I have searched around and I can't find a clear answer, if you run insulin fast acting humalog novorapid etc those one, pre and post WO, do you time your HGH with insulin or it doesn't matter and you can take it before bed for example?
the timing of the insulin is very important but what about the HGH timing? for example let's say 10IU HGH. all before bed? 5IU prewo and 5IU postwo?
Is it just preference or there is a big difference when you take your HGH while injecting insulin?
the timing of the insulin is very important but what about the HGH timing? for example let's say 10IU HGH. all before bed? 5IU prewo and 5IU postwo?
Is it just preference or there is a big difference when you take your HGH while injecting insulin?