
HCG is pretty much the gold standard for stimulating LH and the dosages are pretty much univeral. Are there any studies or thoughts on HMG as far as dosage and its stimulating of LH as well as FSH?
OMG!!! :)

Not sure, gonna need the docs on this one
hCG most often will be sufficient, when trying to conceive if you are on TRT. Depending on if your primary or secondary Hypogonadal just quitting TRT and using SERMs can help. I would prefer the former rather than the later if trying to have a kid.

However both hCG and hMG combined while on TRT would be preferable but hMG is expensive and availability can be low.
hCG most often will be sufficient, when trying to conceive if you are on TRT. Depending on if your primary or secondary Hypogonadal just quitting TRT and using SERMs can help. I would prefer the former rather than the later if trying to have a kid.

However both hCG and hMG combined while on TRT would be preferable but hMG is expensive and availability can be low.

So are we to assume that the dosage and frequency would be the same with HMG as it is with HCG? If so, I can see it being cost prohibitive. However, if the dosage and frequency isn't the same for example if 10iu is equivalent to let’s just say 250 iu of HCG then the cost isn’t really a factor.
hCG has a 36-48ish half life, depending on injection site, SQ/IM. hMG I don't know, I would dare to guess it's gonna be the same.

Dosage for hCG range from 500-5000iU/week and hMG 75-500iU/week. It's going to depend on your specific situation and you didn't provide any information on:

Current TRT program(if even on TRT or just cycling) or history of
Inital blood work before any TRT/Cycling
Current/previous hCG use/dose/duration

Can you make your question clearer and how it applies to you for a better answer?

But as to if spermatogenesis can be maintained with just FSH/hMG this article should apply:
Failure of combined follicle-stimulating hormone-testosterone administration to initiate and/or maintain spermatogenesis in men with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism.
http://jcem.endojournals.org/content/77/6/1545.short (Failure of combined follicle-stimulating hormone-testosterone administration to initiate and/or maintain spermatogenesis in men with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism.)
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This wasn't for me specifically but more in general for cycling purposes, TRT and as well as pct purposes. I am on TRT, but I have to use hcg off script. I just ran across hmg and it peaked my interest.
Just use hCG 500-1000iu/week and you should be fine. If you have been trying to get a lady prego look into other alternatives. However, hMG will not serve for those purposes for cycling in regards to increasing LH.
Just use hCG 500-1000iu/week and you should be fine. If you have been trying to get a lady prego look into other alternatives. However, hMG will not serve for those purposes for cycling in regards to increasing LH.

My having children days are over. I had a vasectomy 15 yrs ago. I will stick with hcg.