Masteron - severe negative side affects at low dose long term ?

I've been taking mast for the majority of 2024 and have had zero issues. Ran it at 250mg a week but have recently upped to 500mg. I run it 1:1 with test so currently on 500test and 500mast. I've only seen it impact my lipids and hct but both are easily controlled with hydration and statins/fish oil.
I started similar. Ran 500 test solo for months now but added in 400mg of Mast E a couple weeks ago.
Anything particular that you’ve noticed, I know it’s only been a couple weeks tho …
Not really but I've heard the longer acting esters take 4 weeks to really notice anything.

Well one thing I noticed is stronger erections. Believe it or not. Oh and I immediately started sleeping only 4 hours a night. But then again when I started TRT and then titrated up, each time my sleep got affected but my body eventually got used to it and I slept normal.