Hgh for Pain relief in Fibromyalgia?


Anyone here who has used, or know of family/friends who have used Growth to treat Fibromyalgia and or Chronic pain syndrome? Current treatment protocols involve SSRIS and strong Pain killers including Opioids...not exactly ideal healthy long term options!
Evidence exists of a strong link between low Igf-1 levels and Fibro. Growth Hormone response to exercise is also shown to be inadequate, resulting in slower/non existent recovery and healing of muscles, ligaments, tendons. Despite this Hgh is not medically approved for this condition atm. To anyone trying to bodybuild it's fxxxing lousy! Here is one study, can link more but interested anyone's personal experiences, if any.Growth hormone as concomitant treatment in severe fibromyalgia associated with low IGF-1 serum levels. A pilot study
I am not sure about Gh but I have heard of people with thyroid issues getting major relief from taking T3 to an optimal level. I am referring to Fibromyalgia.
Lots of evidence of a HPTA issue for sure. Maybe I should just go on a Hardcore BB cycle with Aas, Gh , Insulin the whole package and see if that helps! Will investigate T3 further, thanks for the advice mate.
I am not sure about Gh but I have heard of people with thyroid issues getting major relief from taking T3 to an optimal level. I am referring to Fibromyalgia.
so many people think hgh is some kind of miracle drug.
it is not the fountain of youth and it s not a magic healer.
Couldn't agree more. Too many people look to Gh as a cure all from everything from receding grey hair to backpain & everything else between! But there are studies that show a link between impaired Gh response & Fibro, it's still a work in progress for sure. Thanks for your input. Here's another study, interesting stuff. The growth hormone (GH)-releasing hormone-GH-insulin-like growth factor-1 axis in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome. - PubMed - NCBI
Similar topic came up on UG so I'll share my response for those interested:

Testosterone itself has also been shown to aid fibromyalgia. The hypothesis seems to be that low T = low E = low opiate-mediated dampening of nociceptive signals = chronic, widespreadpain. So basically, it's an issue that stems from funky brain signalling (rather than purely cortisol driven - adaptive hypocortisolism - which is what most do/did believe):
Treatment of pain in fibromyalgia patients with testosterone gel: Pharmacokinetics and clinical response. - PubMed - NCBI
A novel use for testosterone to treat central sensitization of chronic pain in fibromyalgia patients. - PubMed - NCBI

So yes, certainly seems to indicate an HPTA role. Also note that there is correlation data showing nutrient deficiencies (Vit D, calcium, zinc, etc) in women with the condition so that play some sort of a role too. Its interesting, though preliminary, stuff.
I don't know how I missed this study, I thought I had read absolutely everything on Hgh/Fibro on PubMed! Though the study related to women only ( 80-90% of fibromyalgia sufferers are women ) the results, that Gh treatment helps resolve many of the symptoms of Fibromyalgia seems quite conclusive, and would seem to apply to both sexes. The carpal tunnel issue side effect sounds familiar ;) I am one of the unlucky 10-20% of guys with this, should have mentioned that in the Op. I used to love working out, now can still lift ( lighter ) weights but extremely injury prone and take ages to recover from just one workout. Constant pain 7/8 out of 10, only received by strong painkillers...This has severly impacted every aspect of my life for nearly 20 years, but still try to stay positive, do cardio and lift through the pain. On Trt ( Sustanon 100mg pw ) which has helped a lot, but not enough. Done Deca D in the hope it would 'help joints' but never ever done a Gh cycle...maybe now is the time to try! Thanks for posting this Mands & hope this information may be of help to others too
Similar topic came up on UG so I'll share my response for those interested:

Testosterone itself has also been shown to aid fibromyalgia. The hypothesis seems to be that low T = low E = low opiate-mediated dampening of nociceptive signals = chronic, widespreadpain. So basically, it's an issue that stems from funky brain signalling (rather than purely cortisol driven - adaptive hypocortisolism - which is what most do/did believe):
Treatment of pain in fibromyalgia patients with testosterone gel: Pharmacokinetics and clinical response. - PubMed - NCBI
A novel use for testosterone to treat central sensitization of chronic pain in fibromyalgia patients. - PubMed - NCBI

So yes, certainly seems to indicate an HPTA role. Also note that there is correlation data showing nutrient deficiencies (Vit D, calcium, zinc, etc) in women with the condition so that play some sort of a role too. Its interesting, though preliminary, stuff.
Thanks for this, much appreciated.
Anyone here who has used, or know of family/friends who have used Growth to treat Fibromyalgia and or Chronic pain syndrome? Current treatment protocols involve SSRIS and strong Pain killers including Opioids...not exactly ideal healthy long term options!
Evidence exists of a strong link between low Igf-1 levels and Fibro. Growth Hormone response to exercise is also shown to be inadequate, resulting in slower/non existent recovery and healing of muscles, ligaments, tendons. Despite this Hgh is not medically approved for this condition atm. To anyone trying to bodybuild it's fxxxing lousy! Here is one study, can link more but interested anyone's personal experiences, if any.Growth hormone as concomitant treatment in severe fibromyalgia associated with low IGF-1 serum levels. A pilot study
See if you can find the study text on T3 for fibromyalgia
anecdotal evidence says T3 DOES work for FM