HGH with Trenbolone


New Member
Hey guys--

I am about to start using HGH for the first time. While I want to get cut, I also want to get a little bigger (only 2-3 kilo more). A friend recommended using Tren with HGH (and arimidex)... but he says using Test isn't necessary. This doesn't sound right to me... I've always heard Test with Tren is a MUST but I've never used HGH, so I thought I would turn to you guys.

Is it okay to use HGH with Tren only?
If not, what stack would you recommmend to use with HGH?
Is post cycle necessary?

I finished a cycle back in March and I was pretty happy. I just want to get cut (and gain 2-3 kilos more if possible)

What are your thoughts on doing only HGH?

Thanks in advance
You can get away with no Test for a while, but in general you want at least a small dose in there.
To meet my goals, my friend recommended 5 weeks of HGH stacked with Tren... but he says Test and post-cycle aren't necessary since I'll be using arimidex...

Like I said, first time HGH user-- so I want to be sure I'm doing it right...
To meet my goals, my friend recommended 5 weeks of HGH stacked with Tren... but he says Test and post-cycle aren't necessary since I'll be using arimidex...

Like I said, first time HGH user-- so I want to be sure I'm doing it right...

The use of HGH is mostly irrelevant here. It's good, just use it!

The issue is whether you can get away without Test and just use Tren. As I say you can certainly get away with it for a while, a week, three weeks perhaps. Who knows. But eventually you will need Test in there to feel good, and provide estrogen which is a neccesary part of your hormonal profile. The amount of Test you need, can be determined by goal. You sound like you have modest goals, so just stick 150-250 test in there. You'll be fine.

Regarding arimidex, if your friend is really suggesting you can take no aromatising agents and still use arimidex on top of that for weeks... I'm sorry man, but he doesn't sound like he knows wtf he's talking about. That's insane. You'll feel like utter shit for no benefit.
To meet my goals, my friend recommended 5 weeks of HGH stacked with Tren... but he says Test and post-cycle aren't necessary since I'll be using arimidex

Sounds like your friend is an idiot. IMO running hgh for 5 weeks is pointless. You should run at least a low dose of test with the tren. And you do need to pct. Arimidex on cycle will not help you restore your natural production afterwards
I really appreciate the feedback. I agree with all of this-- Tren minus Test is a bad idea, just as I suspected.

However, I'm not sure I entirely agree with the comments that say 5 weeks is a waste...
A different friend used HGH only for five weeks and he looked great-- I could see a big difference. maybe you guys envision a huge change... no-- I mainly want to lose the little bump of fat that still hangs around my abs...
based on his results, I think I would look waaaay too cut with my current bod

If I only used HGH for five weeks, would I need to take anything after completion (Post cycle therapy)?
I'm thinking I will use the HGH for a few weeks, and then decide if I want to continue with more HGH, Tren and Test.

What do you guys think of this?
I really appreciate the feedback. I agree with all of this-- Tren minus Test is a bad idea, just as I suspected.

However, I'm not sure I entirely agree with the comments that say 5 weeks is a waste...
A different friend used HGH only for five weeks and he looked great-- I could see a big difference. maybe you guys envision a huge change... no-- I mainly want to lose the little bump of fat that still hangs around my abs...
based on his results, I think I would look waaaay too cut with my current bod

If I only used HGH for five weeks, would I need to take anything after completion (Post cycle therapy)?
I'm thinking I will use the HGH for a few weeks, and then decide if I want to continue with more HGH, Tren and Test.

What do you guys think of this?

Personally I'll go against the grain and say I don't agree with the majority here on HGH. Real HGH will exert it's effects straight away.

If you set up your fat loss cycle correctly, the HGH can have an additive effect on fat loss even for a brief period of 5 weeks.
Only a fool would recommend that you to run Tren only (with or without hGH) Who is this friend of yours, Sworder? Do not run any AAS cycle without a testosterone base to replenish your endogenous testosterone.

