maintenance of mass? If so, what dose and where should it be incorporated ?
I look at it like it cant hurt, if anything it will speed up recovery to making natural test, people also use it around week 8 if their testes shrunk up to much. Have you ran tbol before?
Its always a good idea to include hCG on any cycle that shuts you down, for several reasons. And you dont need that much Clomid. Begin week one with 50mg - that's plenty.
i find hcg during cycle very inconviniant, i would use hcg only if my balls don't recover with basic pct
Weeks 1 - 10(/12) - Test E 600mg
Weeks 1 - 6 - Tbol 60mg Every day

2 Weeks after last pin
Nolva - 40/40/20/20
Clomid - 100 First day 50/50/50/25

Would you guys recommend I add HCG to the cycle to help with recovery and maintenance of mass? If so, what dose and where should it be incorporated ?

Would you guys recommend I add HCG to the cycle to help with recovery and maintenance of mass? If so, what dose and where should it be incorporated ?[/QUOTE]

Based on the cycle you posted, I doubt HCG will make much of a difference in a 23 year olds "recovery". Additionally, if used appropriately HCG can NOT assist in the maintenance of muscle mass during a cycle.
Since no one else has mentioned, your PCT is too soon. You'll want to get bloods post anyways to be certain, but Test E cycles usually have PCT 3-4 weeks after last pin. Sooner, and you'll crash your e2.
Since no one else has mentioned, your PCT is too soon. You'll want to get bloods post anyways to be certain, but Test E cycles usually have PCT 3-4 weeks after last pin. Sooner, and you'll crash your e2.
Not only that but sooner than the 20-25 day an a full recovery will be harder to achieve in. A shorter time. From what I've read most guys use 500iu hcg per week while on cycle.
How does premature PCT crash ones E-2?
I usually don't speak when giving advice unless I am certain of it (to understand, I thought I was). So in reaction to your question, I quickly reviewed the pct thread and other pct information. Empty handed, I'd like to respectfully recant my statement. I don't know where I picked up that info, and I won't make the mistake again.

Somewhere, lost in translation, what should have been stated is that premature pct will instead suppress hpta recovery, due to exogenous test levels still being elevated? Is that correct?