Help with blood work


New Member
So I'm 21 years old and I have ran 5 cycles starting when I was 17. I was young and dumb but I wasn't reckless I always ran a good strong pct however my blood work results are horrendous they are as follows:

Testosterone: 343.7 total
Test free: 8.5
LH: 4.6
FSH: 5.7
Estradiol: 17.9

It seems as if my LH and FSH along with my estrogen are in range although maybe slightly lower than they should
However I am obviously very upset that my testosterone level is so low

The test I ordered was 'hormone panel with F&T testosterone LC/MS- MS'
Other than the results above I'm not sure how to read the rest so if any of the vets on here could help me understand why the two numbers below are high it would be greatly appreciated.

Comp metabolic panel:
BUN: 23
BUN/creatine ratio 20

At this point I am curious if I should see my doctor and attempt to get on trt or maybe I could run another strong nolva clomid pct. I know I'm 21 and I do want to have kids at some point however I'm not sure what to do with how low my test level is at.
Please if anyone can give me advice or direction here I know I am not a regular on this board but I have been an avid reader for a long time. This board is the only one I trust and the only place I can go for help in this situation.
You are way to young to be thinking TRT, you just have to give it some time for your balls to start working again.
I'm surprised you have as much test as you do considering you started as a teenager.
wait it out,
So I'm 21 years old and I have ran 5 cycles starting when I was 17. I was young and dumb but I wasn't reckless

Sorry fella but running AAS when you are only SEVENTEEN is by definition RECKLESS!

TRT forget it now, bc at age 21 standard PCT recovery using SERMS (as you did previously) would remain the best option especially if you "want kids"!

The BUN and BUN/Creat ratio are of no concern per say.
Well thank you both for replying and giving me advice.

I have ran 5 cycles on and off usually one per year my last cycle ended 10 weeks ago.

Should I run another clomid/nolva pct or simply wait it out?
Since your LH and FSH are at the high end of normal I don't think SERMs will do much for you. Vitamin D is probably a good idea
Currently taking
- 10,000 ius of vitamin d3
- 825 tribulus
- 800 eurycoma longifali

Hoping that this will help boost t
Gonna get bloods in 6 weeks
My 2cents.

I would personally run another pct, and redo bloods until you have fully recovered.

Did you get bloods before cycling to have a baseline?
Currently taking
- 10,000 ius of vitamin d3
- 825 tribulus
- 800 eurycoma longifali

Hoping that this will help boost t
Gonna get bloods in 6 weeks

Unless your Vit D is grossly depressed and that alteration is believed to be responsible for your "low T", (which is obviously NOT the case) perhaps but otherwise you are pissing into the wind and needlessly emptying your wallet for supplements of this nature.

Why don't you spend some of that "supplement" money on those things which can aid your recovery such as obtaining an LH and TT level!
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Tbh, no it was only an idea I put a maybe at the beginning of that statement claiming that I certainly was not sure. And I think just about anyone here other than a doctor (who has practiced with others with the same problem) would be shooting in the dark. I mean he already ran hcg nolva and clomid.

I'd love to her your opinion Dr Jim.
My 2cents.

I would personally run another pct, and redo bloods until you have fully recovered.

Did you get bloods before cycling to have a baseline?

More than likely this will be the route I ultimately take

100/75/75/50 clomid
40/20/20/20 Nolva

Unless your Vit D is grossly depressed and that alteration is believed to be responsible for your "low T", (which is obviously NOT the case) perhaps but otherwise you are pissing into the wind and needlessly emptying your wallet for supplements of this nature.

Why don't you spend some of that "supplement" money on those things which can aid your recovery such as obtaining an LH and TT level!

Thank you for the informational response

So with that being said a clomid/Nolva regimen would be more beneficial?
I though you said you ran a " good strong PCT" plus you were not being reckless... so what happen?

21yr and only 343 test level...heck my natural test level's higher then you and I am 43yr! Dude, all I can say is good luck and hope you can recover!
I though you said you ran a " good strong PCT" plus you were not being reckless... so what happen?

21yr and only 343 test level...heck my natural test level's higher then you and I am 43yr! Dude, all I can say is good luck and hope you can recover!

Maybe was pct was bunk?
But I have always ran at the very least Nolva or clomid and my past two cylcles have been both Nolva and clomid with hcg last 6 weeks of cycle