Did you reach your natty potential?

I was actually talking to my cousins about this, one regrets not diving into gear when he was younger; then he could’ve at least had the time and probably the constitution to push the dosages because of youth. Now, nearing 50, he doesn’t have that leeway anymore plus there’s only few more years to push the training for muscle gains.

In comparison one cousin who I consider a little bit reckless, got to the size he wanted before 30 and is now just cruising at trt doses, blasts once in a while while following a mediocre diet and training plan but already has decades of holding the muscle mass that he’s not gonna shrink easily.
I don't know how to really answer this question.

I trained my whole life natty, from starting at age 17. I hit 300/400/500 natty.

It was only when my body betrayed me in my mid-40s and I had to go on TRT because my HPTA no longer made its own Test that I thought "Fuck it, lost my natty-card, might as well see what all the fuss is about" and started cycling.

In My Opinion, guys should stay natty as long as they can so they learn how to train, recover, and eat properly.

If you know all that and THEN add steroids, you're going to do great.

Almost every young guy I've known who started using early in his career doesn't stick with it for the long haul. Maybe not every guy who starts early, but certainly most quit working out after a couple of years.
I don’t know I thought I reached just about my genetic potential, especially as fare as athleticism speed power ect Mabe not leanness, @ 6’3 in the 220’s I did a total around 1,110 1,200 pounds. I could even do a shit ton of push ups 70ish and pull ups 16-20 straight peak natty, while having a decent 40 yard and could finish 5k jog non stop.
I posted a pic and got roasted lol. I guess I was still skinny fat. Makes me scared to post a pic of me on gear.
I was an AAU Powerlifter in my late teens to Mid-20's.
So, my 1st Cycle was at 25.
I was looking to put on weight to jump into the 220 Lbs. Class.
I had lifted in the 198 Lb. class since my teens, and just couldn't put on the weight.
That's another thing I learned, along with Training the Body.
You need to train your Stomach to get down the extra Calories............JP