HGH with Trenbolone

I agree with you on short term effects on lipolysis. What are those percentages that have been studied on lipolysis when adding gh? And does that percentage warrant a gh run for 5 weeks as far as cost and other PED's or even just hard work could obtain?

This type of information is benefial to the reader trying to make an educated decision.


Well now we're delving into very individual territory. The "is it worth it" question can only be answered by the individual.

For me, yes it is worth it.
I really appreciate the feedback. I agree with all of this-- Tren minus Test is a bad idea, just as I suspected.

However, I'm not sure I entirely agree with the comments that say 5 weeks is a waste...
A different friend used HGH only for five weeks and he looked great-- I could see a big difference. maybe you guys envision a huge change... no-- I mainly want to lose the little bump of fat that still hangs around my abs...
based on his results, I think I would look waaaay too cut with my current bod

If I only used HGH for five weeks, would I need to take anything after completion (Post cycle therapy)?
I'm thinking I will use the HGH for a few weeks, and then decide if I want to continue with more HGH, Tren and Test.

What do you guys think of this?

If you do take the HGH, I would run Mk677 + GHRH + GHRP to get your somatotropic cells and pituitary gland going again once you are finished with the HGH.

There is a debate as to whether HGH suppresses your andogenous production, but I wouldn't risk it and I would run this kind of "HGH PCT"
Well now we're delving into very individual territory. The "is it worth it" question can only be answered by the individual.

For me, yes it is worth it.
Did you ever find any studies on a short term GH run and effects on lipolysis? Or any other benefits for short term runs?

This is just 'mode of action' stuff which can be found in medical textbooks.

@ChestRockwell has done a lot more leg work in terms of connecting the dots, and extrapolating that to fit our outcomes as muscle hungry meatheads.
I have found a few studies. I just always want more :)

@ChestRockwell help a brother out on this one. I'm still not sold on a short GH run as far as efficiency and effectiveness.

I have found a few studies. I just always want more :)

@ChestRockwell help a brother out on this one. I'm still not sold on a short GH run as far as efficiency and effectiveness.


Just as a purely for interest, n=1 account if you're interested... I'm running a fairly heavy gh/slin run which I'll be documenting in my log over on BnC. The first week is almost over and the first update will be tomorrow.
Just as a purely for interest, n=1 account if you're interested... I'm running a fairly heavy gh/slin run which I'll be documenting in my log over on BnC. The first week is almost over and the first update will be tomorrow.
I will check it out man. Thank you!

Well, the OP was trying to warrant a 5 week GH run to maximize some muscle gain. The thread kind of took a turn and we were talking about fat loss with a short term run.

To me there are more efficient ways as far as a return on my money if spent elsewhere. Which in turn, I wanted to know actual numbers(percentage) or effectiveness on fat loss during a 5 weeks run.

If that makes sense.

I really need to see some studies showing what percentage on lipolysis/fat break down in a 5 weeks span with the use of GH.


Yeah the hypertrophy process, in and of itself, is very methodical and time consuming so the additive effects rHGH would provide would likely be somewhat insignificant in such a short timeframe (especially since it isn't a direct contributor to the process).

Fat loss is more of an interesting question, however. It is well established that GH is a potent lipolytic-regulator, with lipolysis stimulated within an hour of injection. However lipolysis and actual fat loss are two completely independent things and the body of literature on rHGH for treating obesity is far from conclusive in this regard. despite going back over forty years. Some show actual fat loss, many do not. They all uniformly show significant rises in serum FFA levels and lowered nitrogen deficits though. This is because, simply stated, GH's primary metabolic role is mobilizing fat substrates and conserving glucose and protein stores.

If you want one specifically in the five week realm, check out Jorgensen et al (1994) who treated obese female subjects for exactly this amount of time and found a significant reduction in total fat mass and LPL activity.

My personal feelings are that GH needs to be run a very particular way to ensure maximal lipolytic potential. Many trials administer GH without any real concern over dosing or timing, which is a serious confounder in my eyes. If done properly, significant fat loss can be achieved in five weeks, if not less.

Jørgensen JO, Pedersen SB, Børglum J, Møller N, Schmitz O, Christiansen JS, Richelsen B. Fuel metabolism, energy expenditure, and thyroid function in growth hormone-treated obese women: a double-blind placebo-controlled study. Metabolism. 1994 Jul;43(7):872-7
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To meet my goals, my friend recommended 5 weeks of HGH stacked with Tren... but he says Test and post-cycle aren't necessary since I'll be using arimidex...

Like I said, first time HGH user-- so I want to be sure I'm doing it right...
Putting anything in your body without even a basic understanding of what it will do to you isn't the right way. Step one is realizing your friend probably has downs syndrome. Step two is to start reading everything you can on hormone replacement, the necessity of an aromatizing compound when using suppressive anabolics and how crazy it is to trust your health to whatever random internet douche decides to answer a thread on a Friday night.

Hgh makes absolutely no difference to the necessity of pct and the inevitability of your estrogen bottoming out.