HGH Manufacturer

I gotta tell you...I haven't heard your name brought up at all by anyone. Do you perhaps have an alternate handle?
no (I'd guess admins can check for alt accounts via IP or something anyways), I'm not sure what motive mands has for calling me out either but it sure puts me on the defensive.
no (I'd guess admins can check for alt accounts via IP or something anyways), I'm not sure what motive mands has for calling me out either but it sure puts me on the defensive.

Millard doesn't interfere here unless something is breaking the rules. Threats, inappropriate pictures ect.

The reason you in specific were called out is because you were shitting on members legitimate complaints against sources who were scamming. But at the same time literally giving a "good to go" on Hilma's thread. You must admit that looks pretty suspicious. Especially when Hilma has been caught with contaminated gear by Anabolic Labs as well as caught faking lab reports. That looks like a little more than a "unbiased" opinion. If you had been straight about what was going on none of this would happen. Instead you threw accusations. People get vindictive if we have to waste our time digging to find what's going on in our community as opposed to having a 5 min PM and squaring it away.

A GTG is never accepted here! It can fucking harm people.

What would have happened if you gave a gtg and newbies took you at you word and pinned contaminated gear(lol Hilma) ? We dont give gtg so people have to do their own research and in the end that lessens the potential harm.

My source has always treated me well, provided testing and I have amazing results. I would NEVER give a gtg! They could be selectively scamming or maybe a few weeks later someone pins a floater!
as well as caught faking lab reports.
I think you're confusing them with another lab but I'm not sure, can you double check?

I don't see any point arguing with the rest of your post as it logically follows your belief/dogma/worldview of 'never vouch for any source being gtg'
If I understand correctly based on your linked posts, steroaas.is had hilma products tested via lab4tox and posted those labtests on their website, right? or are you saying hilma claimed they had sent products to lab4tox directly? I feel like I'm missing a crucial element, are there any labtests of hilma products showing them to be bunk or underdosed and were henceforth faked or anything like that?
If I understand correctly based on your linked posts, steroaas.is had hilma products tested via lab4tox and posted those labtests on their website, right? or are you saying hilma claimed they had sent products to lab4tox directly? I feel like I'm missing a crucial element, are there any labtests of hilma products showing them to be bunk or underdosed and were henceforth faked or anything like that?

The certificate was issued to another website. Not Hilma. The test was positive for dose ect. I don't believe contamination was part of that certificate
The certificate was issued to another website. Not Hilma. The test was positive for dose ect. I don't believe contamination was part of that certificate
yea hence I don't get the fake part, as steroaas.is gets lots of brands they resell on their website tested (the way they feature labtests is pretty cool / no I've never bought from them).

going a step further, there have been fights about this and that labs methods not being up to par / producing accurate results, which is a whole other can of worms.

I don't have an issue with the internal logic of your belief system as it's more to meso's taste certainly so I'm good with removing my own beliefs and person from the website.
But here's the thing @wildfuchs . You are talking to members in PM about reselling products and soliciting them.

So, don't try and play innocent gearwolf.

Some tried these vials. I will throw some feedback and results. I sell abroad. I don't hope any bad reviews on what i m selling.