Anyone here who has used, or know of family/friends who have used Growth to treat Fibromyalgia and or Chronic pain syndrome? Current treatment protocols involve SSRIS and strong Pain killers including Opioids...not exactly ideal healthy long term options!
Evidence exists of a strong link between low Igf-1 levels and Fibro. Growth Hormone response to exercise is also shown to be inadequate, resulting in slower/non existent recovery and healing of muscles, ligaments, tendons. Despite this Hgh is not medically approved for this condition atm. To anyone trying to bodybuild it's fxxxing lousy! Here is one study, can link more but interested anyone's personal experiences, if any.Growth hormone as concomitant treatment in severe fibromyalgia associated with low IGF-1 serum levels. A pilot study
Evidence exists of a strong link between low Igf-1 levels and Fibro. Growth Hormone response to exercise is also shown to be inadequate, resulting in slower/non existent recovery and healing of muscles, ligaments, tendons. Despite this Hgh is not medically approved for this condition atm. To anyone trying to bodybuild it's fxxxing lousy! Here is one study, can link more but interested anyone's personal experiences, if any.Growth hormone as concomitant treatment in severe fibromyalgia associated with low IGF-1 serum levels. A pilot study