HGH Anything you wish you knew before you got started?

I´m thinking the same. At what dose you feel it work best and you take it all at night or do you preferr spreading it out on the day?

I’m at 4IUs and don’t plan to go any higher. Started at 2iu back in late May and slowly built up. I use it before bed and have zero complaints
I’ve referenced studies and backed up my points,

No, you haven’t. You’ve made wild assertions based on feels and posted tangentially related studies.

it’s a viable option for some, particularly when used alongside GH

I’ll ask for the third or fourth time. Do you have any evidence that MK-677 does anything at all when the pituitary gland is already shutdown from the presence of exogenous HGH?
Because generic HGH would cost me money

Poor confirmed. If you’re too poor for unbelievably affordable gh then you’re too poor to be doing any of these drugs. I’d focus on a job before I focus on increasing your drug intake.

For the rest of you reading, unlike poor guy DugPrime, if you want to maximize you igf1 and you’re already on hgh, you’re in luck because it’s as easy as adding more hgh into your cycle! Rather than messing around with research chemicals that have had human studies on them canceled due to fear of it promoting congenital heart failure, just add more good old fashioned hgh into your routine!
Cool data point. Where's the baseline (negative control)? How do we know what the MK did for you?
Yea so you see that was long ago have to check my private messages and computer by memory 212 then one year after MK-677 when starting yet rhGH measured like 280 no clue whether MK permanenty increased my IGF-1 or just a coincidentally higher number. Please keep in mind you read my posts I am not recommending MK and have changed my mind on it long ago rhGH is orders of magnitude superior choice.
I'm poor because I choose pharmaceutical somatropin, covered by my insurance, over your shitty chinese HGH?

1) I really don’t believe you’re getting over a replacement dose from a doctor or that it’s covered by insurance. You don’t have aids. otherwise you’d be on 16 or 18iu, and I’ve never heard of insurance covering it for anything else for adults. Unless this is admitting you’re a child it’s a cute lie.

2) That’s not what you’re doing anyway! lol! You’re using poor children drugs like mk677 instead of Chinese genetics! Yes, that makes you poor and dumb!

throw a few BDNF drugs in your stack.

It’s pretty funny the way you keep saying things confirming your Info is coming from YouTube and Reddit.
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Yea so you see that was long ago have to check my private messages and computer by memory 212 then one year after MK-677 when starting yet rhGH measured like 280 no clue whether MK permanenty increased my IGF-1 or just a coincidentally higher number. Please keep in mind you read my posts I am not recommending MK and have changed my mind on it long ago rhGH is orders of magnitude superior choice.
Thanks for the follow up. Wasn't trying to challenge just understand better the data point in context. Appreciate the tip.
1) I really don’t believe you’re getting over a replacement dose from a doctor or that it’s covered by insurance. You don’t have aids. otherwise you’d be on 18iu, and I’ve never heard of insurance covering it for anyone else. It’s a cute lie though.

2) That’s not what you’re doing anyway! lol! You’re using poor children drugs like mk677 instead of Chinese genetics lol,
Yeah, a replacement dose is 18iu, you're right.

I've already mentioned six times how much HGH I was on; if you still can't read it, we wouldn't be surprised I guess.

Yeah, a replacement dose is 18iu

A replacement dose is usually under 3iu, that’s why I think you’re not getting anything prescribed by a doctor. The only adults getting hgh prescribed *and covered by insurance* are aids wasting patients, and they are on 16–18iu. So again, not you.

Simply, I’m saying you are a liar. You are not getting it prescribed, and you’re not getting it covered by insurance.

My guess is this lie is to cover up the fact I’ve correctly guessed you’re a poor child unable to get real hgh.
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A replacement dose is usually under 3iu, that’s why I think you’re not getting anything prescribed by a doctor. The only adults getting hgh prescribed *and covered by insurance* are aids wasting patients, and they are on 16–18iu. So again, not you.

Simply, I’m saying you are a liar. You are not getting it prescribed, and you’re not getting it covered by insurance.

My guess is this lie is to cover up the fact I’ve correctly guessed you’re a poor child unable to get real hgh.

Honestly, I won't run GH because it's extremely expensive.

What did you come down with in the last 12 months? Or what does your Doc put down for your ICD-10 code on insurance? You of course had a GH stim test too, correct?

To lazy to build linking quote.
I get pharmaceutical somatropin (4iu before bed, year round), fully covered by my insurance.
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why the fuck you even talk about doubling the dose you fucking retard

Did you notice me chastising others earlier in the thread for being cruel and insulting of your intelligence? I regret that now.

When there’s a host of reasonable people questioning your conclusions and offering an alternative to your reasoning and basically illustrating that they have no idea what the fuck you’re on about, then Occam’s razor should tell you where the problem lies.
First off, there's no need to get hostile—I’ve referenced studies and backed up my points, not just thrown around opinions. I never claimed MK-677 is superior to GH, just that it’s a viable option for some, particularly when used alongside GH, which I’ve personally done with great results. The studies I mentioned were relevant, and though they often focus on older or deficient populations, they show clear efficacy in raising GH/IGF-1 levels, which is what I was addressing.

You’re also missing the point on the steady GH levels MK-677 provides—it’s about optimizing recovery and sleep, not creating massive IGF-1 spikes alone. Managing insulin resistance is easy with proper strategies (e.g., metformin, GLP-1 agonists), so that doesn’t invalidate the benefits of MK-677. I never claimed it’s the ultimate choice for everyone, just that it can work well in specific contexts when combined with insulin, and AAS.

Lastly, I don’t need to convince anyone—I share what works based on experience and research. If you’re satisfied with your approach, that’s great, but don't dismiss MK-677 just because it doesn’t suit your preference. People use different protocols for different reasons, and there’s no one-size-fits-all.
Now you are changing your stance and back peddling. Poor form bud. Good luck to you.