Furthermore, if your goal is to simply lose a bit of fat around your love handles and gain a couple of kilos, eat healthier. Dont rely on hGH, that's ridiculous. 5 weeks of hGH will only serve to stimulate you mentally and perhaps provide a better nights sleep, but that's it. Nothing permanent. And punch your friend in throat next time you see him for dolling out shitty advice.
I really appreciate the feedback. I agree with all of this-- Tren minus Test is a bad idea, just as I suspected.

However, I'm not sure I entirely agree with the comments that say 5 weeks is a waste...
A different friend used HGH only for five weeks and he looked great-- I could see a big difference. maybe you guys envision a huge change... no-- I mainly want to lose the little bump of fat that still hangs around my abs...
based on his results, I think I would look waaaay too cut with my current bod

If I only used HGH for five weeks, would I need to take anything after completion (Post cycle therapy)?
I'm thinking I will use the HGH for a few weeks, and then decide if I want to continue with more HGH, Tren and Test.

What do you guys think of this?
How much experience do you have with hgh? In 5 weeks here's what you'll get from gh; a better night's sleep and a bunch of bloat from it's initial water gain effects. You won't lose fat, you won't build muscle, take that money and flush it down the toilet because that's what you're doing by only using HGH for 5 weeks. I'm trying to keep you from wasting your money my man
Hey guys--

I am about to start using HGH for the first time. While I want to get cut, I also want to get a little bigger (only 2-3 kilo more). A friend recommended using Tren with HGH (and arimidex)... but he says using Test isn't necessary. This doesn't sound right to me... I've always heard Test with Tren is a MUST but I've never used HGH, so I thought I would turn to you guys.

Is it okay to use HGH with Tren only?
If not, what stack would you recommmend to use with HGH?
Is post cycle necessary?

I finished a cycle back in March and I was pretty happy. I just want to get cut (and gain 2-3 kilos more if possible)

What are your thoughts on doing only HGH?

Thanks in advance
Is it possible to do a cycle without test? Absolutely. Is it recommend or even optimal? Absolutely not. Low test high tren and hgh is a great cycle for cutting.
If you already have the gh save it
Get more and build yourslef a beautiful stack and start it when you have everything ready to go
Tren is great with gh...the more the merrier but have atleast a trt dose of test in there. Keep the anti e's as low as possible.
Also I'm a firm believer you shouldn't use gh without insulin...it doesn't have to be big doses either. Small doses of insulin can greatly aid in IGF conversion.
Personally I'll go against the grain and say I don't agree with the majority here on HGH. Real HGH will exert it's effects straight away.

If you set up your fat loss cycle correctly, the HGH can have an additive effect on fat loss even for a brief period of 5 weeks.
I don't know if I totally agree with this statement. Yes, I agree GH effects can be noticed in a much shorter time than most think.

I just don't see in 5 weeks it will have much added benefits other than lowering triglyceride levels and water weight.

I could be missing something here.

I don't know if I totally agree with this statement. Yes, I agree GH effects can be noticed in a much shorter time than most think.

I just don't see in 5 weeks it will have much added benefits other than lowering triglyceride levels and water weight.

I could be missing something here.


Strictly speaking from a fat loss perspective. The way GH exerts it's lipolysis effects has been very well studied at this point. We know maximum effective doses, we know the environment it needs to exert these effects, we can even extrapolate from that additive compounds and activity to enhance this. All to create a protocol for maximum fat loss.
Strictly speaking from a fat loss perspective. The way GH exerts it's lipolysis effects has been very well studied at this point. We know maximum effective doses, we know the environment it needs to exert these effects, we can even extrapolate from that additive compounds and activity to enhance this. All to create a protocol for maximum fat loss.
I agree with you on short term effects on lipolysis. What are those percentages that have been studied on lipolysis when adding gh? And does that percentage warrant a gh run for 5 weeks as far as cost and other PED's or even just hard work could obtain?

This type of information is benefial to the reader trying to make an educated decision.



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