Hello, first cycle preparation


New Member
Hi everyone!

I'll first off say how great a community you guys have here, great support, advice and patience for all the new folk starting their journey.

I've been doing some research for the last month or so on what would be my first circle. It has changed significantly given the more I've read up on other people's experiences as well understanding more about what to expect and what would be best for me. It's went from a dbol only cycle, to test e and dbol, to anavar only, to test e and anavar.... But I've decided that as this is my first cycle, test e only is likely the best place to start.

So here is my first ever cycle:

Week 1-10 400mg Test E
Week 12-13 100mg Clomid
40mg Nolva
Week 13-14 50mg Clomid
20mg Nolva

I will be pinning twice per week (200mg every 3.5 days). I will also have Aromasin on hand should I need it.

Before you can give me some advice I know you'll need a little detail about me:

35 years old
190 lbs
Bodyfat - 18%

I've been going to the gym since my early 20s albeit infrequently up uo until the last few years where I've been much more consistent. Reason for the infrequent visits in my early years is because I played football 4-5 times a week. I've always (fortunately) been very athletic and anytime I went to gym after a few months out, my body has always responded very well. I had surgery in May for a detached groin where they also found a hernia, since then I've been hitting the gym hard. My football days have become much reduced so I'm in the gym on average 5/6 times a week since June. My work out plan is a 6 day split:

Day 1 - Chest, shoulders and triceps
Day 2- Back and biceps
Day 3 - Legs
Day 4 - Chest, shoulders and triceps
Day 5- Back and biceps
Day 6 - Legs
Day 7 - Rest

My goals with starting off this new phase is to build on my size, strength and importantly, cut body fat.

I'm fully committed to eating clean and at a calorie excess during my cycle. I don't smoke and rarely ever drink these days. However absolutely no alcohol will be consumed during my cycle.

Sorry about the lengthy opening post. I just want to give you as much information so you can give me the best advice.

So if you wouldn't mind reviewing my cycle and be grateful if you can answer these specific questions I have.

1. Shoukd I run Aromasin during my cycle, or only if needed?

2. Does my PCT look okay? Duration and dosage? I've also seen some conflicting information across many Test E only cycles.

3. As I will be pinning twice a week, will I be fine to alternate every 3.5 days between both cheeks? I have watched video instructions as to where I should pin. Never in the same place, but should be enough space across my cycle I think.

4. Is it easy to change needles once lol has been pulled? I've read that some suggest you should draw the oil with one needle, then administer with a fresh needle. As I've never done this, nor could I see any videos of changing the needle, just wanted to know would this make more sense when I get round to doing it. I 100% will never reuse any needles.

I will share some pictures of how my physique is now. I will maintain this until I start my cycle. The cycle will not start until I have everything I need to see it through from start to finish.


I know some might think 10 weeks at 400mg is too low. But I feel this is a conservative start to a longer term journey for me.

Really appreciate your input guys.
I know some might think 10 weeks at 400mg is too low. But I feel this is a conservative start to a longer term journey for me.
Just so you know, it takes 6 weeks for test to kick in and if you do a 10 week cycle you only get 4 weeks on it, which is not enough imo.
Pct part; use nolvadex instead of clomid, it's less harsh.
4. Yes it's easy to get the needle off, just make sure to buy luer lock syringes. Also, if you change the extracting and injection needle, you will lose 0.1ml of oil
Just so you know, it takes 6 weeks for test to kick in and if you do a 10 week cycle you only get 4 weeks on it, which is not enough imo.
Pct part; use nolvadex instead of clomid, it's less harsh.
4. Yes it's easy to get the needle off, just make sure to buy luer lock syringes. Also, if you change the extracting and injection needle, you will lose 0.1ml of oil
I agree I’d do 12. That’ll be enough

Don’t agree with the pct part. Don’t fuck around. Run hcg throughout cycle and do nolva and clomid
This is a solid post.. way better then most first cycle posts!!
You have a good base man good job.
I did very well woth my first cycle 500mg wk and I went 20wks.. alot of what I read said take advantage of yoir first cycle because it can be.yoir best cycle ever.. 16-20 wks they were saying.. I was feeling good at 15 so I said let's go to 20 lol.. I didn't do blood work st all.. wish I did.. my state makes it very hard.. I habe to go oit of state now for bloods..
Ai dose goes by feel.. you will likely need some at 500mg.. it's pretty common . If you feel your nipples get sore/sensitive/puffy take 6-12 mg.. I did 6mg 2x a wk aromasin did the job..
If you can get blood work before during and after.. it will help you so much.

Pct .. I'm not very experienced with pct.. I did a shitty one and then went on full time.
Hcg low dose during the cycle seems to be smart.. never fully shut down.. and then up the dose during pct and add nolva..

Diet and training..especially diet is key to all of this!!! Study some diet info.. plan out your meals and stick to it like its life or death !! In my opinion food is more important then drugs..for growth
Thanks lads I appreciate the advice that you've all given.

I will get bloods done before, week 6 and at the end of my cycle to help ensure everything is as it should, and if not help me get resolved quicker.

I know my opening thread was long. But I'd rather give too much with what you don't need, rather than too little of what you do need.

Will wait for my all goods to arrive and then share my results.

Absolutely can't wait to get going.
Thanks lads I appreciate the advice that you've all given.

I will get bloods done before, week 6 and at the end of my cycle to help ensure everything is as it should, and if not help me get resolved quicker.

I know my opening thread was long. But I'd rather give too much with what you don't need, rather than too little of what you do need.

Will wait for my all goods to arrive and then share my results.

Absolutely can't wait to get going.
Make sure you read up on when to get bloods when on cycle.

I haven’t run E in a little bit but I believe it’s 48 hours after your last pin. Check that though.
This is a solid post.. way better then most first cycle posts!!
You have a good base man good job.
I did very well woth my first cycle 500mg wk and I went 20wks.. alot of what I read said take advantage of yoir first cycle because it can be.yoir best cycle ever.. 16-20 wks they were saying.. I was feeling good at 15 so I said let's go to 20 lol.. I didn't do blood work st all.. wish I did.. my state makes it very hard.. I habe to go oit of state now for bloods..
Ai dose goes by feel.. you will likely need some at 500mg.. it's pretty common . If you feel your nipples get sore/sensitive/puffy take 6-12 mg.. I did 6mg 2x a wk aromasin did the job..
If you can get blood work before during and after.. it will help you so much.

Pct .. I'm not very experienced with pct.. I did a shitty one and then went on full time.
Hcg low dose during the cycle seems to be smart.. never fully shut down.. and then up the dose during pct and add nolva..

Diet and training..especially diet is key to all of this!!! Study some diet info.. plan out your meals and stick to it like its life or death !! In my opinion food is more important then drugs..for growth
I can only seem to find aromasin in 25mg is it ok to break or cut them?