HGH Dosing Time

Lean meat, rice, fruit, green vegetables

Never ever eat fast food or processed foods
If you want to look and feel like an average American Walmart shopper then eat like them
If you want to look and feel like a bodybuilder then you must eat a bodybuilding diet
Drugs and HgH will not make up for a shit diet. Taking gear and HGh with a shit diet will produce side effects and shit results.
Hope that helps

Me personally I only eat chicken breast, rice, egg whites, fruit, green vegetables, supplement EFA’s
Intra workout meal is EAS and Cyclic Dextrin paired with HLog insulin
I never have a “cheat” meal
I never eat an item not listed above
Appreciate your response.
was it a positive change or negative change? Did blood glucose get better or worse on split dose?
it was better for me taking at night, split doses were ok but i am a couple points lower from 91-95 down to 89-92 with one bolus , The more i mess around with dose protocol the more i realize how important water, diet, cardio comes into play