Hematocrit 51% and short of breath. Donate blood?

Let me also suggest the fears of many OC would undercut existing private sector competition has not come to fruition in part bc many of the same individual plans offered at the Gov HC site are still available thru the SAME VENDORS.

The only difference, a governmental
subsidy is applied to those who qualify
but companies like BC/BS STILL receive the same private sector premium rate.

The gent I was referring to paid $1670.00 directly to BC / BS while the government funded the remainder.
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We shall see what happens bc "gutting" OC will fix nothing.

For example OC changed the pre-existing illness rule many insurers ABUSED as an excuse to deny coverage for any ailment
until premiums were paid for ONE YEAR!

And briefly this is how that was done
- tomorrow you injure your shoulder and go to your Doc who
orders X-rays and conducts an exam

- your final DX is a shoulder sprain which you tolerate having periods of pain intermittently

- it's all good and yCHANGE jobs some 4 mos later bc of much better pay or whatever

- well unfortunately HEALTH INSURANCE is usually NOT transferable, with each employer carrying different plans and different coverage

- fast forward 3 mos into your new job and you sustain a Rotator cuff tear!

--- you apply for surgical preapproval thru your NEW employer health insurance company and are OUT OF LUCK bc you have a PRE-EXISTING condition !

- surprise surprise surprise bc those money mongering peanut counting minions were once allowed to cite "a pre-existing conditio" as a reason to deny coverage, for up to ONE YEAR!

- Obama care eliminated that provision. ----- but here's the problem. Some patients will pay premiums for a month or two, and have all their elective testing or procedures conducted during that interval and then DROP the plan!

- this was the catch 22 that led most insurance companies to institute high deductible and co-insurance plans, as doing so "forced" patients to pay out of pocket expenses FIRST, rather than on a prorated basis, before their carrier pays squat!
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