where did I mention I’m the manufacturer? We have a large crew that we trust. There are a few docs, lab workers, label designers etc. here’s an example of Test E 400 made with castor oil. It’s a bit yellower than some pharma brand castor oil, but there are so many grades as we found out, and it’s extremely difficult and expensive to get the specific transparent grade of it Bayer uses. This one is pharmaceutical grade also.@HermesLabs you dont know what carrier oils are in your own ugl products off the top of your head? Pull yourself together man.
I’ve contacted our crew and they will change labels so that next batch mentions which oil is used on every single product label.
It says 250, but it was made specifically for a few IFBB pros to try out higher dose made with castor oil. I was lucky enough to get my hands on it as well. New labels will say 400, you can also blind test the shit out of it. We have one of the best raw suppliers out there.
Chemists and docs choose which carrier oil to used once they get back to me (today) I’ll update the list.
And yes, we’re aware of a typo “Enanenthats” on the label. This was a trial batch only to run a few different raws and test them for ourselves.
The product and test results for us were flawless. Even at 400 mg 0 pip, 0 inflammation, feels like injecting Rimo to me. And if you have inflammation of a lot of PIP from “real” Rimo, you’re either getting generic Rimo or not being sterile or have hypersensitivity to the compound or carrier oil or the solvent.
This comment is from the doc, just quoting.